
Chapter 11: Teacher’s Meeting

There was a meeting going on in Headmaster's Office. Professors have gathered to discuss all the curriculum that has happened till now as well as various students that stand out in good or bad way. Right now they were discussing probably the most important student in Hogwarts- Harry Potter.

"Harry is doing well overall. He is modest and likable and decently talented. Though his devotion to studies and learning left something to be desired. It is quite understandable, since this is the first time he has been able form bonds of friendship wants to enjoy his time with them", Professor McGonagall said and all other teachers nodded in agreement___ except Snape.

He opened his mouth but Dumbledore gave him a look, so he promptly closed it shut.

"Talking about his friends", Professor McGonagall continued. "Hermione Granger is one of brightest witch I've ever taught if not the brightest. She is sincere, studious and hungry for knowledge and most importantly very talented at magic. Even since she became friends with Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, their assignments have gone up in quality. It's even more incredible considering that she is a muggleborn who didn't have any knowledge about magic till a few years ago. She has left almost all of her peers behind even those who had head start", McGonagall finished, proud of the student in her house.

" We all agree that Ms. Granger is an incredible student, but I think we all know that she is not the best in her year," Professor Flitwick said with a rare pride in his voice. "That title goes to Mr. Callum Haven. I have never taught a student as talented as him. Mastering summoning charm within a few months of learning magic, remaining calm while facing a twelve foot troll and coming up with a brilliant strategy to defeat it on the spot. Although it seems that Ms. Granger is best at every class, I personally believe that he doesn't give all his efforts during the class. It looks like he holds back at classes to let his peers catch up, so he doesn't earn their ire".

"I fully agree with you Professor Flitwick, he is once in a lifetime talent especially in transfiguration. I believe he is no less talented than Headmaster himself. What's more he is very mature for his age. You can tell from the way he does his assignments that he knows exactly what's important and what teachers are aiming for students to learn by giving the assignment, his answers are concise and to the point.", Professor McGonagall praised.

"I have to say, his assignments are quite methodical and thus effective. He is one of the better students that truly understand the essence of Potions", said Snape quietly.

This surprised other Professors as Snape never praises students of other houses.

"Well, he must truly be extraordinary if Severus have such high regard for him. It will be Hogwarts duty to nurture his talent and guide him in the right path for him so that he can achieve the best of his potential," Professor Dumbledore said.

The meeting continued for some more time and then concluded. Everyone except Dumbledore and Snape left the Office.

They continued to discuss Harry Potter and Snape was finally allowed to rant about how Harry is a split image of his arrogant father, only with mediocre talent. Dumbledore pacified him and told him to keep an eye on Quirell.

As Snape was leaving with a scowl on his face, Dumbledore stopped him, "Severus, about Mr. Haven, what is your true opinion about him? I know you must have peered into his mind despite repeatedly told not to do so to students."

Snape's scowl turned into a thoughtful , "The boy seems sincere and passionate about magic. From what I could glean from his mind, he studied spells from the library and practiced them in an empty classroom," he said unapologetically admitting his crime.

"It looks like he is making the best of the opportunity given to him unlike a certain other student who is content at being mediocre", he couldn't resist adding a barb against Harry.

In his view, both Potter and Haven came from similar circumstances. Both orphan with no prior knowledge about magic but one is content at being lazy and enjoying his current lifestyle, while other is working hard to change his circumstances.

Dumbledore ignored his jibe, " Keep an eye on him, will you. Especially the way some of the students of your house interact with him. I don't think he has garnered any attention from them yet, but if they know his background, they may try to get him in trouble. You should know the negative impacts that malignancy of students can cause on someone's mind"

" The more talented you are, the more hubris will attack you and the easier it is go down the wrong path. I'm of course speaking from personal experience and from observing Tom Riddle, it is of utmost importance that we stop him from making the same mistakes I made in my childhood. He will be a powerful figure in the society in future and we have to make sure that he uses his power wisely and for the betterment of society. I will not make the same mistake I made with Tom", Dumbledore said with resolution.

Snape gave a nod and left, leaving Dumbledore in his own thoughts.


Callum's POV

I was practicing my shielding charm Protego in ROR unaware of the meeting that took place and how well my Occlumency worked to fool Snape.

The dummy conjured by Room of Requirement was throwing small pillows at me that were bouncing of the translucent- almost opaque shield in front of me.

I'm testing the limit for how long I can hold the shield. I've been holding it for nearly five minutes now and my hand is starting to get sore. But I'm quite satisfied for now as I doubt I'll need to hold it for five mins straight in any situation. Though I'm aware this time can get much shorter depending on the force of the spells and objects being thrown at the shield. I will master the shielding charm till I don't have to give its wand motion and perform it in split second. I will try to ask ROR to throw something heavier with more force to test its endurance.

'That reminds me I have to test what else can this room do. Well I have so much time till the Holidays end. Tomorrow I will definitely test its limits.'


AN: I apologize for the inconsistent uploads and short chapters, but the works been so hectic right now. I will try to manage my time for this in future.

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