
Chapter 3: Darth Vader and Severus Snape

-Milky Way, Planet Earth.

-Britain, England, 18th June 1976.

Severus Snape's flat, The Leaky Cauldron, Muggle street on Charing Cross Road in London.

In one of the rooms of The Leaky Cauldron, a dark and dilapidated pub, a magical inn that serves as a gateway between the non-magical world and Diagon Alley, lay a young Severus Snape of 16 years old.

The poor boy was pale and very sweaty, seeming to be suffering from a heavy hangover.

Severus Snape opened his eyes, his now blue eyes stared at the dusty old ceiling in confusion before he understood what had happened.

"It worked!," he whispered, a flash of disbelief breaking through the cold wall he had built around himself.

"It really worked, the Force hasn't left me yet!" he exclaimed with a burning excitement.

'Who would have thought it?' Vader said to himself with a grin.

If the young man who opened his eyes now was none other than Darth Vader, he had his moments of doubt, but he managed to take this person's body.

Joining the soul of this body could have been his doom, but clearly, his worries were unfounded.

Darth Vader had lost all hope of repairing what he had done, but now he dared to hope, no, he was determined to do something, even if it meant changing the fate of the entire universe.

Just a flickering sense of excitement and relief, that he now had the chance to do something that would make his beloved Padme proud.

Yes, he would become strong enough to make Sidious pay for what he did to her, he might never be able to call himself Anakin Skywalker again, but as Darth Vader, he vowed to finish him off and leave a world where his children could live in peace.

The same Darth Vader name that took everything from him would be the one to fix his incompetence.

'Looks like everything went as planned, so now I'm in the body of...' thought Vader looking down at himself.

'A person, a young teenage human to be precise' Vader concluded as he looked at his body.

'Well, that really makes things easier for me, if I had to be some other species of intelligent life it would be more complex to adapt to their body' smiled Vader, but his smile didn't last long as he saw himself in a mirror in the room he was in.

'Well..., it looks like this body is going to need a lot of work to get in proper form, so scrawny and weak, there's not a single muscle in the whole body...' Vader analysed his new body with a grimace of disgust.

'... I suppose I shouldn't complain, something is better than nothing' sighed Vader, the important thing is that now he had a chance to avenge Padme and eliminate Sidious.

After his body died, Darth Vader had spent a lot of time cursing himself for letting himself be manipulated by Darth Sidious.

He still blamed himself for Padme's death, but he only wanted to save her and for that reason, he ended up making her die by becoming Drath Vader and it was Sidious who created Vader.

And now it would be Darth Vader who would kill Darth Sidious.

'Now I have the chance!' thought Vader with conviction as he clenched his hand, he was now willing to do whatever it took to kill him.

But first, he needed a solid plan and he needed information about the body he was in and the planet he was on.

Darth Vader sat down to meditate, then with his calm mind he analysed the situation with speed and precision, as his mind worked at full speed, he decided to search the memories of this body for everything he needed.

It was then that everything became white for Vader, everything around him was completely white...

It was like an endless white room with nothing around it.

But it wasn't long when out of nowhere, he began to vaguely see images of a child's life on a planet he had never heard of.

The pictures slowly began to become clearer and Vader could make out that he was seeing the life of a boy named Severus who lived on a planet called earth with what appeared to be humans who wielded the Force but they called themselves 'wizards' and used wands to cast 'spells or magic'.

'Primitives...' concluded Vader, only primitive and outlying planets still called the Force magic or sorcery.

As the images passed, Vader found that these memories were very vivid, but he knew that this would pass as his soul had integrated with what was left of this body.

Vader saw and experienced the 16 years of this young man's life, every single thing Severus Snape went through from birth to his 16th year.

He even got to feel things as if he were really Severus, from his love for his mother, his contempt for his father, his interest in dark magic since he found an old book of his mother's that talked about different spells, his bitterness at knowing he couldn't use these spells without a wand, thus he couldn't do anything to help his mother with his abusive father.

Vader even felt all the pain that Severus felt throughout his life, he came to feel that himself had spent those 16 years of life as he experienced them as if he were Severus and not Vader...

As if he had lived two lives.

Already reaching the last memories of the young Severus, Vader began to feel the sadness, irritation, frustration, anger, and disappointment of the young Severus.

He felt that little by little the despair, the fear, the hatred consumed him, and the dark side seemed to be strong in young Severus.

All this happened when Vader saw the last memories of Severus and the supposed date that Lily Evans and James Potter had agreed to have along with what Severus witnessed after returning home from Hogwarts.

Vader watched as Lily stood next to Potter in the square where she and Severus used to play together as children.

Ever since an angry Severus had unthinkingly called Lily a 'mudblood', she had never spoken to him again, never forgave him no matter what he did and that hurt a Severus who was already corrupted by the dark side too much.

