
Chapter 13

The wind rushed through Vesryn's platinum hair as the clouds parted in front of him, the dark wings of the black dragon propelling them higher into the sky. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the group of witches and wizards that was flying after him on broomsticks pulling back. Several of them appeared blue in the face and looked like they were struggling to breathe normally, a difficulty that Vesryn realized he wasn't suffering from. Further down he could even see Hogsmeade itself growing ever smaller before the clouds closed behind him, blocking his view of the ground.

Seconds later, light filled his vision as they burst forth from within the clouds. His sight was filled with vast blue skies and the soft white cloud top beneath. Roars echoed out behind him as the horde of dragons emerged from the clouds and continued after them. Turning back to the front, Vesryn patted the side of the black dragon and shouted out.

"Alright, bring me back! We'll continue another time!" Each draconic word sent visible ripples through the clouds beneath as Vesryn gripped the spines. The giant dragon roared in response before banking right and down into the clouds. Moments later, the ground became visible once more as they passed over a large mountain. Vesryn spotted several giants, humanoid figures running around on the mountainside as they drew closer. In the distance, he saw the large structure that was Hogwarts Castle, separated from Hogsmeade by a large lake, forests, and what appeared to be a wall that formed a large circular boundary around the castle grounds.

"There! Land in the clearing!" Vesryn called out as the dragon spread its wings out wide, slowing its flight to a gentle glide. Vesryn watched as the people in the clearing beneath covered their faces as the dragon came to a halt, their wings beating the air as they descended slowly to the ground. Hopping off the dragon's back, Vesryn landed gracefully on the ground as the group of wizards on broomsticks came flying into the clearing to join him. He patted the side of the dragon as it laid down next to him, its front paws folded in front of it as it looked around at the group of people nearby. Stepping away Vesryn approached the group that was standing a short distance away.

"Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. It just felt like it's been forever since I had the opportunity to fly on dragon back." Vesryn said with a smile as he glanced back at the dragons. His ears picking up on the slowly improving scraps of draconic that the horde was beginning to use to communicate.

"I'm sorry, but does that mean you've done that before? Fly? On dragon back?" The red-haired named Weasley asked as he ran up with an open journal that seemed to be filled with writing and illustrations of dragons.

"Yeah. I grew up around dragons. It reminds me of home, flying around like that." Vesryn replied his smile gradually fading from his face.

"You grew up around dragons? Where? I'd love to see it!" The redhead exclaimed with excitement on his face.

"Charlie!" McGonagall called out, causing the young man to turn toward her only to see her shaking her head with a solemn look.

"You can't. My home is long gone now." Vesryn said as he raised his head and took a deep breath. Charlie closed his mouth before he could say another word as he realized the gravity of the situation.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. There's nothing that can be done now but to keep going." Vesryn said before turning around to look at the Aurors standing off to the side. "So, how do you want to do this?"

Gawain pointed his wand toward a nearby boulder and gave it a wave. Vesryn watched as the boulder shifted almost like water to form a simple brick wall.

"If you would just cast the spell you used that night at the wall, that'll be enough." Gawain said as he pulled out a glass orb from the inside of his coat and held it up toward the wall. "Do it as close to the way you did it then, please."

Vesryn shrugged as he turned toward the wall and raised his hand, fist clenched. He mentally recalled the familiar sensation as he felt the magic within his body reach out and connect with the magic in the air. Then as his fingers unfurled, a small ball of fire burst forth from his palm and pierced through the air before smashing into the center of the brick wall. Bits of stone scattered into the air as the center of the wall exploded, leaving a head-sized hole in the structure that was slowly being enveloped in flames. Surprise covered the faces of everyone present as they looked at what remained of the wall.

"Wait. He did it without speaking too? You didn't tell us that!" Gawain remarked as he looked at Kingsley.

"I wasn't aware he did it! I was too far away from him at the time to know if he used an incantation." Kingsley responded as he looked at the hole in the wall. "I guess it was a good thing her robes were enchanted. I don't think she would've survived if they weren't. Or if he had a wand."

Gawain tucked the orb back into his coat and waved his wand again, causing the flames to extinguish themselves and the wall to revert into a boulder that was now missing a chunk out of its surface.

"Can I ask what spell that was?" Gawain asked as he looked toward the boy.

"It was a standard firebolt spell if I remember correctly. It was the simplest one I picked up." Vesryn answered as he looked at the boulder, hoping to remember the process of Transfiguration that he just witnessed.

"Simplest? I've never even heard of this spell. So do you know how to cast other spells?"

"A few. I think. Haven't tried most of them and the one that I did try, well, I probably shouldn't repeat near a crowded residential area. They're mostly all designed for combat." Vesryn answered, rubbing the back of his neck as he recalled the burning crater he left in the ruined city. "Was there anything else you needed?"

