
Chap 44- Spectators

Chap 44- Spectators:

(A/N: Might be a little rusty, but let's go!)...:


{ Other World; When the Saiyans arrived; North Kaioh World }

"Sooo.... I know that I promised we could pass some time together whatever you wanted kusatori... But right after getting Goku there? Like worse timing... Right now me and King Kai are gonna watch him beat'em up."

Pointing her thumb finger behind her where some people were exiting the small house, a blue rounded man was carrying a TV followed by a monkey with a table that he was carrying above his head, and right behind him floating was a cricket carrying with him five wooden chairs stacked one above the other, making you consider if those smallish hands are really as weak as they appear to be.

And to complete the gang, the two talking right beneath one of the only trees around, a woman with long pink hair and pink-rose eyes that were covered by black stylish sunglasses and to top together with them a black and red cap, also wearing some very drip black and red jacket and black pants, on her feet having the same color pallet as her jacket were some sneakers.

The one beside her was using a way more innocent-inducing dress code, with a long white one-piece dress without sleeves, on her head the same exact sunglasses as the pink-haired one hiding her also rose-pink eyes, and instead of a cap, she was using a straw hat, a very simple but elegant combination that together with her black high heels made it way better.

She had to take that boy earlier today to the other side of the snake way, and on doing so her clothes at the time got pretty messed up, so she changed them for similar ones and flew back to the Kai planet.


"Hey, you two! The Saiyans have just arrived! Hurry up!"- The chubby man with antennas calls the other two as he turns on the TV.

Both turn to his side and give each other a final glance, ending the contact first, Calli walks forward, and an instant later hears the other coming too.

"Hmm?"- But as she was walking she feels something to her side, and looking at her right arm she seems a very smug Kiara.

" My payment, had to fly all the way there and come back, so let me stay like this while we're here 'kay?"- Talking in a very smug way, she hugs the shinigami's arm, enveloping it in her cleavage.

The other pink hair was just staring with dots for eyes, you could hear the sound of the kettle going out as the red color started to climb up her face.-" Ugh....D-Do....w-whatever...you want..."

Smiling at her win, the eternal bird rests her head on the other's shoulder as they walk to the chairs the other party had put down in front of the TV.

While they took a seat together, King Kai was by the TV side with a hand above it, trying to make a link to it, so they could watch the battle, it seemed he needed to be in contact all the time for it to work.

So, he just brought a chair and sat down beside the piece of technology with his hand above it, he was by the side, so they could watch it without his interference.

"Okay! That's enough love birds! They have arrived!"- Shouting with a deadpan face at the two who were side by side in two chairs, one was happy the other just red and embarrassed.

But she couldn't do anything since she promised the bird whatever a day off together if she got the Saiyan back in time, and she did just that.

*Static sounds*

Calli being dragged out of her embarrassment looks at the screen that after a second of just static, starts to form a coherent image, then finally it shows a group of three people sitting down and waiting for the Saiyans.

" So that's his brother and son, not gonna lie the brat seems strong for his age, the big-haired one too." - Being excited because this could prove to be really worth watching, the pink one just grins.

The one sitting by her side just rests her head on the excited one shoulder and watches the TV.-' So... this is the place called earth.... it appears to be very beautiful, maybe I give it a visit on my next day off... Then I could call Calli since she has friends there...*smiles*.'

As they watch it they hear the ones waiting there talking about how Goku nor Mumei has arrived yet, and start to get themselves pumped up for the fight.

And when they feel the two Ki's arriving, the long-haired one asks to fight a one versus one against the bald one when they arrive.

" Oh, he's into the classics duels, I can get behind that! And here was I thinking they would just group them up ahahah!"

Laughing a bit too hard, Calli smiles excitedly about the possible showdown that is going to happen very soon.

Continuing, they see the earthlings trying to kill some time talking about things until they arrive at the topic of a certain emperor and Kiara frowns.

" *Sigh* That guy again.... Already have millions of souls to take care of, because of him... the amount he has sent in here...*looks down clenching her fist*, is not a joke... hope one day someone from the living world can end him..."

Seeing her friend state, Calli pats her back lightly.-" Don't worry they will, that bastard is strong, but I am sure his time is already counted."

The Flaming bird looks at her for more information about what she means, but she just sees a satisfied smirk on the other's face.

And seeing she will not get any further information she sighs and looks back at the screen.

"You two should know the menace that Frieza is... and even if there is someone capable of fighting him, we don't know his full capabilities..."- King Kai barges inside their conversation as he watches the earthlings talking.

" No King Kai, there's two actually, Goku and the bird girl he talked about being the strongest without even training that much, if she decides that she wants to, from what I learned from him, she will become almost unstoppable.*smiles* That's something I want to see."