'Ridiculous...' thought Vader, he had done so many bad things and Padme had always forgiven him, she had always trusted him, she was the light that brought him out of the darkness.

With this young Severus, the situation seemed to be the same, too bad this Lily wasn't like his Padme.

It was because of what he saw that day that Severus finally ended up plunging into despair and darkness.

Seeing the person he loved the most in the world next to the person he hated the most, after more than half a year of trying his hardest to get her to forgive him to no effect, was like having his heart ripped out and spat out like trash.

Vader felt all this as if he were Severus himself.

It was logical for him to feel that way, finding the person he loved most in the world with the person he hated and loathed the most.

No doubt Severus was never lucky in life, the only good thing that happened to him was Lily Evans and maybe Lucius Malfoy which is very debatable.

But even though life wasn't good to him, he always moved on, but he had never had a situation like the one he witnessed at Hogwarts and back home.

It hurt Severus very much to see his beloved Lily standing next to James Potter's bully chatting and joking around in the place where she and he used to hang out when they were young before going to Hogwarts.

Plus James Potter was one of the biggest reasons why everything was ruined between Lily and him.

It was then that suddenly, everything started to go dark for Vader.

He could no longer see the vivid memories of Severus' life or the white room.

Everything was completely dark as it was when that wave appeared in the Force.

It was only a few moments before Vader felt a definite and very strange tension throughout his being.

This was because Vader was merging completely with all that remained of the young Severus.

Both Vader and Severus were like two translucent spheres that had merged and absorbed each other until they blended completely and formed a single sphere again.

It was in this process that Vader felt how all of Severus' memories were now his own reality.

Vader lived every moment with clarity, he experienced it personally, and it was a complete blending of both of their lives.

He was now in Severus Snape's body, but the reality was that now it was no longer him, but a combination of him and Severus.

Suddenly, the young Severus, who was meditating, raised his head and opened his eyes and for only a few seconds they flashed a blue glow, but instantly his eyes returned to their former cold, dark black.

He had a look of surprise, confusion, and reflection.

Sixteen-year-old Severus Snape opened his eyes like a new person, but he was no longer Snape or Skywalker or Vader.

The look in his eyes no longer belonged only to the original owner of this body nor to Vader, he was now two people in one.

He was in shock trying to understand his situation, he did not expect this outcome.

He now knew that he was no longer just Darth Vader because he felt that he was also Severus Snape.

'I don't understand... it's like I'm literally two different people... How can I be both Vader and Severus, it doesn't make any sense...' he asked himself in frustration.

His whole situation was very confusing now, but he calmed down, he couldn't go into negation now, he had to understand and accept that from now on he was both Vader and Severus.

'Both lives I lived are real and are part of me, they are what make up my self...' he said to himself.

So it was that he spent some time meditating and understanding his situation until he had calmed down completely.

Although he had calmed down after understanding his whole situation, everything about him was currently a complete mess inside.

His emotions were a jumbled mess, and his mind was still sorting through the two lives he had lived.

But clearly, he felt more like he was Anakin Skywalker or rather Darth Vader even though he knew he was also Severus Snape.

Only one thing was certain for him and that was that the feelings, emotions, attitudes, and other aspects that shaped both of them were now strongly ingrained in him.

He now preserved all these attitudes, feelings, and other aspects related to both souls because of their union as one in Severus Snape's body.

Both souls merged into a new one, so he is no longer just Severus Snape or Darth Vader.

He will still be Severus Snape in body, but in mind and feelings he will be the sum of Vader and Severus.

He still thought a lot about his mother and Padme, and all their mistakes, pain, and frustration.

He wanted revenge on Darth Sidious for everything he did to him.

But just as he felt all of this, he also felt all of Severus' pain and frustration.

'Pathetic..., two truly sad and miserable lives, but in both I was... pathetic' he said to himself..., pathetic' he said to himself with a smirk of annoyance and disappointment.

'I suppose I should keep the name of this body... Severus Snape, although Darth Vader feels much better..., well for now let's leave it at that'

'Hmmm... Well, I'm currently 16 years old physically and more than double mentally. Yesterday I rented a room to stay in the pub for a few days when I suddenly started to feel very dizzy and seemed to faint...'

'... Yes..., that's when the dark side started to consume me and moments later I as Vader stepped in and.... well... now I am the result of that' he thought amused, to him, he was still both Vader and Severus.

He knew that his plan as Vader was to take Severus' body, but he overestimated what is called the merging of the two souls, something he as Severus would not have done.

He as Vader was more of a man of action and as Severus was quite a thinker, it was amusing to him to think that he was now both people.

'Strange... but actually not entirely bad' he thought with a slight smile, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin in the same person, a strange combination.

Now he could work out everything his two egos had wanted so badly to do in their lives.

With Severus Snape's total of 16 years of experience and Darth Vader's 23 years of experience, he could do great things.

Next chapter