
C10 Voices of the Dead

***bzzzt*** **background noises**

["Who mimicked Nathalia's voice?"]


"Fuck!" Alexia exclaimed as she realized that it seemed like that entity is with them right now and even talking to them.

Nathalia hushed and told her to be quiet and listen to the rest. She suppressed her fear and listened to the rest of the recording.

["Who are currently around us right now?"]

**M...e... no one ... el...se...**

["What happened to Julia Xiang?"]

**...?... s...he... su..f...o..c...—**

As the two listened to the recording, they both had a look of shock and fear on their faces... and maybe a bit of excitement.

"Although the last answer was not that clear, that second one clearly says that there's only one spirit here and that is what mimicked my voice." Nathalia spoke and summarized with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Listening to her, Alexia quickly asked, "Umm... Although we haven't been here for that long, we already collected so much info already. Can we go back?"

Nathalia looked at her seriously and hesitated for a few seconds before she sighed and said, "You're right. Let's go back now. That's enough of paranormal stuff for today."

The two then contacted Alec with the radio but as soon as the call connected, they heard Alec's panicked voice on the other end.

**"Nathalia! Let's leave this place at once! No excuses!"**

"We're already collecting our equipment. Why are you in such a hurry anyway?" Alexa said as she picked up the REM Pod from the ground and took back the camera.

**"I'll explain on the car! Get out of there now!—"**


The two of them heard distant whistling and they looked at each other asking themselves, "What the heck is that?"

Nathalia then called Alec on the radio, "Alec, did you hear that?"

But oddly enough, Alec didn't call back.

"Alec? Are you there?" Alexa grabbed the radio off Nathalia's hands and spoke but there was still no response from Alec.

——•|| 10 Minutes Ago... ||•——

[ ♪ Jopay~ Oh how are you~ ♪ ]

[ ♪ I always watch, and see you, on TV~ ♪ ]

"...Jopay, Sorry to bother you~" Alec sung with his eyes closed as he listened and sang along with the music.

——Fucking Hell!!! Can you someone shut this guy up?!

——I miss Yukihime's voice... T - T

——He sounds like a pig being butchered... Please stop... for the love of god

Alec briefly looked at the chat and he retorted as soon as he saw the comments, "What do you mean?! It sounds okay. You guys don't know anything."

——And you don't know how to sing

—— +1

—— +1

—— ....+1324

"I'm not terrible! I sang in one of Yuki's songs!" He retorted and said the latter with a haughty proud tone of voice.

——I know you bruv... you just said one word at the beginning

——I remember now. He said "Yo, wait up!" in the beginning of the Venom Rap of Yukihime-chan

——Is that brag worthy? Pathetic

{A/N: To explain, I will say that Nathalia edited some parts of the song... I know it's illogical but that's the case. }

"At least I got to be in it! Heh, bet you losers are jealous."

——This guy...

——Die! Riajuu! T ° T

——I recorded that... caught in 4K

——Heheh, Yuki-chan will whoop you for us just wait

Alec chuckled when he saw all the comments. He shook his head and thought that it's not so scary any more when he is preoccupied with talking with Nathalia's chat.


Jumping up in shock when he heard a banging sound on the right window of the car, Alec shrieked like a banshee in shock as he tried to fit himself in the corner of the car seat, seemingly trying to hide.

But as he looked at the window and saw no one there, his heart almost jumped out of his mouth out of fear. He then frantically searched for the radio that he dropped due to his shock earlier.

"What the fuck was that?" He then called the two and warned them, "Nathalia, let's leave this place now! No excuses!"

**Bzzt** "We're already collecting our equipment. Why are you in such a hurry anyway?" **Bzzzt*

"I'll explain in the car. Get out of there now! I think—"


"Fuck!" Alec looked at the back of the car where the loud banging sound came from. It sounded like someone crashed on the back of their car.

——I bet he'll die... just like in horror movies

——I will eat a table if he survives

——I have a screenshot of your comment. Prepare your table.

Alec looked out the car window in hopes of seeing anybody out there. He hoped that someone was just pranking him. Seeing nothing outside, he switched his attention to the chat and smiled wryly seeing the comments.

"Don't worry guys... I'm not dying anytime yet. Not before I see Yuki naked." Alec said jokingly, not knowing the unfortunate fate he'll suffer in a few moments.

——I see you're a man of culture as well...

——I'm gonna snitch on ya

——Just let the man say whatever he wants, he'll die sooner anyways

——I think he'll die sooner than you thought

Looking at the last comment, Alec was confused and looked outside while asking, "What do you—?!"

He froze. Right outside of the window is something so scary that even the Boogeyman would piss himself.

"Hmm~ Did I hear wrongly or did someone say they wanted to see me naked~?"

Outside the car, Nathalia was standing there with faint smile on her lips. But what's so scary about it was that she was holding a rusted scalpel on her right hand with a cold glint in her eyes.

Right next to her stood his sister, Alexa, who looked at him with disgust and disdain. There was only one thing he can think of right now in his predicament.


~ ". . ." ~

"I'm sorry that we had to stop the livestream for five minutes. We're on our way home now." Nathalia said as she looked at the chat.

——We had fun Yukihime-chan

——I hope you'll do more of these

——What happened to the dude?

"I think we won't be doing these paranormal stuff often. This night already took too much out of my lifespan." Nathalia said as she smiled wryly.

Alexa then butted in without removing her eyes from the road, "As for my brother, don't worry about him he's in a good place."

——Rest in Peace, brother

——We honor your sacrifice...

——Salute!!! He was such a fine gentleman!

"Hey, don't act like I'm dead. Although I was badly beaten, I'm still alive..." Alec suddenly said with a grunt. He was beaten black and blue by his sister and Nathalia earlier that he can't move much currently.

**Cough** "Anyways, this will be the end of our livestream. The next one would be next week." Nathalia said goodbye to her viewers and decided to tell them when the next livestream would happen.

"As for what the content is... that will be a surprise. See you next time everyone! Peace!"

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