
C27: Evangeline

My excitement from being the restaurant manager for the first time suddenly turned from extreme to nothing. Lance, or in this case, Victor, ruined the entire thing by doing such short and cold introduction which even the employees found awkward. Although what he said made sense, I still think that he could've done it in a different way. No wonder why he kept on saying things like, he's a 'boring and cold' person. Though he sounds like pushing me away at some point, I still want to believe that I can make him completely confident around me over time.

Maybe he can say that I'm far too trusting, but seeing him doing the kindest things proves me that I can trust him. When he picked me up from the airport and passed out when I arrived home, he took care of me the entire night and even cooked for me the next day, and even let me vent to him without being judged … or so I thought. Regardless if he judged me deep inside or not, he opened up to me which gives me the hint that he trusts me somehow.

In fact, whether I admit it or not, I feel safer with him by my side. I appreciate all the efforts, even if it's obvious that at times, I'm already annoying him, or invading his personal space.

Now, we agreed on the so-called Wednesdate, thanks to me. If I'm only courageous enough to ask about his real thoughts about the idea, I would. Is it something good or bad? I suppose my explanation to him that I simply want some company is enough to communicate that it's not because I like him romantically or anything like that.

I avoided his eyes as I pulled my wrist away from his grip. "You know what? I think you don't have to tour me around. I get the idea. After all, it's not my first time being in this restaurant," I lied. Dad told me about what the restaurant offers, but the last time I visited here was many years ago, to the point where I can no longer remember when.

"You're lying," he commented, looking at me intently, his arms crossing.

"What?" I gulped, trying to keep my cool. How can he tell? He can't be THAT good.

"Wondering how I can tell? It's the direction of your eyes. Then you suddenly became stiff, and something felt off. I don't ignore what my intuition says. Besides, I worked here for a long time already including holidays, and I never saw you around. Knowing how close your dad and I, if he brought you here, he would've introduced you to me. Plus, why would he ask me to tour you if you know everything? That made me conclude that you're lying. Correct?"

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh in surrender. "I think I'll figure things out on my own so that I won't disturb you. I do have an idea of how things are like, so yeah, just tell me stuff along the way."

"That's a yes then. Are you overwhelmed that I'm acting like this? Is that the reason?"

"Honestly? Kinda. I'm still not used to seeing this side of you. I know that you're the same Lance – I mean, Victor that I know, but it just felt strange. Don't worry, I'll get used to it. For now, just tell me how to cook the foods on the menu." If he's planning to say sorry, this is the best time. Or am I the one who should be saying that instead?

"I'm sorry," we said in chorus, just like earlier in the car. But without letting me go first just like his argument earlier that ladies should go first, he insisted to speak first.

"I'm sorry if I acted like that. It's my default. Even Megan knows that you can ask her for confirmation," He explained, which I understand.

"It's fine, really. We have different personalities, and you're not the first cold person that I knew who has a hidden soft side. I suppose I saw your soft side first because you took care of me recently, and since you know that I'm sensitive, you chose to understand. Correct?" Copying 'correct' sounded funny to me, though.

"Yeah, but there's more than that. You learned enough of 'Victor trivias' today, so I'll save the rest soon." He straightened his arms, putting it on his sides. "You were saying?"

Of course, he wants to hear me apologize.

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry for lying. I just got carried away because I thought you were angry or found me annoying. After all, I've been asking a lot from you recently, even taking your time."

Victor raised both of his eyebrows, his eyes slightly widening. Finally, his facial expression softened, the corner of his lips rose into a warm, welcoming smile. "You're worried about that all this time?"

"Oh trust me, you have no idea," knowing that everything was fine for him made me feel like a thorn was pulled out of my chest.

"It's nothing to be worried about. I'm not always busy, and if I am, I'll tell you. Since you no longer want a tour, perhaps we should head to the kitchen? Oh and, you'll be needing to wear the manager's uniform. Only that we currently don't have that,"

"I'm going to design one, then!" I clasped my hands together, thrilled about the idea.

"You design clothes?"

"No, but I will."


I got the gist of how the business runs just a couple of hours of observing how the employees are functioning. Victor hardly talks since he's focused on cooking, while other employees found it awkward that I'm observing them around. Now I understand why dad isn't always in this place for an entire day – there's hardly anything that I can do, because a manager mostly observes the employees, scold those who are not performing well and help with some parts.

I'm not a person who's harsh, and I compliment more than critique. On the contrary, Victor seems to be more suitable for the managerial position, since he can handle his own job, as well as handling his fellow employees. Do I really have to be here? Knowing how innocent I am with this leadership role, and how good Victor is, the respect would be gained by him, and not me, since I don't know how to be a leader.

"You're spacing out," a familiar voice caught my attention, and I got back to my senses upon seeing Victor standing in front of me. "In case you didn't notice, I've been trying to talk to you for the past minute."

"Wait, a minute? That's too long!" I reacted, worry and shock filling my mind. "You're messing with me, aren't you?"

Victor let out a sigh, with a smile that he's trying to hide, and his facial expression returned to its default.

"Oh c'mon, stop acting cool. You just managed to loosen up for a couple of seconds. Stop acting like you're a heartless tyrant," I pouted, and he patted my head as if I'm a child, which made me feel embarrassed. He may not be telling me, but the heat from my cheeks is obvious evidence that my face is turning red.

"Eve, is that you?" another familiar voice spoke up, and I moved my head away from Victor, seeing Megan, who suddenly ran towards me, securing me in a hug.

