
C43: Megan

Being a full-time employee is quite an adjustment ever since the school year ended. I was used to working after class for four hours only, but now I work from the restaurant's opening and closing hours. I remember asking the employees how long they've been working there, and almost all of them have been working in the restaurant for at least five years. Five years is a long time in my opinion. Their main reason is they're being paid well – more than they should even, and

Evangeline's dad was lenient, considerate, and nice to his employees. There is, however, slight favoritism because Lance was treated like a son. It's not a big deal, because if they're satisfied with their salaries and are well-treated, I don't think there's anything to ask for.

Although what I don't like about them is, they're speaking behind Evangeline's back. The problem with Evangeline, however, is that her attention is almost on Lance alone the entire time. Lance and the job. I find it surprising because as a highly-extroverted person, it's not normal for her to befriend one person alone.

What makes Lance different? Up to this point, that question keeps on crossing my mind whenever I see them together.

Lance and I arrived at the restaurant at the same time, and something feels different from his aura.

There's no hint of anything positive. His brows are creased, his frown highly noticeable.

"Good morning," I awkwardly greeted, and he looked back to me, throwing me an icy daggered glance. He averted his eyes and headed to the kitchen, ignoring my existence.

That certainly means that he's in a bad mood. He looked like he's going to tell me, 'shut up and just get out of my face.' I don't think he's that mean to have such thought, but it's not like I know the guy completely.

"I've never seen Lance that serious. I've been working here for seven years now, and we all know that he's a serious person with a blank facial expression. But it doesn't look like he's acting like himself," the guard commented as he got out of our sight.

"Maybe something bad happened? He looked angry and uncaring." I replied, and I silently told myself not to get carried away with what I saw. Now that we're talking about his bad mood, Evangeline isn't here. Normally the two arrive here together. Where on earth is she?

I dialed her number several times, but the only answer that I receive is 'the number you are calling is currently unavailable, please try again later.' I know her as someone who never keeps her phone away from her, so this feels off. Did something happen between the two of them? Eve and Lance are acting weird.

Left with no other choice, I sent Eve a message, and thankfully, she answered quickly.


Me: Hey, where are you? Aren't you going to work? Also, why aren't you answering my calls? Did something happen? Please tell me, because I'm getting worried. I also find it weird that Lance isn't acting like his normal self today. He's been colder than usual, apathetic and scary.

Evangeline: Sorry for not answering your calls. I thought it was from someone else that I'm avoiding, so I didn't bother to look and answer. I'm not feeling well. It's not like I'm sick, but I know that I can't function properly today, all I want to do is to stay in bed.

Me: What caused that?

Evangeline: I don't have the energy to discuss all the details, but I'm going to make everyone pay.

Me: Woah there. What are you talking about? Who's 'everyone' that should pay? This doesn't sound like something you'll say.

Evangeline: Don't take it literally. What I mean is, I'm not going to let anyone slip through my fingers.

Me: Good riddance, Eve! I can't understand what you're saying!

Evangeline: I already know who killed my cousin, and everyone involved in it. I won't harm them, but I'll make sure that justice would be served. I won't be there tomorrow. I'm gathering all the energy that I can today because tomorrow would be a long day. I'm going to confront the tyrant who plotted Giovanni's assassination. My investigation led me to the murder, and the one behind it. Before I deal with the murder, I'm going to take care of my uncle first.

Me: Your uncle?

Evangeline: I'm not the only person he wanted to dispose of. He was the one behind Giovanni's death. He wanted him dead. I don't care how he'll handle me, but I need to give him a piece of my mind. I'm going to do more research on who else is harmed under his name. He plotted my assassination and Giovanni's. It can only mean one thing – this isn't something that he 'rarely' do. I have a strong feeling that he's having people killed in secret. I need to get more of that.

