


DENNER WAS NERVOUS with everything that was going on, he realized that nothing could go wrong, otherwise Joaquim could be killed, and nothing in the world could be more important to him than that boy...

He then fell asleep and dreamed of the day he met him...

IT WAS A STORMY NIGHT in one of his first days as parish priest of that small church in the countryside, he had stayed there as a deacon for a few months and soon after ordained a priest, due to his simplicity and lack of education he was sent to a small church in a town very calm.

At his first Mass, his tutor, Father Tom, who had rescued him from his father's atrocities, was there and had been the first to receive communion, the first of many he would consecrate, a father's pride for a son.

Everything seemed like it had been so long ago, maybe in another life...

In the sacristy, Tom hugged his son and said:

— I'm proud of you.

Deep inside, Denner realized that his adoptive father's eyes held another pain that needed to be shared.

— Something tells me you didn't just come here to congratulate me on my orderly.

Tom nodded.

— I have bad news for you, your mother… passed away last week.

Denner took a few moments to absorb that.

— She died during childbirth, gave birth to a boy named Joaquim, however, his father delivered him to the church and said...

— I don't want to know what he said.

Tom nodded.

— Where's the boy?

— He has a sister hiding in a convent, I asked her to stay with him until I talk to you.

— I will take care of him the same way he took care of me, like a son.

Tom hugged him again.

— Did you know you've always been a source of pride for me?

— You were the only person who didn't turn your back on me in that damn city, I could never repay you for what you did for me, my mother was also a holy woman, she paid for her sins for having married a man like mine dad.

— I know it's been many years, but I think it's time to face it, son, sometimes we need God's forgiveness forgiving people who mistreated us, the word itself says:

O love erases a multitude of sins....

— I see, father... but I would never want to see you again, I know you understand what I want and I also know that God understands, because when I was baptized, I discovered a new life with Christ, and this new life is not related to the old, you are my father and mother, what I will do with Joaquim is simply because he did something for me and I need to repay that love to someone.

IT TAKEN TWO LONG MONTHS before all the paperwork was done and Joaquim came into her arms.

— Are you sure you want to put on the document that he's your son? — What would you say to him when you find out that priests can't have children?

— I will speak the truth, is it simple, is that what we say, that we must follow Christ because he is the truth?

DENNER HIRE A GOVERNOR to take care of the house and Joaquim, he as a parish priest could not give exclusive attention to the boy, he had a city to take care of and advise, he, more than most priests, knew the importance of a priest in a small community, he was almost a sheriff, almost all the problems of the city passed through his hands, he regularly received confessions of adultery, petty theft, etc.

BUT ONE NIGHT, his worst nightmares from his past came back to haunt him, his father totally intoxicated entered the rectory and started knocking on the door:

— Where's the boy? Where's the boy?

Denner opened the door and if he hadn't been quick enough, he would have taken a straight punch, but in the same proportions, he pushed the door, knocking his father away, and fell into the muddy garden.

— Who are you to come to pester us?

— Who am I? Have you forgotten about your father, kid?

— My father's name is Father Tom, I don't know anyone else.

The old man started to laugh.

— You've always been such a little sissy, haven't you? — It was always the shame of the family.

— I don't know what you're doing here, or how you found me, but I kindly ask you to leave.

The man took a revolver from his waist and pointed it at his own son.

— It took a while to do what was right, but I'm here to settle this once and for all.

He squeezed the trigger.

Next chapter