
Chap 36- The forgetful past.

Chap 36- The forgetful past.:


( A/N: Small Fix. )


{ Kro's Home; Void }

Three days have passed ins the void.... or 72 hours inside there, and one month outside.

Mumei was way better now, having come to the conclusion that it was something that was bound to happen, since she was someone new, and not her old self anymore.

Laying on Kro's lap, with her head down, face planted on her thighs, she was thinking about what to do now that she could finally think without having an existential crisis of sorts in every second.


Running her fingers on the hair of the light brown haired bird, Kro was just looking at her, letting her decide. She had already given a lot of suggestions and care.

And would continue to do so, but the silence was nice too, so she didn't like to ruin the moment.

Taking a deep muffled breath, that made Kro giggle with the tickling it made her feel on her inner part of her thighs, Mumei got up and expired out her air through her mouth and looked at the blue head.

" I will go there, maybe I find something that will help me get them back."

Getting serious Muun, started walking to the kitchen, Kro looked at this with a little hurt face, she could tell that her Muun wasn't completely good.

And she was about to follow, but something made her lose all her air in her lung.



The Owl darted from the door towards her the moment she got up.

And body slammed her to the ground together with her, Kro could feel the smaller one sitting on her abdomen, as her eyes were closed by the impact, she opened them slowly.

Just to get a second surprise, but a welcoming one.

Muun had leaned down and hugged her neck kissing her deeply, her face turning red as a tomato, the system core just enjoyed and received it too.

Moving her arms to the white sports-bra of the Owl, and raising her hand slowly as to not startle her, Muun continue the kissing as Kro finally got to the mass of pudding in the other's chest.

"Hmmmmf~"- And started to give a firm small squeezes, making the bird sing wonderfully.

Continuing playing with her breast, she runs another hand behind Muun, but the one in question pulled away, with a huge smug smile in her face, getting up and stepping back to the kitchen still turned to Kro.

She smiled even more, and waved a little. -" Thank you Kro..... for everything... but first you need to get a real body, and do something romantic, then I will think about it....."- Jumping to the side, she goes to the kitchen, then enters the bedroom.

Leaving the one in the floor of her living room, with a red face and both hands still in their respective positions in grabbing manners.

When she realized what happened she looked around and then at the door the girl exited.-" ON NO!! YOU'LL NOT LEAVE ME IN THIS STATE!!! COME BACK HERE!!!"

Running through the door almost falling because she stood up too fast, she ran into her room.


And opening the door with a little bit too violence, she just saw that the culprit was already turning into blue particles.

Turning away from the computer, Muun spun around and looked at the other's face, still maintaining that smug of hers.-" Hey Kro! I love you! ahahah!"


And without elaborating further, she was sucked into the computer and teleported back to the real world.

Kro was just there, flash banged.-" When did she..... Another one to write down to the RTMOD ( Random Things My Owl Does) I guess...

Walking blushing to the side she picked a notebook strangely colored similarly to a certain someone, in brown and yellow colors.


As she wrote down, she started blushing at what happened.-" Get a real body and something romantic, huh? Oh I will, even if you forget, I will remember this even if we go to hell! You better believe it! YOU'LL PAY ME FOR LEAVING ME THIS HORNY!!! YOU DAMNED CUTEY OWL!!!!"










{Grandma's Shop; 10:12 a.m}


"Ahh, It's been a month since she disappeared away huh."- Inside her shop, the old grandma was drinking some tea while laying on her couch, and on the resting of the couch was an open book that she was reading.

As she got past a page to continue reading it, something started to glow by her side.


A small blue sparkle of electricity appeared out of nowhere for a second, making her turn her head to its sound.

Raising an eyebrow.-" What... did I hear something or was it just my mind playing tricks on me already?"

Suspecting her age was finally catching up, she scratched her forehead, but something proved her wrong.


Her eyes widened as hundreds of blue lightnings cracked and disappeared, and as they disappeared, they started to make a certain Owl reappearance.

The old lady just stayed there with her eyes wide open and mouth open.

Finally, the cracking of electricity ended, and Mumei was seen sitting up from the couch with a smile, you could notice it was a very smug one, but still a calm one.

Turning to give a look at the lady, Muun nodded.-" Thank you.... I thank you for everything, now I need to search her house."

Saying so, she started walking out of the place, letting the other woman follow her slowly with her head turning.

Stopping with her hand in the exit door handle, she confirmed one last time." South City, the tallest mountain, right? And while answering that, *turns head* What's your name grandma?"

The old woman didn't have time to understand what just happened, and just blinked answering the questions.-" Ouh... Yeah yeah *nods*, she lived in there, at least it is where she lived before, and as for my name... I had many, but calling grandma is good enough, your mother called me 'old bone' back then.*snickers*"

Smiling at the new knowledge, Muun opened the door and exited.


