
The Nightmare of Lust

[A/N: Please do not misinterpret the chapter's title: character-related NTR themes will [never] be in any of my novels. Period. No exceptions. My anxiety can't cope.

These chapters are nightmares where Evalyn faces her greatest fear: that feeling positive emotions will turn her into a terrible person and destroy her life. The nightmares don't reflect her inner personality; they're extreme illusions drawing out emotions outside her control. The trial is coping with the emotions they illicit.

These chapters profoundly impact her happiness and relationship with Kaze. Overall, the chapters are positive. Thank you for reading!]


"What a strange dream…." Evalyn muttered, rubbing her eyes in the darkness as she looked at her alarm: [4:57]. Her alarm hadn't gone off, but she felt unusually alert, energized, and focused.

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