
C8 Nothing? Weird

Nathalia then laughed boisterously and said, "Let's go in after you two recover! Don't regret not leaving later on, hehe."

Alec raised his hand and asked Nathalia, "Who's gonna be left behind to watch the cameras?"

"Oh right, I almost forgot that we need to watch the cameras too," Nathalia scratched her head and said, "Well I think Alec is too scared so you can just stay here in the car and watch the cameras while the two of us go investigate inside."

Alexa clicked her tongue and mumbled below her breath, "Just as cowardly as always."

'Sorry sis, I'm just that scared of going back inside that spooky place,' Alec smiled wryly when he faintly heard Alexa's silent complaint.

Nathalia laughed and said, "Come on, Alexa. Let's go inside now so that we can start immediately. Ready yourself for our ghost encounter!"

Nathalia then dragged Alexa with her while carrying her equipment with herself. Meanwhile, Alec was the only one left on the car and he started to do his job which was monitoring the cameras and occasionally talking with the chat.

He looked briefly at the chat and...

——Anyone bets he's gay?

——Its a given as he's with two girls and also their friend

——Maybe he's a comrade pretending to be one?

——I'm not counting on my lucky stars that's true

He just gave up and focused on looking at the surveillance cameras they set up earlier. He can't be bothered to be angry at these morons.

Meanwhile, inside the hospital in the hospital lounge, Nathalia and Alexa started their investigation.

"Okay guys, I will not be able to reply with any chat for the rest of the night because the laptop I use to see the chat has been left in the car. As for now, we're using cameras to film ourselves and it's connected to the livestream." Nathalia explained before continuing.

——Nooooooo! How can we warn you?!

——Yeah! We're useful!!!

——Kehehe, you NEETs are disgusting looking like you want to lick Yuki-chan's feet. Touch some grass

——You're a NEET too, previous poster!

——Ahem! I'm a cultured gentleman, not a charlatan

——What an accurate 'The pot calling the kettle black' portrayal

"So we will now start this investigation. First, let us start by introducing ourselves. My name is Nathalia."

"And my name is Alexa." Alexa said.

"We're here to investigate the cause behind the closing of this hospital. If there's any spirits here who are willing to talk with us and provide us any information, you can talk with this gadget in my hand," Nathalia held out her phone and opened the spirit talker app and said, "This tool can let you say a whole word or a complete sentence. This way we can hear your words."


Alexa jumped up in shock when she heard the phone suddenly say her name, "What the fuck?! What is it?"

"Hahaha, that was fast." Nathalia chuckled as she looked at her frightened friend who was now standing on top of the counter.

Nathalia explained this place as the lounge but it's not worthy to be called lounge anymore as there's no couches or chairs anymore. All there is now is just the rotting countertop.

Alexa looked at the phone in Nathalia's hand and asked, "Um... do any of you here know why the hospital closed?"

[Why are you here?]

"We already said it, we're here just to document what really made this hospital close. That's all." Nathalia replied as she looked around when she suddenly heard a sudden knock behind her.

**knock** **knock**

"Did you hear that?" Nathalia asked as she looked at Alexa who was also looking behind her.

"Yeah," she answered, "They're right there behind you Nat."

"Fuck," Nathalia cursed under her breath before she asked another question, "Did any bad spirits haunt this place?"


"What? Who's Julia?" Alexa was confused.


"Now it's Chinese? There's no Chinese mode in this app, is there?" Alexa was even more confused now.

Nathalia was confused too and said, "I don't know too. Wait let me check on Alec of he knows something."

She then took out a radio from her pocket and contacted Alec on the car.

**bzzt**±What is it?±**blip**

"Do you know any nurse or doctor by the name of Julia who worked here?" Nathalia looked at the spirit box again before she added, "Julia Xiang. Someone named Julia Xiang."

**bzzt**±Wait for a sec...±**bzzt**

The two of them waited for Alec's next call when they suddenly heard a distant musical chime from afar.

"?!! Isn't that—?!"

"The musical box in the Emergency Room Hallway!" Nathalia answered as she looked deeply in her eyes. She then called Alec again and said, "We hear the music box in the ER Hallway chiming, check the cameras."

————|| Alec's Point of View ||————

"I'll check them." Alec said as he put down the radio and looked at the live camera feed from the Emergency Room Hallway.

"Huh?" Alec looked again in confusion but he still saw nothing. He then picked the radio back to his hands and said, "There's nothing there. I see not even an orb in sight on the camera, I only see the music box lit up and winding."

——They're ghosts, duh.

——This guy is an idiot. Yuki-chan should've went there with me instead of this idiot gay bastard

——You're a moron. Don't dream

——He's just saying what he saw and properly reporting them, you're all the idiots

If Alec ever went and looked at the chat then he would sure be pissed and angry that he will wish to kill somebody. Unfortunately or fortunately, he didn't bother to look at the moronic chat.

Checking the camera footage that was recorded earlier, he still didn't find anything amiss except for the unnaturally playing music box.

•——||Nathalia PoV||——•

Back to Nathalia, when she heard Alec's report that nothing was seen in any of the cameras, she was disappointed.

"Nothing at all? This is weird right? We have been hearing knocks and footsteps for a while now. We couldn't have been hallucinating the whole time!" Alexa exclaimed as she looked around them but she failed to see anything in the dark.

"How about we go to the Emergency Room after a few minutes here and do some EVP session? If we still don't get any notable information we'll go straight to EVP."

Hearing Nathalia's suggestion, Alexa nodded and agreed with her. They can't stay here for long as they still got somethings to do three hours later. But spending three hours here is probably gonna be their most memorable night in their life.

Next chapter