Closing the door behind herself, going for the final piece she needs.

The grandma just sighed and sipped her tea, looking at her reflection in it after.-" Poor thing, I hope she can find what she's seeking for."


{Pov Goku; Snake-Way}

Ahhhh.... it's been awhile since I started this...*sighs*

"Hmm?"- Looking down again....

I can't believe it!!!


Landing on the end of the snake way.....

"YEAHHHH!! I DID IT!!! UHUUHH!!!"- Jumping around happy! I dance a little to finally getting here!

" Now, where is it?"- Looking at the sides, I just see more yellow clouds that look oddly familiar with my nimbus.

But nothing new.

That was until I got the worst goosebumps I ever felt.


"UGH!!"- Feeling a wave of killing intent I look up.

Seeing a small planet...-" So that's where it is! But what could have such a high power?*sweats*"

'Well... I will see when I get there!*nods*'

Bending my knees down and almost sitting on the ground.


I slingshot myself up... just to be pulled to the planet!?!?-" WHAAAA-*CLASH!!*"

Planting my face to the grass.... Its hurts...

"Agh..."- Getting up I can feel the gravity! It's way bigger than earth, but nothing I can't deal with!

"LOOK AT THIS! IT IS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE NOT WINE!! CAN'T YA SEE?"- Hearing more yelling coming from a small house, and feeling three somewhat big presences and a super strong one! I think it's even above Mumei!

Taking small steps.... I get close to the door...until everything falls into silence.

I... I feel something sharp on my neck...-'FAST!'

Behind me... is the strongest I have ever met, probably.-" Hey you... never seen ya around... a lost soul? If so my work will be easier, but I am my vacation y'know? tsk."

Hearing it, I shake my head in a way to not cut myself... geez scary...-" Nono miss!!! Uuhhhh... I've come here to received training from the Mister Kaioh!! I was told he could teach me a lot!!"

"Uhm... well that red giant did say something about a mortal coming by.... *sigh**lowers weapon*, well I will get myself some real wine, and will come back later... this is the only place you can get some real peace in this dimension after all."

Feeling the sharp metal being lowered from my neck I sigh.

Turning my head, I see some long pink hair disappearing into black flames.-" Ahahh..... Scary lady..."

"Isn't she?... And just because we got the wrong one... isn't grapefruit stuff all the same?"- Turning my head forward, I see a round man with two antennas.

His clothing being pretty strange... and there's also the glasses.-"Uhhh... Are you the Mister Kaioh I heard about? Why are you so weak?*tilts head*."


Ugh.... Is this guy really going to teach me something?


{Pov Mumei; South City; 10:31 a.m}

Flying above a city in Owl form, I look at its surroundings trying to find the tallest place around here, but most of the mountain are just the same size....

*Flapping wings*


Landing on the tallest building, I look around, this place is really strange, like the geography of it, it's in the middle of an island and to cut it off, it's like in a very mountainous area...

Like who had the idea to make a city here?

But that aside, the best shot I think I have at this is asking around I guess.


'Hmm?'- Turning my head down, I see two cars that have collided together... damn the other guy really hit the one family sized in the motorist side... oof.

*Flaps wings*



Jumping down in Owl form, I get to half the way down and then puff into my normal state.

"Well I have people I can ask."

Flying down, landing right on the side where the vehicle crashed, the motorist from the car that crashed on the family one is unconscious, but seems okay.

Putting my hand on the door.-"Uh, stuck huh. *BANG!* Now it's open."- Getting the door off by force and throwing it to the side, I get the motorist out and put him in a seat by the side of the road.

The instant I break the door many people snap their heads towards me.... and start recording... mom I am famous.

After seeing me putting the motorist into the seat, some rush to him in aid, as I walk back to the accident.

"WOW, That girl is a superhero or something?!"

"I bet she is! Look at how easily she's lifting that car!"

Could at least shut up, if y'all aren't helping.


The sound of metal hitting the ground echoes all around, as I pick the empty car and throw it into a patch of grass without anyone in it.

Having a look inside the car.-" Two adults... and on the back one kid... hmm, only the dad is seriously in danger here, the others probably only passed out."

Putting a hand on my jacket pocket I get a little green bean and put on the probable dad's mouth and make him chew it.-"Good, now I will get you guys out of there."

Flying above the car, and piercing my right hand above the ceiling and using my left one to fire a small Ki beam to all the areas that connect to the lower part, feeling like doing something cool.



And pushing out the ceiling of the car and yeeting it together with the other car, I hear some cheering and smile a bit.