"I'm so happy to see you! It's your first day, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, and admittedly, it's one of the most embarrassing days that I had in my life," I confessed, and Victor gave me the signal that we're not supposed to be talking in the kitchen for all the employees to see, which made sense.

I mouthed 'sorry' to him and pulled Megan by the wrist and stepped out of the kitchen.

Megan continued where we left off. "How come it's embarrassing?"

"I didn't expect that Victor's gonna be that intimidating. He was so far from the Victor that I know."

"You sound like you know him for a long time already. He's always intimidating, cold, reserved, and bossy, okay? Also, I find it a bit unexpected that you're calling him that already."

The story behind my confession about knowing a different version of him makes me wonder if that's supposed to be a secret – that we've been spending time together ever since I arrived here, like dinners and heart-to-heart talks. Knowing him, a person full of secrets, it might not be a good idea to tell her that Victor and I are friends … at some point.

"He's been nice to me so, I didn't know this side of him. Anyways, he doesn't have the right to act bossy since I'm the boss, right?" calling myself 'boss' sounded wrong.

"You don't look or sound like a boss yourself. No offense, I'm just being honest," Megan commented, shrugging.

"You don't have to tell me; I already know that. What made this embarrassing is, my stupidity is too obvious. How can I even gain respect as a manager here?"

"Respect is earned, Eve. No need to stress about that. You don't need to please people because doing that will stress you out," she lectured and continued. "Just be you. Keep on doing the right thing and you won't lose track. You don't need to be liked, and other people's opinions won't define you. Are you seeing my point?"

"As clear as glass," I replied, reflecting on how true her lecture was. "I'll keep that in mind."

After the short discussion and operating hours, the restaurant finally reached its closing hour. I giggled as the time finally came, and I took the dishes from the sink to wash them, but before I do, a warm hand grabbed my wrist revealing Victor's serious facial expression, and yet, exhaustion is written in his eyes. The time felt like it stopped as I see my reflection in his eyes, looking at me intently, as if reading me head to toe, down to my very soul.

"Cut that out. It's not your job to do. I'll be leaving now, and I'll give you a lift," He offered as he grabbed my wrist away from the plates, with no room for me to say no. I looked behind to see what's up, and Jun froze in surprise as he sees me almost hand-in-hand with Victor. I waved my other hand goodbye, and he waved back awkwardly, unsure of how to respond.

Victor and I stepped out of the restaurant where Megan was waiting. "Eve, shall we …" she froze in shock just like Jun upon seeing how Victor was holding me, yet, he ignored the reaction. "… go?"

"You two are planning to leave together? Like what, commuting at this time of night?" his usual monotone voice sent chills in my spine, though I can't directly see his facial expression because I'm slightly behind him. I hate this feeling. I'm supposed to be getting used to this side of him, but it still feels wrong.

"Do you really think that I'm that stupid? I booked a car for us, you know? I don't want to disturb you so that you can go home. Exhaustion is written in your eyes," I fired back, not minding who can hear it.

"Whatever. C'mon, you two." For the second time, he was serious enough and left no room to say no.

I tried to withdraw my hand, yet, he didn't let go – not until he opened the door in the passenger's seat. He also opened the door for Megan, the back seat.

I canceled the car booking as we sit inside the car, and an awkward silence fell in the midst of us.

"Megan, where do you live?" Victor asked, his eyes focused on the road.

"Sunshine alley," she replied. Victor nodded and continued driving. The subdivision where I live will come first before Megan's place, so I'm the one who'll be dropped off first.

"Just drop me outside the village, because my house will be out of the way," I requested, and yet, he didn't give any response. He kept on driving, and when I noticed that he didn't head to the direction where my home is, it left me with questions.

"Hey, I told you to drop me outside the village! It isn't far from here." I reminded, yet he maintained his classic poker face as if he heard nothing.

"You aren't my boss outside the restaurant. I'm afraid I can't grant your little wish," he glanced at me, his eyes as cold as ice.

"Why not?"

He ignored the question, leaving me no choice but to sit quietly until he answers back. His actions are nothing but confusing to me.

Around 20 minutes later, we reached Megan's place and she waved us goodbye, forcing an awkward smile.

"Now, spill. What is wrong with you?" I lowered my voice down to refrain from annoying him.

"Everything is wrong with me, Eve. You know the story," he replied, as if changing the topic.

"No, not your life story obviously. I mean now. I'm stuck with questions. You know, I'm doing my best not to annoy you, so please, let me understand you. We can't always be like this."

He stopped the car on the side of the road, finally giving time to talk to me formally.

"You're too slow, aren't you?" he criticized, and I can't help but simply blink. "Don't you get the idea that I wanted to talk to you alone at least for a short time before dropping you home?"

"What for? It's not like I'm going anywhere. We'll see each other tomorrow and even talk for hours on Wednesdays. Calls, texts. There are lots of options."

"Long before this day started, I already know that you'll be offended or find me acting weird as you see my normal side. Again, I'm sorry. I want to apologize formally, and I want to give this to you, as a peace offering," he pulled out a box from his pocket and handed it to me. I opened the box, revealing a peach pink crystal clover bracelet, with some stones along its chain.

I stared at the bracelet in awe, observing its features.

"This … this is beautiful," I couldn't help but smile, and as I look up to him, he wore the warm smile I've seen earlier. "Thanks," I added. "You seemed to have planned everything, even seeing that this will happen."

He just shrugged, maintaining his smile, and continued driving.

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