Me: So it's true, after all, huh? Arthur told me about what he knows. His father, the vice mayor, is aware of the mayor's wrongdoings. Therefore, you're right about that. He assassinates whoever gets in his way which is why he's been the mayor for the past eight years if I remember well. But Eve, don't do anything reckless. He's watching you already, right? What are you planning? You won't throw away your life and just sue him, don't you? Because doing that will bring you to bigger trouble. Remember how powerful he is!

Evangeline: Am I not powerful enough for you? Wealth and power is the issue here, right? Because that made him capable to do all these things. Fine. I may not have the power, sure. But I have the wealth. I can use my connections and resources to make the guy pay for everything

that he had done. Nothing can change my mind. Just this morning I reached for dad and told him everything that he needs to know. Please pray for me.

Me: You're making it sound so easy. You're fighting a mayor!

Evangeline: So? This isn't just about me, but Giovanni too, plus those innocent lives that he wiped out. I can't just let him do all these things continuously.

Me: I admire your courage, but I can't help but be worried. You do know what's at risk here, right?

Evangeline: You mean my life? Yes. I know. Isn't my life already at risk? I'm being watched. I'll make most out of the risk that you're saying. It's gonna be worth it.

Me: Why do you sound like you're willing to throw your life away? Evangeline: I wouldn't count it as waste. Do I have to repeat myself? I know what I'm doing and what can happen once he finds out about what I'm doing. Anyways, I'm not alone here. I'm going to make him pay, even if it'll cost me my life. I'm not afraid to do what's right. If I won't do this, more lives would suffer.

Me: You said you're not alone. Who are you investigating with?

Evangeline: It doesn't matter. But I know that there's a high possibility for me to expose him. I'm going to have him shown on TV if possible. Look, I'm done with this. I want to be at ease today. You've heard enough. Whatever happens, I need you to know that you're a great friend, and I love you. Okay?

Me: Dude, don't speak that way. You're scaring me.

Evangeline: Saying 'I love you' scares you?

Me: Ugh, stop.

Evangeline: Just trust me on this and pray for me. All things will work together for good. ^_^

Me: Fine. But, what's with Lance? He's not acting like himself today.

Evangeline: His mood is none of my concern.

Me: Again, that doesn't sound like something you'll say.

Evangeline: Today's an exception. I don't want to talk about him. It's not like we had an issue or anything like that but I know why he's struggling. That's the only thing I can tell you.


Arthur once mentioned that his father is aware of the mayor's wrongdoings, but I can't help but wonder if it also means that his father does the same. What if they're all the same? If there's anything that I've noticed, Mortalla and Castillo are the ones who always have the control of this city, their families always win the election. A Mortalla as the mayor, Castillo as the vice mayor. What if Arthur knows more information, but is hiding it?

Ugh, I hate this! Why does it look like everyone has something to hide? Even Evangeline herself isn't telling me everything. That night during Arthur and Vincent's party, I overheard their mother and Lance talking where their mother was mainly apologizing because she was separated from them and that Lance belongs to their family as their firstborn son. Moreover, I heard her saying, 'I don't care about the mistakes you've done in your life. It no longer matters. We're powerful enough to cover that up' when Lance said that he has this 'kind of life' and 'he's supposed to be in prison now.'

This can't be a coincidence, right? If Lance is a criminal being covered up with the Castillo family so that he won't get caught, can it also mean that … he's the one who assassinates the ones who the mayor and vice mayor orders?

My chest tightened as I try to put the puzzle pieces together. Knowing the chances of how right I can give me the fear. If I'm right, then that means I'm dating a son of a corrupt politician who's involved with murdering cases?

I let out a sigh and squeezed my eyes shut at the thought while clenching my sweaty fists, trying to calm myself down. But even if I try to, my heart and mind won't cooperate. If all my assumptions are right, then this can also help Eve with the pieces of evidence that she's gathering.

Eve showed me her courage and let me know the things that she's willing to risk to find out the truth to achieve justice. Reflecting alone like this won't be enough. As she said, what matters now is to do the right thing. I can't stay silent and secretly shiver with fear.

I have to help her.

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