Hearing the word 'bird' the one beside the reaper moves her head with speeds that one would think to be impossible without breaking their neck.-" Ooo~ Calli~ You seeing other birds?~ May I know where she is? Just want to greet her casually. *Smiles innocently*"


Regretting talking about the Owl, Calli just makes a 'I fucked up' face and points a finger back at the TV as she feels her arms being crushed with an increasing strength.

"Le-Let's watch them fight, okay?"- Trying her best to make the topic go away as she feels her arm almost being ripped off.

And with the one beside her being able to heal, it wasn't much out of her expectations to see her arm being ripped apart because the flaming bird couldn't contain her anger and jealousy.

"Hmph!"- Kiara returns her head to the pink one's shoulder.

"AIAIAIA!!!!" - But not without twisting the other skin in a very hard pinch to her arm that was being hugged.

Giving the bird woman an accusatory and hurt look, just to be ignored.

Calli sighs and waves her free hand up and down.


Black flames appear around her hand for a second, and with them, they bring together a wine bottle.



"PUAHH!!! The good stuff..."- She just drinks her pain away with the others giving a quick look before shaking their head and going back to watching the battle.

Finally, after some wine bottles, the two Saiyans arrive, and Calli still wasn't drunk, one of the pros of being an immortal being is controlling when you want to be drunk, and she needs to be sober to watch this.

"*gulp*gulp* Ugh... *wipes wine off chin*, They finally there.... Ten bottles.....*

*light breathing sounds*

"Hmm?"- And looking at the one by her side... Kiara was sleeping with a big dummy smile on her face, moving her hand to her nose and stopping the bird from breathing from there.

Calli grinned as the kusatori jumped up.-" WWHA? WHAT?? WHEN??"

Looking around, Kiara spotted the one responsible for her comfortable slumber being interrupted, and said culprit was biting her lip to not laugh while pointing at the screen.

King Kai was ignoring the situation behind him completely, and just focusing on the screen.-' Damned couples... go find yourselves a planet or something!!'

After this interaction they finally got to the part Calli really wanted to watch, both Raditz and Nappa moved away from the others to start their own fight with the bald man heavily underestimating the other man.

They mock each other for a second and the reaper smiles while chugging down her eleventh bottle and getting at the edge of her seat looking forward to this like an uncle looking at football matches.

Both Saiyans started with a strength test of each other, and with this, stars appeared in the pink-haired eyes, she likes watching fights, a lot.

Since in the afterlife people fear her a lot, she rarely gets some action besides kicking Goku's ass for a whole year that is, this made her and the man become great sparing friends, he even said he would come back to challenge her when he got even stronger.

And who was her to decline that? She encouraged him to come at her with everything he got!

The show goes on, with both King Kai and Calli yelling at some points, and cheering when the bother got a hit in.

That was until the man got hit by a beam of violet energy, making the spectators widen their eyes together with the shout that came from a little kid.

"Damn.... these two are on par.... The difference in experience can be clearly seen..."- Greeting her teeth, it's obliviously Calli wouldn't like to see a friend's relative die.

But taking a long breath she drinks the rest of her wine, and as she goes to clean a trail of the grapefruit-flavored alcohol that got down her lips, her eyes widen as petite fingers go to her lips and clean it for her.

" It still isn't the end, mortals like Saiyans have one of the strongest wills and motivations, I doubt something like that would take someone like him out."

Hearing that Calli who is already smiling does so even more.-" Yeah, I know, but still he lowered his guard, and this should teach him that he should never do so."

After a second and seeing that the man was okay, all of them let out a breath in relief, even after his arm being pretty much useless the guy still fought, gaining even more points on Calli's book as he endured the unbearable pain.

Raditz fought a little more until he decided to end it all with an attack that at first looked to be his own, but when he moved both arms in a very similar way that the pink-haired and King Kai knew.

Both smiled seeing that.

" That boy looks up to his own little brother, it seems Saiyans can really change their ways after all."- The North Kaioh after having experienced the monsters of destruction that they once were, was happy seeing that at least a few changed.

"AHAHA!! That guy is a good fighter! Just need some work up."- Excitement was boiling inside the reaper as she jumped around the place like someone had made a goal or something.

Kiara just watched this smiling, seeing that Calli was taking this as a way of entertainment, after all, they rarely have anything to do in here.

" But what are they going to do now? One of their strongest fighters is down right? And they still have the other small one to go up against, and from what I am seeing he's at least three times stronger than the bulky one who just died, and Oh, talking about him soul just arrived at the waiting line."

