
Chapter 43 - Effects

Shawn got home as usual of his normal daily routine. It was a good thing that he was able to teach Richard a few good things in today's library period.

"Great, I have to do some homework. I am looking forward to receiving my phone after this week ends" Shawn said as excitement raged in his head.

His phone had been seized by his mum for more than a week. It was a good thing that the time limit was going to be off.

As for her one month confiscating plan. He knew she was teasing him. After all, he couldn't have his phone in her hands for a month right?


"Anyways, time to get on that essay of 'Survival and advancement of humans in different climatic regions of the world'" He said as he sat on his bed in his room. Opened his computer and started to do some research concerning what he wanted to write in his essay.

After two long hours of doing research he finally got a heaved a sigh of relief. "Finally"

The research was helpful and helped me to gather a lot of insightful stuffs.

"*Yawn* I need to sleep" Shawn said as he dozed off beside his computer and steadily closed his eyes.

After taking a short nap he opened his eyes and noticed that he was still in his room. "Wait how am I still in my room?" He questioned.

"Shouldn't I be in ornio and yorn?" He thought.

Then he noticed the books and writing materials as well as his laptop. "Got to handle these things first" He concluded as he snapped out of his daze and got to sorting out the information that he has gathered

After a few minutes of reviewing,

"Hmmm, I have this information from the internet outlined. I'll still need to get some points from mum and dad" He thought as he took his next notebook from his bag and got down to doing his homework.

"Though you could look up the internet for information. It wouldn't hurt to involve his parents in a bit of his life and to help even if it was little"

He smiled as he began to answer the assignment given by his science teacher as well as History. "Ughhh. Reading up on the happenings of the past is quite interesting.

But as my teacher Mrs Edwin said "It helps to not look at the past with the lenses of the modern time. Do that and you might as well land yourself with a heart attack"

"I hope I don't stumble upon something that affects my mental health" He thought as he began typing the words for his research.

After an hour of research he was done and had completed his homework.

He smiled as he logged out of the web and got into looking at the notes that he had recorded from what he had read online.

As for the fourth and final homework he had which was geography. He decided to use a map stored in his drawer to answer the questions regarding the various climates around the regions of the world.

After some minutes had passed he heard the sound of the door creaking.

"Mum's home" Shawn thought as he got up from his bed and ran down the stairs before coming to the sitting room.

"Hello mum, how was your day?" He greeted.

"Oh. It was fine dear" Emily replied.

"Welcome momma" Stacy said as she appeared with Lucas carrying her on his arms.

"Awwnnn. My little baby" Emily said as she stretched her arms and took Stacy from Lucas arms.

The rest of the day went on as Shawn stood in his room before he was called to have dinner.

"So how was school today?" Roland asked as he sunk his fork into the steak on his plate before cutting it off with a knife.

"School was fine" Shawn replied.

"Go on" Roland probed.

"To be honest, school was okay today really" Shawn said.

"Well, how did teaching richard go?" Roland proceeded to ask another question.

"It went well" Shawn continued to eat his meal.

"Did you have a good rest because clearly it was evident that you were tired even after waking up" Roland stated his observations.

"Was it that noticeable?" Shawn questioned.

"When I go back to sleep I'm gonna ask the system what is going on. Are the worlds having some effect on my mind and body" He thought.

"Dad, Mum I need your help with one of my essays" Shawn said while chewing his steak.

Emily sent a glare towards his way which made him subconsciously gulp. "Don't talk with your mouth full" Emily corrected.

Shawn could swear that he felt an underlying chilling tone behind that seemingly normal voice.

"Do you guys have any idea on how humans survived in the different climates and regions of the world" He proceeded to ask.

"What regions with climates or how many climatic regions?" Roland asked.

"At least three or more" Roland said.

"Well depending on the region and the climate, humans have had different ways of surviving in such areas. Take a look at their dressings and clothes.

In cold and polar regions with cold climate, humans wear clothes made of wool and fur but in the past it was mostly fur.

In arid regions, the heat does not support one using wool so the humans there mainly wore light clothes.

In the equatorial regions, where heat and vegetation as well as precipitation coexist the humans who lived there needed to wear light natural colours made from cotton.

At the same time, they needed to get other items to help protect their bodies against the direct rays of the sun.

"How about advancing in those regions?" Shawn asked.

Roland turned to Emily as if asking her to bring forth her ideas and opinions.

Emily accepted the request by answering Shawn's questions. "Take a look at how their environment was affected by the climate, the resources available because of that and how they used these resources to advance and survive while living.

Some would get their own survival through harsh situations like those in the tundra and desert. Like how they prioritized water and farming near water sources in the arid climate.

Over time, it gradually developed into rearing the indigenous animals that could survive unlike than abundant hunting of animals in the equatorial or temperate regions"

Shawn smiled upon hearing his mum's explantation. It was a good thing that he was done with his meal when Emily was explaining. So he took a pen and paper and began to hot down the information that he had gained while listening.

When he was done, he thanked his parents and left for his room where he began his essay writing till he was done.

"Ughhh. I'm tired" Shawn exclaimed as he closed his laptop and placed it on his table before jumping on his bed as his eyes slowly closed.

"I just hope that the system logs me into the world because I am wondering why it didn't do so when I had my nap earlier" Thoughts raged across shawn's mind.

Nevertheless, he still slept off only to hear

*Ding* Logging creator into the world*

After a few seconds of countdown Shawn's eyes opened to see that he was now in his dark room and in front of him were the worlds Ornio and Yorn having their round and cross shapes and showing a bit of an intersection.

Complete all Quests

1 Earn at least 60,000 CP - 39,000/60,000.

2 Witness a new change that occurs in the world of Yorn - 0/1

3 Create 2 new realms for yorn - 0/2.

4 Create new energies to place into the world - As many as you want.

5 Have an overlord being - 0/1.

6 Have Ten races in Ornio - 10/10 - C

7 Complete at least 25 quests - 17/25.

8 Set rules concerning the boundaries beetween Ornio and Yorn - As many as you want.

9 Get overlords from the Yorn Realm - 0/...

10 Watch the next 1000+ years of progress in both worlds - 0/1000.

11 Have an extended realm - 1/1 - C

12 Have two realm races - 0/2.

"System I have a few questions that I want to ask you" Shawn said.

*I will try my best to give a satisfactory answer to your questions*

"So what's being going on with my body?"


"I meant what exactly is going on. From Rank 1 to Rank 3 my body's usual sleeping schedule suddenly went awkward and now that I am in Rank 4 my body and mind suddenly became tired out.

I know that there is something going on. What is it?"

*Before I reply. Creator Shawn, please note that you might not be privileged to receive some answers as to why you are experiencing these after effects due to your rank.

When you've reached a higher rank more information will be divulged to you*

Shawn raised one of his eyebrows upon hearing the system's reply.

Next chapter