
This Is What I Call A Beatdown! [Pt 2]

The Mid-Demon felt her body ache as she struggled to regain her balance.

The person who hit her was now dashing at her, ready to inflict another blow.

"Tch!" She clicked her tongue, realizing the mistake she made.

As a Mage, the Demon was not meant to lunge a frontal assault at her opponent. However, due to her flustered state, as well as the strange man putting away his weapon, she gave in to her instincts and struck.

As a result, he got the first hit.

'He human. Why he strong?!' The Mid-Demon asked herself, puzzled by the unanticipated turn of events.

It was the natural order that no human could be as strong as a Demon of her caliber. That was why she had been looking forward to the kind of 'powerful' foe she would decimate.

She had certainly not been expecting an equal!


The human approached her in a blur, too fast for her to quickly launch a counter-attack.

Next chapter