The girl standing at the door looked to be no more than eleven or twelve years old, small in stature, clad in a warm white thick coat. A slight steam rose from her woollen hat—she seemed to have run all the way here. She was still panting when she saw Morris but quickly, a bright smile blossomed on her face.
"Are you Grandpa Morris? Mom asked me to bring this over," she extended her hand, handing over a key, "It's the key to the basement. Mom said she forgot to give it to you when she left."
"Ah, thank you, girl," Morris came to his senses and took the key while nodding, "Come in and warm up, shall we?"
The girl was just about to speak when Duncan's voice suddenly rang out from behind Morris, tinged with a hint of surprise, "Annie?"
His gaze shifted past the elderly scholar, staring somewhat astounded at the girl standing at the door.
That was indeed Annie Barbey—the daughter of Cristo Barbey, the captain of the Obsidian.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: