
Chapter 15: Will

Hijiri, in his ronin form, took employment with the Tabemono Group and a few days later started his travel with a convoy through the Land of Hotsprings and the one of Frost, towards the Land of Lightning.

Until nearing the Land of Frost there wasn't any problem. It was as they neared the border that the atmosphere changed unexpectedly.

In the air, there was the smell of burnt, blood, and an oppressive feeling of death.

They were passing through a battlefield.

When Hijiri asked why they were fighting the guiding merchant explained that there was bad blood between the two Daimyos and that the people in the Land of Frost coveted the land of the Land of Hotsprings.

So they hired ninjas to fight in their stead, attacking each other.

Hijiri really wanted to ask why the ninjas even bothered to fight to the death for these people but he knew the truth: money and glory.

They had tried to indoctrinate him too at the clan, but he already had a fixed mindset from his previous life's memories and it didn't work much. Or else he wouldn't have escaped to temper himself.

Soon it became clear why an escort was needed. While ninjas wouldn't resort to banditry, especially because targeting merchant groups would displease the various Daimyos, villagers driven by hunger would.

From the forest, a hundred men armed with farming tools and hunting bows encircled the convoy. 

The one who seemed the leader said: "Give us some of the food and we will let you go!"

As an answer, the merchant signaled the escort to dispose of them.

Hijiri stayed still torn between right and duty. While he was hesitating a group of bandits attacked him with their weapons.

Driven by instinct he unsheated the sword and cut them in two. Seeing that the bandits had resolved themselves to killing he let go momentarily of his scruples and started killing.

Finished the last man he realized that he had momentarily lost himself in killing. Hijiri's spirit shook.

He watched the corpses of those hundred ragged and emancipated men and all he could feel was pity and rage.

He felt pity for those figures obligated to fight a battle lost from the start. And he felt rage, not against the merchant, but against those nobles who from the height of their position commanded the execution of pointless battles for meager benefits if any.

He decided there and then that even if he couldn't bring perpetual peace to this world he would at least try to use his strength to bring it to his time. And when it would be the time he would pass that determination and purpose to those that will come after him. It was beginning to be born within him the embryo of the Will of Fire.

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