Getting them out of there quickly and putting them resting on another benches, I sigh in relief.-" There, done."

Saying so a lot of people start to surround me asking very personal questions....

"Hey miss what's your name?"

"Are you new around here?"

"What's your cup? To be using suspenders to help, must be something huge!"- Who said that! I will bonk you!

Listening to more and more questions, I just sigh, and ask my own.-" If anyone answers mine, I will answer theirs.... where's the tallest mountain around here?"

A small girl with yellow hair and orange eyes raises her hand... And I point a finger at her.... why everyone so small around here....oh just remembered... they're based on Japan... uhhh...is that racist?

"*Ahem*, Miss if you go to straight in that direction.*points at a street*, you will pass by a lot of more small ones, and will arrive at the tallest, called Mountain of the Owl, now please could you tell me your name!"- She puts a microphone close to my mouth, and stays on her tip toes...heh.

"As of right now... I am Mumei the Owl.*USHH!*"

"What? Where is she?!"- Letting all of them there confused, I fly to where she said pointed.

Going out of the city and a mountain, then two.... finally I see it.

A very tall mountain, it isn't touching the clouds, but still two times bigger than the others.

Accelerating I fly up, and see an entrance of sorts and a small house that has seen better days, on the back an unusually big dead tree.



Landing on the front of the house, I look around it, and it's made by a pretty rough material, looks like clay.

Finally stepping inside, I feel a huge déjà vu like feeling.-" I have been in this place before.... now where's the euro beat....


*creak*- Lots of small debris on the ground, like a hurricane passed by and wrecked the place up.

Going inside the living room, I see some decorations made by hand, a couch that looks about to be destroyed, and a small painting on the wall, looks to be made by rough graffiti or charcoal, of a stick-woman holding a smaller sticki-girl hand... both have feathers on their heads... creepy as fuck...

I tap it with my hand.


Turning my head back like a bullet, I could promise I heard a little girl laughing.

"I don't believe in ghosts but holly molly, but what the fuck was that.... wait...in this world they exist.... fuck...."- Following where I heard it, I enter another room.

Now that I notice too, the only door I found it's the entrance one, and it was left open... like it was left there waiting for someone.

Entering the room... nothing.

That would be the best way to put it, just some burned dark wraps that were used for sleeping, and the walls were seemingly burned too... and on the wall a huge hole to another room...

Passing by it, the only thing that was intact was a bed... the rest was totally burned up, ceiling, walls, and the floor too.

Whatever was it, it was angry as hell, I tell you.

Sighing and shaking my head, I walk out of the house.

The only thing I found was just the uncomfortable feeling of knowing this, but not remembering one bit of it.

Like the backrooms, scary place.

Pushing my hair back to ear, and walking around the mountain top, I don't find anything more, and walk to that big dead tree.

But the moment I set a leg in the backyard where it's located, my heart stops for a second, my little smile that I was holding, goes away in to a surprised face.

Walking slowly to the small path of green grass that was beneath the dead tall tree, with a wooden placket above it, that looked to be craved by something hot, taking a look at the placket.

[{ So this is where you must have been living before, Muun.}]

<< Here lies Yukinoaru Naya Berry, Died in 756, April 7. >>

Looking at the name, it feels like it was something I always knew....

But there was more... on the side, a small arrow pointing to the back of the placket, I walked to the other side, and there was another message there.

<< If I am reading this, it seems I didn't die, good, Mom wouldn't want that anyway... and if I returned, it means that I finally got the courage to move on... but right now... I can't... Mom just got away to join father.... and I don't know what to do... I... I hope you're living a good life, and please don't be a coward like me.

From me, to me. >>

"What the fuck....."- My eyes widen as I read down the message, and like a signature, two small drawn feathers are at the end of the wood placket.

[{ Okay, something is-}]



● NEW TITTLE HAS BEEN ACQUIRED! !! > { Complete }.]]

Frowning, I try to ask Kro what does it do...


Just to fall to my back, with very.... very… Heavy eyes....


{Pov 'The Coward' ; 756, April 7}

In the highest mountain in the south location of the earth.

There's a small house, made pretty roughly, but you can see it was done with a pretty strong base in mind.

Being pretty small and having four rooms, and the only wooden door being at the entrance, and the rest inisde just had the door frames.


Multiple sticks are fallen into the wooden floor of a living room, making a symphony of sorts.

Steps could be heard slowly approaching a room without a door, and when they entered it.

The one with light brown hair walked by the side of a white bed, and bent down, getting to the bed level, where someone very similar to her but very thin and weak turned slowly their head to see a face full of sadness and worry.

Raising one of her arms from the bed, trembling with little to no strength, she caressed the one by her side in the cheeks, making circles in them-" My precious little red berry, I am so, so sorry... but it seems it's time for me to join the others..."

Moving her hand again, she pats the head of the one by her bed, who was crying, making it rain on the carpet by the bed.

The older one, knew, she still in a way a child, but she wanted her to live a good life, and not stay stuck around...

"Mumei..."- Gaining the attention of the one crying, who raised her head enough to look directly into her eyes, with deep caramelized-yellow sad eyes.

"You need to be strong, you are a very intelligent one, a very strong one at a young age, *pats head*, don't fall down a hole you can't climb like we did in the past.....*smiles*, mama loves you-"

Her hand falling slowly from Muun's head, just to be picked up by her and squeezed a little.

As tears ran down her eyes, they started to change too, the caramelized yellow color they once had was glowing with a bright yellow glow, and for a second even red.


Her room and her mother have received a strong glow of yellow light with her as the center, burning the walls and everything other than her own mother's bed, leaving the blackness of the burning all around.

The entire surroundings cried together with her, in tremors as the mountain didn't know she would hang it up with all the earthquakes that were happening.

It continued, making people from south city think it was an eruption from some unknown volcano, many even said that it could be one very far away, but it was so powerful, that even them were feeling it's aftermaths.

After half a day in mourning, she finally stood up by the side of the bed, getting up with a large shadow in the area of her eyes, she walked out to their garden, and got to her mother's favorite place.

An old tree that had grown who knows how many years ago, raising one hand right in front of it.



She fired a yellow Ki blast to the place, forming a small hole beneath the tree, and she did it again.

"*breathes heavily*.... I am not strong mom.... *grits teeth* I AM FUCKING WEAK!"- Once again exploding in temperament.



Raising a pretty noticeable dust, she fell to her back, just watching the blue sky while her chest goes up and down, breathing heavily.

Remembering the people who she truly calls strong, the surrounding ones she was told about who had proven what being strong truly means-" Dad.... what would you do now?..."

With this question, she gets up using her left trembling hand as support, her strength was empty, she had trained until now, and not gained anything.

But her mother told her over and over.-' Our race varies when you can get stronger... like I got my true power potential after going to school back then, and then started to train, and my power just got bigger and bigger!'

So they basically awakened at random, making her very frustrated at how weak she was right now.

Taking steady steps she walks inside the house once last time.

Picking her mother in a bridal carry, she walks out.

Getting to where she exploded the hole, she gently put her there, and walked out, looking inside the hole, with a longing look.

The one who raised, played, told her stories, taught her, was gone too now....

Slowly she moved her hands and put the dirt inside the improved coffin of sorts, it was a long and painful process, until after she finally buried her completely, she made a walk to the side, and with her still dirty hand, picked up a wooden placket she had cut for their fire today...

And started writing on it with a little bit of Ki in her finger, some things were just normal about her mother's name and data she died, but she left a massage behind it.

If she somehow returned here alive, she would not like to hunt herself with the 'her' right now.

The one who is lost in her own head.

After all, she didn't have anything to go on for.

And after putting the placket on her mother's grave, she descended the mountain walking slowly, the only thing she carried with her was her body clothes.

A light red shirt with some dispensers, a blue jeans pants and her black military boost, everything she found somewhere around the mountain, people don't like nature for sure.

Starting to walk, without destination, she just hit the road of her life and got going.

Being an alien she could go easily for one month or so without food and water, and that was about how much she walked on her way.

In the middle of a desert, she collapsed to her face, just thinking one thing, before maybe joining her mother.

" I wish..... I could have had more fun with her...."

Sorrow, indecision, sadness, missing, and put it all up guilt.

For not wanting to continue even further, since she had nothing to offer or want.


Moving her eyes up, she sees something.

[[ Do you wish to be Complete? The good part of you that's missing? The one you have been missing inside? ]]

A white screen that has a rainbow shine with blue letters in it, just pops in front of her almost dead eyes.

And in a faint air as she closed her eyes.-" Ye...."

[[ Good decision. Don't mess up this time, okay? ]]























●○○ [ [ Opening it...] ]


●●○[ [ Analyzing it... ] ]


●●●[ [ COMPLETED! ] ]





[ [ ● (! NEW !) Name: ▪︎Mumei Naya Berry

● (! NEW !) Age: 27

● (! NEW !) Titles: ▪︎{ [ Traveler ]; [ Owl Joker ]; [ System High Holder (Super-High intimacy) ]; ! > [ Mumei the Owl ] < ! }; ! > [ Yuki's Dear Daughter ] < ! }; ! > [ Completed ] < ! } ]]

God... this took a while... and if you don't like past character lore... chill, I'm practically done already.~ye

ReyKalecreators' thoughts
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