

Sekizan was now in his hero suit. He did not change the design too much from before, he added a side pouch to hold a first aid kit to help wounded people in case of emergency.

Mirko was by his side in her costume as well. She, much like Sekizan did not opt for much in regards of gadgets. Her costume was a skin tight leotard that did not got in the way of her movements. The one thing that was different was her boots, a metal ankle and toes in the form of a rabbit foot, assisting in the damage dealt and protection of her feet because of the forces she generate when she kick.

" Let's move." Mirko said and began to run, jumping on the roof of buildings.

Sekizan followed her easily, using parkour to freely run between obstacles on his path. Sekizan began to put his other plan in place, he came to this city with the objective of hunting the hero killer, now it was time to begin to gather clues of his presence.

While they jumped through the roofs, Sekizan concentrated his ears to pick all noises in his surroundings, the problem of having super senses is that they are inconvenient for every day life. Sekizan normally opted to filter out most of the noises his senses pick up, choosing not to pay attention to it.

He of course could concentrate to pick all noises if he wants, but he trained his body to rely on his subconscious most of the time. You don't need to pay attention to the beating heart of a person hiding from you, your subconscious will filter it and give you a warning about it, a sixth sense if you prefer.

Now however he used his senses truly, hearing all conversations of the crowd bellow; the steps of people; the radio of the police cars. This action was not to locate the villain immediately, it served the purpose of assessing the mood of the city. To know the field he is in before commiting to more extreme actions.

While he was like this he heard a robbery taking place not far from his position, he proceeded to warn his partner about it.

"I can hear a robbery taking place at about 100 meters from here, follow me." Sekizan said, proceeding to guide the way.

" Ok." Mirko did not doubted him. Following his lead.

Soon after they stopped atop a building looking at a store who was being robbed bellow by three thugs at gun point.

" Well, this is a good opportunity for you to learn how to deal with this kind of situation. You should focus in dispatching the criminals quickly, lest they took a hostage." Mirko said quickly analyzing the situation. " I will be your backup in case of unexpected situations, go for it." She continued.

"Hm." Sekizan did not hesitate. Jumping on the roof of the store, landing quietly. He already had a image of the layout of the place in his mind from the time he spent looking at the situation.

With graceful movements he climbed down inside the store from a opening on the ceiling, stealthy landing close to a thug who was responsible for looking at the backdoor exit.

The criminal did not have time to even make a sound as Sekizan quickly stroke a nerve in his neck making him lose consciousness. He dragged the body quietly behind a shelf, out of the sight of the other two.

" Quickly, put all the money on the bag, I want every penny I want every dime. You should keep moving though, I'm running low on time." The criminal was talking with the cashier.( An:I was hearing a song earlier, I put some aspects of the lyrics on this conversation.)

" Trust me, I don't wanna have to pull the trigger, I've done it before, and it's not a pretty picture." He said again. He was enjoying the fear in the cashier face while he talked.

While he talked Sekizan moved to the thug guarding the entrance, same with the other he dispatched of him with ease, moving him behind other shelf.

With all but one criminal left Sekizan walked to the only one that was still conscious. The one responsible for getting the cash.

The poor cashier saw him immediately, but Sekizan made a silence gesture with his finger, indicating for her to not show signs of his presence.

Slowly Sekizan positioned himself behind the criminal, towering over him by more than a head. He touched his shoulder lightly.

" What, I'm almost done here…" The criminal said as he turned, expecting his partners to appear in his vision.

He got instead a giant man with ripped muscles and scars covering most of his body staring at him from above.

"Eh?" Was the sound he made before Sekizan punched him on the chin, while at the same time disarming him with his free hand, not allowing accidents to happen.

All of this took time to describe but in reality happened in a short spam of 15 seconds. The poor cashier did not have the time to react as the giant ginger dragged the now unconscious thug by the scruff of his neck to the other unconscious robbers.

" Ohh, good job. Let's call this in, the police can take care of this, just tie them up good." Mirko said, she waved to the cashier who was still in shock, making him shakily wave back.

Sekizan did as he was told. Using some cables to tie the thugs in a way that even with superior strength they could not escape. After that he hung them upside down in front of the store.

" Let's go." He said to his partner jumping on the roof of the building ahead of him.

He bad chosen a stealthy approach before to minimize the chance of the robber to shoot the cashier by mistake or take her hostage. He did not want to destroy the property of others without need also. It was fun to scare the living sh*t of the final robber as well, he had to have fun somehow in his life. No?

He and Mirko continued their patrol, stopping various minor crimes. On this day the criminal world finally met the terror of the Scarlet Asura. ( I changed the order of his hero name, courtesy of the comments saying it sounded better this way. I appreciate the feedback!)

All the while Sekizan was studying the city layout and mapping the best places to hunt. He assumed that the Hero Killer had the skills to choose the most efficient places to murder the heros. Mapping such places raised his chances of finding the sneaky rat.

After a few hours of patrol they returned to the rabbit hero house, intending to end the day.

"Well, color me impressed. You brat sure know how to handle criminals. This is all for today, you can come tomorrow or something, I had enough of you for now." She said, shoo-ing him away. She had sore legs after the morning training she did earlier and wanted to go to sleep. But did not want to appear weak so she did her best to appear strong and carefree in sending him away.

"Heh, if you say so. I'll be back here tomorrow, you will help in my training then." Sekizan said. He saw her condition easily, he knew the human body extremely well, it was easy for him to notice the signs of soreness on a person. He found her actions cute.

' What a cute rabbit, so straight forward and at the same time so shy because of unimportant things.' He thought in amusement.

Leaving her house he began to wander back slowly, until he left her house view. Suddenly he vanished from sight appearing a hundred meters away atop a building.

' Heh, it's time for the hunt to begin.' He thought with bloodlust seeping from his body.

He put on a hoodie and a face mask, the same he normally used on his runs to restrict his breathing, his hair still was short so he didn't need to tie it yet.

' I'm coming for you rat bastard.' He thought while running through the buildings, this time sticking close to the shadows like a leopard hunting his prey in the jungle. The cover of the night was spreading across the city further facilitating his hunt.

( Man, working in a place where you are unloading hundreds of heavy boxes full of produce is a load on your back. I work on the night shift and came back exhausted, it was fun at least, throwing boxes across to your coworkers, bleh.

Sorry for the delay, I was thinking of not writing today, but I fought my inner bitch and wrote this. I will surely feel bad for procrastinating later. It's important to maintain the rhythm.

Every day, at least 1000 words.

Leave power stones for me, let's maintain the weekly ranking on this bad boy.)

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