

Sekizan was walking to the bunny's house the next day. If you saw him you could not see nothing wrong with him, he was pristine and was already in his hero garment.

He knocked on the door expecting an attack again but received instead a tired bunny hero who opened the door.

"Hey, what happened to you?" Sekizan asked, He remembered that yesterday she was fine.

" Nothing important, some bastard almost killed a villain yesterday and I was called to do a patrol to maintain the order and stuff." She said, she spent the night searching the streets for the one responsible.

" Heh, sucks to be you huh?" Sekizan said with a straight face, his skin was thick, so he was not ashamed enough to show expressions.

" Yeah, the hero duty is tough kid, you gotta know this if you wanna thrive in it." Mirko said, she was in a advice giving mood.

" So what happened then? tell me details." Sekizan said as he entered the house, he was not in a hurry to train. After yesterday he still was not 100% from the sword that pierced his chest. He could not look for the recovery lady, he had to rely on himself to heal.

" Well, the committee decided to cover it up but I can tell you the general information." She said as she entered as well, they both seated at the couch, close to each other.

" The Hero Killer was almost killed in the early dawn today. The report said that he was in the middle of a fight with a hero when someone came and knocked said hero out, when he woke up he found a broken villain in front of him. He didn't know how long he was out, but the man who knock him out left him alone and unhurt." She said and stretch her back, she laid back at the couch with her head back and closed her eyes.

"The one responsible did not leave behind evidence, and the witness, the hero, only remember a man. He did not remember anything specific, he was downed fast. The Hero Killer is in a coma, his brain is almost mush and he has fractures in most bones on his body." Rumi said, she was excited to find the criminal to have a fight with him, but she only spent the crack of dawn awake after a entire night of searching.

"Heh, what a mess huh. You look tired, you should rest a bit before we train, let me do something for you." Sekizan said as he got up and got behind the couch and put his hands on her shoulders.

" What are you doin- iihh!" She began say but made a noise when Sekizan pressed a point on her neck and back.

" Relax, with this you will recover more with less sleep." Sekizan was performing a specific massage pressing the pressure points on her body. He knew the human body like the palm of his hand, he knew the points necessary for him to press for the betterment of recovery. He himself slept only 3 hours every day, because he could control the amount on rem sleep he got, and how his body rested and recovered.

" Ahh~" Rumi let out a relaxing breath and fell asleep in the couch were she stood. Sekizan laid her in a more comfortable position and proceeded to go to the gym.

' Heh, they sure made a storm in a coffee cup, it's just a common villain, what is the deal with the authorities?' Sekizan thought after he heard Rumi describing the aftermath of his actions last night.( An: am not sure if I got the expression correct, I know is something like this, storm in a cup of water? I don't know.)

' Well, it doesn't matter.' He seated and bagan to meditate, waiting the exhausted Hero to wake up to begin to train.


Three hours passed with Sekizan meditating, focussing on healing his injury. It was almost healed,a scar was left in its place, the inside that was more complicated part, the body took time to reconstruct the muscles and fascia that were severed by the sword.

Suddenly Mirko appeared with disheveled hair, still on her suit, at the gym.

" What the hell did you do to me?!" She was confused. She had remained awake for 2 days, how can she be full of energy with only three hours of sleep?

"Relax, it's just a technique I created. We humans waste to much time sleeping. I don't like that so I discovered a method to make my body able to recover with little sleep time." Sekizan said, opening his eyes from meditation.

" That is awesome! You brat sure know your stuff." She was happy, she awoke relaxed and was 100% , full of energy.

" Alright what do you want me to do?" She said, already ready for the training.

" Hm, I will disable my vision, hearing and smell. You will attack me for 1 min periods with 15 sec of intervals, I will use only my sense of touch to be able to dodge. You don't need to take it easy with me, kick as fast as you can." Sekizan said, he was thinking of the best way to use her speciality to train him.

"..." Rumi quietly looked at the seated brat in front of her " Are you crazy or something?" She could not assess if he was messing with her or was serious.

" What? This is normal, relax. Just do it, don't worry about it." Sekizan said, putting a timer in place. He seated in front of Mirko and closed his eyes and his other senses.

A vein pulsed on Mirko forehead, she took a deep breath to calm down and heard the alarm, beginning to kick.

Sekizan, in the darkness of his mind focused on the only thing he could perceive, the change of pressure that his skin could pick up.

Rumi kicked first with not much strength, but Sekizan leaned back a little,as if the wind of the kick moved him. Mirko saw this and up the speed of her kicks, every time she kicked Sekizan dodged by a small margin, some times a kick would graze his skin, but this just served as imput to calibrate his senses.

They continued with this for 30 rounds of one minute. By the end Mirko was already warmed up, it was a good cardio to kick a bastard so much.

" Alright. That was a good training. Now that you are warmed up I can show you something nice for you." Sekizan said after getting up, he had some scratches on his face, Rumi sure kicked fast.

They moved to a open space, with enough room to move freely. He jumped a bit to prepare and began to speak.

" What is you view about the air? When you move around at your patrols, performing your special moves, running at high speeds. How do you view the air around you? Does it pose some resistance?" Sekizan began to instruct, first asking questions.

"Hmm, when I move fast the air get in the way, some times when I kick the resistance of the air get in the way as well." Rumi said, she didn't know where this was going.

" Alright, check this out." Sekizan said as he kicked the air making a puff of air appear as his body was propulsed upward.


" This technique name is Geppo, the concept is that the air can be made dense enough to serve as a foothold if you are strong and fast enough." Sekizan said as he maintaind height by kicking with his left leg.


" This in turn is a good exercise to strengthen your leg. The amount of continuous effort to maintain air height like I am doing make it so your legs work in its entirety." He said and stopped. Falling on the ground lightly.

"You can try while you are running, you can use the momentumyou get while running to help you with it." He said. Making a gesture with his arm to her to try.

Mirko looked at that and did not know what to say. How did he figured that out she could not tell. She did find it interesting though, and was excited to try.

They continue to train, with each other, sometimes Sekizan would give some instructions, and other times they would spar with each other.

(An: Tried something different today, instead of me explaining the aftermath in a narrator type of view, I made it so his actions caused reactions int he world and the view of the authorities on the matter. Just trying new stuff.

I've been thinking about romance lately, how to develop a bond between the mc and Rumi. They are not like us common people, how can I show this considering their personalities, it's a challenge I've been working.

Alright, let me end this note. I tend to leave a note about my thought process on the chapter for posterity sake, one day I will come back and think " look at this goofy mofo, so stupid."

Give me stones, and put this on your library. If you want to leave a review or something do it as well.

And the guy who asked me to do a new fic, I don't know man, this already is hard enough, maybe I'll do it in the future, or put it on the Patreon or something.

Peace out.)

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