
The Loud, Obnoxious, Everyday Hero Who Saved the Day

An icy force gripped Calvin's chest, and he opened his mouth, hoping to relieve the torturous anxiety. "I accept your terms and will disclose knowledge on the trial and the operation to retake the Mortal Plane."

"I as well." Amy replied, visually stressed with a racing heart, "Mr….?"

"My name is Kaze Lexicon." Kaze declared boldly, "But you shall call me Emperor Lexicon from this day forward. Now observe your people."

Calvin and Amy felt the gravity of his words, listening to the mortals raging war through the distorted lens of the concealment technique.

Lainwright soldiers stood on a wall of steel containers pressed against the iron gates of the shipping yard, shooting Guided Arrows through the crowd of zombies.

An army of superhumans stood before them, sixty thousand strong. They packed streets leading to the pier, trampling over cars and broken glass, screaming insults.

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