"No, I think we got everything we need. Despite the surprising power of your spell, I don't see anything that could've induced psychosis." Gawain answered as he put away his wand before looking up at the host of dragons that were sitting in the distance nipping and growling at each other. It almost seemed as though they were speaking to each other, the thought of which reminded him of what the young boy had done moments before. He remembered the child growling and hissing much like the dragons were doing at this very moment. "I have a different question I'd like to ask. Can you speak to dragons?"

"I can. I assume that's not common here." Vesryn answered as he looked back at the dragons before turning around to see Charlie standing nearby, his heavily freckled face staring at him in anticipation.

"No! Not at all! It was always assumed that they were just wild magical beasts. I always thought they were more intelligent than we believed they were." Charlie remarked as he continued drawing in his notebook. Vesryn could make out an impressively drawn picture of the black dragon, complete with estimated measurements written in the margins.

"So can you control dragons?" Gawain asked as Vesryn saw the young woman named MacFusty walking towards them with the older gentleman from earlier that appeared to be in charge of the group.

"Maybe. I think these dragons will do what I ask them to. Dragons generally aren't something to be controlled, it's more you ask something of them, and then it's up to them whether or not they feel like doing it." Vesryn replied, his mind repeating back the words the dragon said previously as the young woman and older gentleman stopped in front of him.

"Hello, young man. I'm Maximus Ridgebit, current owner of the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. This is Marisa Macfusty, her family has been responsible for looking after Hebridean Blacks, like that one there, for the last several centuries." The older gentleman introduced himself and the young woman next to him.

"A pleasure. So can I help you?" Vesryn replied as he shook the outstretched hands presented to him.

"It's about the dragons. Most of the ones here escaped from our reservation and I'm afraid their presence here may threaten the Statute of Secrecy if left unsupervised." Maximus answered as he looked at the host of dragons that were seated peacefully across the field.

"The truth is that we have never had a situation like this happen before. Dragons have never behaved in such a manner. Usually, different breeds will stay far away from each other." Vesryn listened quietly as the man explained, his eyes looking past the man toward the distance where he saw a tall and thin-looking old man dressed in long dark purple robes with long silver hair and a beard that reached his waist. Even at a distance, Vesryn noted the concern in his blue eyes that was accompanied by a hint of curiosity.

"Simply put, I am unsure we would be able to forcefully relocate all of the dragons without suffering heavy losses." Maximus added, redirecting Vesryn's attention back toward him.

"Not to mention the possibility that they were drawn here to you to begin with, so even if we did take them back to their appropriate reservation, they might just break out again."

"Okay, so what do you want to do about it?" Vesryn asked as he looked over the host and walked over to them with Maximus and Marisa following cautiously behind him. Patting the side of the black dragon he stopped in front of a large pale dragon that was riddled with scars and had heavy cuffs on its rear legs. He looked into the milky eyes that were slowly beginning to regain a bit of color, his hands brushing against the pale, flaky scales that bore the signs of harsh treatment.

"I'd like to give you a place in one of the dragon reservations. That way if more dragons are coming, they'll be in a better environment where we can keep them hidden from the muggles." Maximus answered as he looked toward McGonagall behind him and Marisa standing next to him.

"Though given how you're likely going to Hogwarts, perhaps the Hebrides or Wales reserve?"

"I don't know if our reserve is equipped for this many dragons." Marisa answered as she looked past the black dragon towards the variety of different breeds behind it.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance." A calm voice interjected as the elderly purple-robed man joined them. Vesryn watched as Professor McGonagall and Aurelius rushed up to meet him.


"Gramps!" They called out as they stepped next to him.

"Hello, Minerva, Aurelius. I got your message. It is good to see that you're both alright." The old man responded with a soft smile, his piercing blue eyes looked like they were twinkling.

"I am Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster of Hogwarts." He introduced himself with a brief nod of his head.

"Vesryn Haerel. What kind of assistance can you give?" Vesryn asked as he looked the tall, old man over.

"The Hebrides sanctuary is only equipped for a host of Hebridean Blacks, and will likely need a significant deal of resources and time to accommodate this host." Albus explained as he looked at Marisa.

"The Wales sanctuary could work. However, I believe the ministry would not approve of you relocating these dragons halfway across the country when they're already busy cleaning up their previous mess. I have it on good authority that the dragons' recent migration have already upset the Department of Magical Accidents."

"Then what should we do? We can't leave them here." Marisa said as she looked at the old man.

"Maybe we should. If my ears haven't yet failed me, I believe you are able to keep the dragons well-behaved, yes?" Albus questioned as he looked at Vesryn.

"I won't guarantee it but I believe so."

"Then perhaps it's best to keep the dragons here for the time being? At least until we have a more effective and inconspicuous method of relocation. I'll have a couple of words with Cornelius to expedite the expansion of the Hebrides Sanctuary." Albus stated as he looked toward the large mountain range nearby.

