
Chapter 6

When the boy returned, he didn't return alone.

No; he had something, or better, someone in his hands.

It was a young girl, around the age of 7-8, with short blond hair, a small figure, and a face that would've been called cute, if it wasn't for her eyes, nose and mouth.

Her eyes were popping out of her sockets, half of her nose had been ripped off, and her mouth was completely destroyed.

The bone her jaw could be seen as there was no longer any skin left to hide it and all of her teeth, or at least, the ones left could also be seen.

The girls face, even in death, a carried and inhumane amount of fear and pain.

But even if the girl looked like this, I still recognized her; there's no way I couldn't; after all, around her neck, there was a necklace.

A necklace with the picture of three people, a beautiful woman, a child and a man.

That was me, my late girlfriend and my daughter.

That was the necklace I had given her on her 6th birthday...

Dropping to my knees, tears began to flood out of my eyes as I looked at my daughters corpse which had been brutally dismembered.

"Hm? Why the sad face?" Walking over to me, the boy looked at me with an expression filled with mockery.

"I thought you would have expected this; I mean; I did say to you on the day I brought you here, 'Don't worry, your family isn't waiting for you.' Wasn't that a big enough hint?" Chuckling, the boy threw my daughters body to the ground and sat on a wooden chair.


That's all I could feel.

It began to swallow me as I relived the memories of me and my daughter in my mind.

The time I taught her how to ride a bike.


When I taught her how to swim.


I could hear my heart rise, and then I suddenly felt a surge of power fill my entire being.

I'm going to kill him!

As soon as that thought went through my head, I moved; faster than I thought humanely possible.

In a split second, I had broken a piece off of the wooden chair near me, and dashed towards the boy, ready to stab the broken, wooden chair leg through his chest; however, as I was only an inch from piercing his chest; I stopped.

W-Why did I stop?!

- 3rd Pov -

The man didn't know why he stopped; why he couldn't bring himself to kill Silver, but, Silver did.

While the man was getting swallowed by his rage, Silver had compelled him to listen to all of his orders, no matter what.

And, right before the man could stab him; Silver said stop.

The man did stop, but, he didn't actually hear the words himself.

He was too swallowed by rage to hear Silver, but, since Silver compelled him, even if he didn't hear him; his consciousness did, so, he still stopped.

"Now then, what should I do with you? I can't have such an aggressive slave, no?" Sarcastically putting his hand on his chin, Silver thought for a moment.

Then, he slapped the man in the face, sending him flying into a wall 10ft away.

Silver didn't give him time to rest, as he moved quicker than the man could see and appeared right behind him. Then, he put his hand on the man's arm and ripped it off.

"Aghhhhh!" Feeling his arm get ripped off, the man couldn't suppress his shout as he felt unimaginable pain travel through his body.

"Now, look at me..." Forcing the man to look at him, Silver smirked and gave him an order, "You're not a complete vampire yet. You're still in transition. To complete your transition and become a vampire, you need to drink blood, so...." Pointing to the man's daughters corpse, Silver grinned even more, "Go and drink her blood."

When the man heard Silvers order, he wanted to resist; that was his daughter!

His little girl; his princess; the one person he swore to protect no matter what.

But, he couldn't resist; he couldn't stop himself from moving towards his daughter's corpse.

And the feeling to resist completely disappeared when he got a taste of her blood.

Even if she was his daughter, coupled with the taste of blood and compulsion, he didn't stop, and completely drained her of her blood.

As he did, his arm began to grow back.

"Hmm...." Silver watching this, began to realize something.

Even though he also has a problem controlling his urge to drink blood; it was nothing compared to other vampires.

He could stop himself if he really wanted to, however, this man who loved his daughter more than anything, couldn't.

"Now then, for the second test...." After the man had completely drained his daughters blood, Silver forced him to follow him outside of the basement.

As they were walking through Silvers massive mansion, the man realized something; all of the windows were covered; light couldn't be seen anywhere.

"Stand over there." Pointing to a spot, Silver ordered the man to stand there. The spot the man was ordered to stand in, happened to be in front of a massive window that had been completely covered.

Silver seeing the man was standing there, walked over to the window and then removed the curtains, and, as he did, he heard an agonising scream.

It was the man; as soon as Silver opened the window, the man began to burn, and soon was completely covered in fire.

The man screamed and wanted to run away, to get out of the light, but, he couldn't.

He couldn't resist the compulsion, and, due to this, he burned to death, and died.

"Hm, so I'm the only one with an immunity to the sun. That's good." After saying this, Silver snapped his fingers, and, when he did, a bunch of people came into the room.

The people were all dressed in clothing normally given to maids and butlers.

They were people Silver was compelled to take care of in his house.

"Clean up his body and remove all of the curtains from the windows." Saying this, Silver began to walk about to his room.

Completely unhinged of the absolutely vile things he had just done.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

JustATestVcreators' thoughts
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