Stopping her commemoration dance, the reaper looks back to the TV, seeing the long-haired Saiyan totally wasted and the Prince aiming an arm at him, making her eyes widen by such cowardice.

When she opens her mouth to curse at him an explosion happens right into the Saiyan's face, raising a pretty big curtain of smoke and dust and the spectators look at this in awe.

Making his job, King Kai moves the angle to the new additions, and it seemed that now they had a chance, Calli got back to her chair and watched it again with a serious face this time.

'The difference in power is too great... if Goku doesn't arrive there in time.... They might die.*frowns*'

Seeing that the situation got serious, Kiara just watches the TV with a little complicated expression, she didn't know them at all, but that doesn't mean she likes seeing good people dying.

Being the one who administers the reincarnation cycle, she sees a regular dose of memories from those who did good and now is being given a second chance, she just reads their resumes and sends them to an adequate reincarnation, be it as a cat or a king in an alien planet.

It really depends on your karma.

" King Kai!! Where's Goku!!?"- Rushing forward, Calli picks the rounded Kai by the collar, almost lifting him up.

He gets a little agitated but gains his composition seconds after.-" *Ahem*, He was searching for the magical beans it seems, and now he's flying to their location!"

Seeing that it was just a question of time, Calli clicked her tongue and walked back to her seat, Kiara tapped her back a few times.-" Why are you so worked up Calli? You don't even know them? I get they bear the souls of warriors, but why?"

Being confused why the shinigami was so worried about them, Kiara looks confused at her.

And sighing Calli pushes a fringe of hair to the side of her ear.-" I heard the stories from them, Goku told me, each one of them doesn't deserve to die there, they resemble the ones who work with me here, *tsk* protecting the place and everything, and I know how it feels to lose one of your friends... *looks at Kiara's eyes* You too, don't you? Didn't you lose one of yours to a stray soul a decade ago?"

Widening her eyes, Kiara looks away with a very sad face.-" I.... We thought it was a normal stray, so we sent our newbie that came from heaven... she was strong, and even participated in the tournament sometimes... The stray soul... I still remember it, it was one of Frieza's generals at the time....*sigh* and when my worker attempted to fight him she ended up being possessed..."

Stopping her there, the reaper looked at the TV, continuing.-" Then we were called, and had to put an end to her since her soul was corrupted already.... yeah I remember that..."

The silence grew as they watched the Z-Warriors being beaten left and right, all of them cringing and clenching their teeth as they saw the Prince not pardoning even the child.

But the effort from the earthlings part was a pretty big one, they even were able to do some damage, that was until Vegeta got enough of them and decided to end it all.

In the end, all of them were on the ground, and the last man standing was walking towards Gohan, and like a reflex Calli's hand moved a bit and her scythe appeared and Kiara had to grab her wrist to stop her from cutting the television.

Even in all her years as a guard, the shinigami always had her ways stay the same, she would judge those who opted for the evil way and just chat with the younger souls who were lost, sometimes a stray soul could be just a scared child from what's to come next, and with that mentality, she was a big dad of sorts in the otherworld.

Even her dad applauded her philosophy, as being a true right one for the work.

Kiara also knew that and it was one of the motives she fell from her high horse for the shinigami, Calli always thought about others, but she also had a selfish side and knew that that charm made Kiara like how truthful the girl was.

But that doesn't change the fact that she was going to capture her one day, even if it takes another century!

Hearing a strange sound coming from their television, both girls turned to see a bright red glow hit hard on the Prince's face with a heavy kick.

"*Smirk* Heh, took him long enough."- Sitting right after all that, they left aside what they just spoke for now, since now what was going to happen was pretty satisfying for her.

"Goku finally made it! And he was using the Kaioken too! He really got the hang of it!"- Happily his disciple got so powerful by using his technique the Kai was almost crying, the monkey even got out of his seat and offered a towel, which he accepted.

"Heheh!! Obliviously! I worked him up, how could he not be the strongest!"- Smirking and crossing her legs one above the other, the reaper was once happier.

"*Giggles* Should have dropped by more....but work those days was harsh... somehow a whole species of bug-like creatures got obliterated, and we needed to help and find the ones with requirements for reincarnation...*sigh*... that was a bad day..."

Giggling at how happy Calli was, just to remember how boring that day was, the flaming bird just sighed loudly.

They watch the intense stare-down as Goku looks over the battlefield and grimaces heavily, until finally again, his eyes meet with the other Saiyan ones.

Thinking a battle was about to go down until King Kai picked something up and tried to move the angle, and as the other two were going to complain about it, they both widened their eyes seeing the Owl.

"Hey.... isn't that.... A Civilization Owl?... No, it also feels like a Saiyan.... fucking no way..."- Putting one and two together, they all understood why the girl was said to be unbeatable by Goku.