"The mountains? What about the giants?" McGonagall questioned as she followed his gaze.

"I'll speak to the giants, Minerva. They only occupy one of the mountains, I'm sure they won't mind if we temporarily occupy the others. Besides it's better than risking the muggles attention or the stabile of the Hebrides sanctuary." The headmaster answered as he turned to look at the young boy in front of him, his blue eyes twinkling as they met the violet orbs staring back at him.

"Well if you're positive that would work we'll send a assign of people to help manage the area. They'll likely need a more supplies than Hogsmeade has to sustain this many dragon." Maximus crossed his arms as he thought about the possibility.

"I'll stay. I can send someone back to inform my father about this. Besides I'd like to study his changes in case other Hebrideans begin to take after him." Marisa said as she pointed towards the large black dragon that was currently curled up and watching them.

"Oh! I volunteer to stick around! This is a fantastic opportunity to study them and how they interact with each other. There's never been this many different dragons loose in one area without conflict before." Charlie shouted out as he turned back to the group, his journal and ink-stained quill clutched tightly in his hands.

"Oh! Hello Professor Dumbledore. I didn't see you there." He added as he noticed the tall old man standing before him.

"Hello Charlie. Glad to see you haven't lost your curiosity. Have you seen your mother lately? I heard she was quite worried after your recent accident." The man responded as he spotted the fading burn scar on the young man's arm.

"No. No, I haven't. Maybe I should though, huh? Before she sends me a howler or something." Charlie answered, putting his journal and quill away.

"So what exactly are we doing?" Vesryn asked as he looked at the group of people in front of him.

"Well, for now let's get the dragon properly situated and the area marked, then I'll go speak to the minister and the giants." Dumbledore said as he looked at Maximus.

"Could you lead them over to the mountain range, towards the northern side? The giants make their home on the southern end." Maximus nodded slightly as he waved his hand in the air, motioning the other witches and wizards to gather up with their brooms.

"Vesryn, correct? Can I ask that you lead the dragons to follow them? Then, perhaps after everything is taken care of, we can speak personally." Dumbledore said as he looked at the young boy before him.

"Sure. What's one more round of questions?" Vesryn responded as he walked over to the black dragon, petting it on the snout before jumping on its back in a surprising display of physical ability. Dumbledore listened with interest as Vesryn spoke to the dragons, the harsh, grating language seemed to have an impact on the magic around him that went unnoticed by the rest of those present.

"Albus. You look concerned." McGonagall said as she stepped up next to him.

"I just have this feeling, Minerva. There's something special about him and I'm not just referring to his heritage or the fact that he can speak to and, apparently, control dragons." Dumbledore answered as he watched the host of dragons fly into the air, following the group of witches and wizards on broomsticks.

"Does this have to do with what happened to Sybil? Did it happen again?"

"Sybil is fine. She recovered this morning. But yes, I have to admit that her words are stuck with me. You have to admit it sounded a lot like a prophecy didn't it?"

"You're not serious. A prophecy?"

"You don't give Sybil enough credit, Minerva." Dumbledore responded, placing his hands behind his back as he watched the dragons fly further into the distance.

"Regardless. I should be off. I'm sure the giants are already preparing for battle as we speak. I should speak to them before they get too far ahead of themselves." Dumbledore said as he walked off and quickly vanished into thin air without a sound. As everyone set out to fulfill their part, to the south, deep underground in the center of the city of London a blonde-haired man walked out of an office. The door closed behind him, separating him from the room that was filled with a variety of plates with pictures of cats and kittens.

"So?" An older bald man stepped out from around the corner.

"She was useless. She failed. She said she would need to be in a higher position to do anything." The blonde-haired man said as he walked through another door and into the empty hallway outside.

"What?! But he's just an eleven-year-old brat! A half-breed!" The bald man snarled loudly as he followed down the empty hallway.

"Apparently, the half-breed has dragons."

"What do you mean he has dragons?"

"I mean he can speak to them and they defended him."

"That's not possible. Dragons are just mindless beasts, no one can control them."

"He apparently can. I have to recommend that you rethink this path Lord Nott. There is more to this boy than we realize." The blonde-haired man stopped and turned to face the older man.

"You want me to forget about it? After what he did to my daughter?" The old man growled through his teeth.

"No. But I believe we would gain more if we do things differently. Imagine what we could do if we could take the secrets from the boy. An army of dragons that serve the interest of the pureblooded." The bald man stopped and looked at the ground for several seconds before looking back up.

"So what do you recommend, Lucius?"

"We send the mutt after him. Say you want the boy alive for what he did to your daughter and in exchange, you'll give him what he wants. After all, there are plenty of mud-blooded orphans that no one will miss." Lucius said with a smirk.

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