
Back to school

Walking down the street you can see a tall man with red hair that was beginning to grow in length. Sekizan was walking to his school wearing his uniform lost in his thoughts about the happenings of his internship.

He was thinking in particular about the talk he had with the rabbit heroine about their situation.

' Heh, what a troublesome woman.' He thought while recalling the conversation they had.

___(flashback no jutsu!)__

Mirko and Sekizan arrived at the rabbit hero's apartment, they entered in silence as if they were thinking about something.

Sekizan saw that the bunny heroine had something on her mind and approached her from behind catching her in a hug, feeling her small back with his muscular arms.

" Hey, what are you thinking about it so much? Relax, thinking will not solve anything for you now." Sekizan said as he turned her around kissing her lips with passion. You could see clearly that he had no inhibitions in his actions.

Rumi could barely resist the temptation of just falling in his arms and enjoying the warmth they produced. But she wasn't someone who allowed her desires to control her life.

With the last shred of resistance, she pushed him away creating a space between the two.

Sekizan willingly allowed her to push him away. Curious to see what she had to say, she was the one who began their kiss earlier after all.

" Let's stop right here before we do something we both regret later." She said. Trying to get a hold of her emotions.

" Heh, what regret? Do you see me as someone that does not have control of his actions?" Sekizan asked. What was she on about?

" Look brat, I have to admit that I've developed an interest in you. I will not lie to myself." Rumi said straightforwardly. She did not beat around the bush.

" But one thing is having the hots for you. Another is acting on it. You are just a 15yr-old brat, I can't in good consciousness do something like this to you. You being this young and me in a position of leadership don't bode well for us." She said. Thinking carefully about her words.

Sekizan blinked slowly after hearing her reasons. He certainly was surprised to hear such words in the mouth of such a woman.

" Hahaha! That has to be the funniest thing I heard all day." Sekizan laughed aloud. He rarely thought of himself as a minor, it was a surprise to listen to someone using such a reason to justify something about him.

Sekizan looked Rumi in the eyes. His grin became wild and in a blink of an eye, he was holding her by the neck, suspended in the air with just his right hand.

" Don't look down on me, woman. To assume you have some sort of power to force me to participate in something I am unwilling to do is an insult in itself." Sekizan said while still holding the shorter woman by the neck, suffocating her.

Mirko in turn countered his actions by kicking with her free legs, landing shots that would defeat anyone in Sekizan's place. But all the force of her strikes was transferred to the ground, cracking it. A crater soon was formed.

Sekizan saw that she was close to losing consciousness and let her fall down the floor, looking at her cough and gasp for air.

" You can't force me to do nothing. I myself have chosen to accept you as a potential mate. Stop thinking such nonsense." Sekizan said finally, turning his back to the now gasping heroine.

Rumi herself didn't know what to think. She had never been manhandled in such a manner before, she always had been the one who did the manhandling. She had to admit that it made her a bit aroused being treated like that, but she has enough control to regulate her impulses and come to a decision.

"* cough* Alright, if you brat is so passionate about it then we can talk again when you get your provisional license. That way you would be considered an adult. I can wait for you." She chose an alternative so that the thing between them can be seen as lawful by society.

Sekizan looked at her curiously, it seems that she still was willing to take a chance with him.

" Heh, what a troublesome woman. What do you care if I'm an adult or not? It's funny to see the battle-crazy Mirko worrying about such societal conventions." Sekizan said while patting her head. This woman sure was cute.

"Hey! Don't look down on me you arrogant brat!" Mirko yelled. Jumping at him with a kick.

___( end of the flashback)___

Sekizan arrived at his class. Observing the people he could see that he wasn't the only one who had a good time at his internship.

Sekizan seated in his seat and talked to his deskmate.

" Yo! How did your internship go?" He said to Kirishima who was seated by his side.

" I had a blast! I got together with the guy who I fought at the festival, Tetsu-Tetsu, and we both trained hard together with the heroes at the agency. They sure had a bunch of experience to pass to us." Kirishima said. He e was glad to have experienced what he did.

" Ohh, nice! I had a good time as well." Sekizan said calmly

" Don't give me that. I have heard of you and the heroine Mirko's exploits at the attack that happened at Hosu. You are getting famous now, congrats!" Kirishima said. He was happy about his friend's success.

Aizawa appeared at the door suddenly, his presence made the class pay attention to him. He walked to the front and began to speak.

"Welcome back students, I hope you've learned something in your little outing. Because now is the time for the final exams to begin!" Aizawa announced. Emphasis on the importance of the exam.

"The exams will be divided into two parts. The written test and the practical test. Your performance in those two tests will decide if you will be allowed to participate in the training camp of the UA. So give it your all." Aizawa finished his explanation.

The class was taken aback, they just got back from their internships and now another challenge came their way.

' Hm, what could this test be about?' Sekizan thought. He sure hoped that it could pose some challenge to him.

The classes continued as class 1a prepared for the next challenge in their way.

( An: shorter chapter than usual because I am burned out. I still did my best to write and not procrastinate and the story is progressing well.

On another note. Now is the final exam, who do you guys think the mc should fight against? Give me your opinions on the PC.

What did you guys think about the conflict Seki had with Rumi? I thought it made sense for her to have some second thoughts on their relationship. He is young after all. I based their reactions on my perceived personality of the two. The poor bunny can't resist the manliness of our mc after all hahaha.

Leave me some stones to keep this fic ball rolling. I appreciate all your support.

If you want visit my patreon on patreon.com/paulodmanoel and follow me there, I will eventually put some stuff there.)

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