" And she seems to be a mutation too... her soul is strange... and also huge! That's fascinating... are you feeling it too Calli?"

Both started talking about how intriguing the girl's soul was, mostly complimenting her.

And true to their beliefs, after giving Goku the sack of senzus and getting off her jacket.

After a little talking, they saw the girl's eyes change, and that was when they got a glimpse at how brutal Mumei was.

Even after punching Vegeta hard she still stepped on him like a bug.

After that start all of them started to cheer at every motion the girl did, she was ruthless, until her last attack.





'So this is Mumei!! I wanna fight her one day!!'







{PoV Mumei; Wastelands; After the Battle}

'Ughhh.... I wanna eat a pizza.....'

[{*Sigh* Then get up and go, you're laying there because of laziness, and you know that.*sip*}]

'More coffee? I will get up when you stop drinking that much caffeine.'

After answering that I put my hands to my sides and push myself to be in a sitting position.

*Sigh* - *yawn*

And after sighing and yawning I look around, and some meters in front of me there's the party group walking to my side.

'They're going to question me?'- Not really knowing what they're going to ask, I just sit there waiting.

The first one to walk forward with a hand down, is you guess it? My buddy pal bud, Piccolo, love this dude.

"So, can you tell us what was all that about? Even with my better hearing, I think the others could hear you shouting too, care to explain?"

Picking up his hand he helps me up, already asking that question. Well now that this has ended, and we're going to break what the definition of 'strength' is, why not?


But before that, I tap my clothes, there's dust everywhere... And I have one less cool clothes kit...

" Well, I will give you a resume, it's better, *ahem*, Sooo, my mom comes from a planet out there called Planet Civilization, not very original I know, blame the first king, and we refused to join forces with the emperor of the universe."

At that bit Piccolo's eyes widen, it seems he already knows where this is going, Raditz who was at the side nods, already knowing this part too.

" He got angy, and sent people to hunt us down and destroy the planet, later on, dad was one of them but didn't like the way they did stuff, pew pew his own men and helped mom, they escaped for some years, that's when *stretches arms up* I appear! Mumei joins the game!*cough* Now, on one of these 'peaceful' days the planet's destruction is going to happen.

Dad tries to get a spaceship, so we can fuck off there, they track him down after he got it, and who they sent? *Points hand at the pod that's flying to the skies*, fucking midget, dad is left behind trying to stop him as we escape...."

'Felt like a caveman at the end of that sentence there....'

Reaching for my jeans pocket, I put a hand in there and bring out of my inventory a Coke, what? Wasn't it discrete? Magical pockets, is my lie of the day.


And when I open my can, I finally look up at the group, and let me tell you some of them are pretty sad....uh... Bulma and the other humans are crying....

Gulping down and looking at others, Piccolo just nodded in sympathy, Raditz did so a bit sadder, having had some contact with his own, and Goku followed after not as much down as the others, but he only remembers grandpa Gohan, so I give him a break.

"Muaah!! But don't be so sad y'all!!! I punched him so hard he's going to be dreaming about me stepping on his head! AHAHAHAHA!"

[{ Are you sure that isn't alcohol? }]

Shut it, I love you but shut it.

[{ Okay, okay, but when are you coming back? }]

No, that isn't a suspicious question at all, is it? But I will do so, to sleep sometimes, but not right now, need to do some stuff here still.

But... damn I need to get you out of there quickly... Time passes too fast in here when I am there....

[{ Well.... we can't really do anything about that, since the only thing anchoring my time is when you're there, but when Muun comes here, that anchor disappears, we already had this talk, remember?}]

Oh...yeah, true.

"Hmm?"- Feeling someone pushing my shirt to gain my attention, I look down, and seeing little Gohan, his clothes are pretty beaten up.



And there goes the last button that was holding them from spilling....should have kept the suspenders in the design...

Luckily the others weren't looking... but some still had red faces, I smiled and pushed what was left of my shirt and cover them up, I have a white sports bra, there isn't anything to see ya know?


Well, that's a nice additional damage I may say.

Crouching down to be at the boy's size while drinking my can, I notice he's now looking down at the ground red like a tomato, well at least he's a gentleman.

"*Pats head * Heya Lil Gohan, what ya want?"- Was that cool enough? Might be.

Looking up into my eyes, he tries to find something in them, but not finding anything.-" Are you okay auntmei?"

"Uhhh.... I already got everything out.*gives of a can of Coke*, So don't worry, I am guud.*smile*"

[{*Far away* IT ISN'T STOPPING!!!!}]






I Watched Cyberpunk edgerunners........~ye


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