
C8: Evangeline

I throw myself on my bed right after Justin left my house. Cooking and eating dinner is the last thing in my mind since I lost my appetite. Thankfully my tears stopped flowing, though my heart is still shattered. What matters is, I can still think straight, but I certainly need to reflect on what just happened. There is, however, some urge inside me that I need to tell someone about this. I need a shoulder to cry on … even not physically.

With a mind completely made up, I picked up my phone and visited my Facebook group, Home for the brokenhearted girls. After a couple of years, I can now relate again. The only difference is, my case is not as bad as those girls who experienced being cheated and completely dumped. Throwing our relationship out of the window is, fortunately, the last thing in Justin's mind.


Hana Evangeline Perez:

Hi everyone. I haven't posted anything lately, but now, I can relate with the rest of you. Earlier my boyfriend went to my house, knelt and asked for forgiveness. He admitted that he cheated. He said that he doesn't deserve me anymore, but he doesn't want us to break up unless it'll come from me. I know that justice should be served, but I offered mercy instead. He sounded sincere and I'm thankful that he admitted it. Not all boyfriends would swallow their pride to admit and apologize like that so I let him pass. Although the details on how he cheated weakened my legs and … well, I just want to vent it out.

Around two minutes later, someone commented.

Lily Fischer:

Oh wow, that's something. Did he promise anything? How can you forgive him just like that? You've been too kind. Not all women can be like you.

Janna Ivanov:

How are you coping up? We're glad that you didn't end up as miserable as we were, or are.


Unexpectedly, I received a personal message from someone I'm hoping to talk to.

Megan: Hey stranger, Happy Independence Day.

Me: In case you didn't get it right, we didn't break up. Not officially at least, and I'm confused.

Megan: Yeah, I know. I was just messing with you. Now, spill.

Me: You see, he apologized. I forgave him easily because he didn't do anything THAT bad, so even if it hurts, I know he deserves a second chance. I appreciate his honesty. My guts are telling me that he's honest, and so I let it pass.

Megan: Then it seems like you'll be better in a few days. Any life news?

Me: My father told me that he wants us to switch places. He wants to be here and take care of mom, hoping that she'll wake up soon. Then he's hoping for me to be there to take care of our restaurant. I just resigned today, but I still need to wait for a month to be completely out of the company. It buys me time to sell my paintings. Which reminds me: What's your address again? I want to send you my gift for your birthday.

Megan: Oh wow, thanks! I appreciate it. How about just bringing it here so that it won't cost you anything? You'll be here in the Philippines, after all.

Me: That's a good point. I'll tell you when I'm coming. I haven't booked a plane ticket yet. There are lots of things to do. I'm confused about my relationship with Justin, but he said he'll be needing space. So, I'll give him that.

Megan: I have a favor to ask you. I'm currently thinking of applying for a part-time job and since you mentioned that you'll take care of your father's restaurant, it had me thinking if … maybe I can apply as one of your staff?

Me: THAT WOULD BE GREAT! Wait for me then, I'll hire you. Or I can tell my dad to hire you one of these days. I look forward to working with you. 😆😊😍

Megan: Oh gosh thank you sooooo much Eve! You have no idea how much this means to me. I need to be independent so, I want to earn money from my efforts. My brother does that and I now see why I should, too.

Me: Save it when you already got the job. I'll tell my father later. But for now, I just need some sleep. Tomorrow I'll message him about that and my resignation. Plus, I'll give my friend a call to help me with selling the paintings.

Megan: You showed me your paintings and they're nice. Especially when you're painting people. The details are so realistic as if they're real people. Do you ever know any of those people in your paintings?

Me: It would be nice to meet them in real life. Most paintings aren't based on anybody, and if there is such a person who looks like that would be great. One of my paintings was based on someone I know, though, and that person has no idea. You know what? I'm going to reach out to my friend who works in an art gallery. Talking about paintings hyped me up, thanks to you.


And with all the excitement even after the disaster this afternoon, I searched for my contacts, Max, who works in an art gallery. Who knows if he'll consider my paintings?

His phone started ringing as I tapped on the green phone button, and fortunately, I received an immediate answer. He never changed – his phone is often in his hand.

"Hey Max, thanks for answering my call. Are you available right now or I'm bothering you?"

"Oh, no worries. I was just planning to give you a call. I was told to contact some artists who can sell their paintings to us, and you're the first person I had in mind. Will it be possible?"

"For me to sell my paintings to you? Definitely. I was going to ask if I can sell them. I currently have 12 unsold paintings and I only have a month to sell all of those. If you can help me with that, then deal."

"Right. It's settled then. If it's okay, I'll drop by your house to see them first then I'll tell my boss about it."


A short, high ringing sound of a bell echoed the entire house as soon as the clock struck at 8:15 pm. I'm not expecting anything else tonight but aside from Max, so it has to be him.

I opened the smaller gate and found a man with a small, brown paper bag. It's not my business but I can't help but wonder what it is, knowing how wide his grin is across his face.

"Hey Max, thanks for coming. Come in, I'll show you my works." As he followed me inside, an idea sparked in my head. "Oh and, do you want some coffee? Tea? Juice?" I offered.

"I appreciate your hospitality. I'll go for the classic coffee. But first, I want to see your paintings before the coffee, because I'm eager to see it. Only if you won't mind."

"Sure, of course. I'm eager to show them myself. I'm proud of my works, you see."

I pushed the door open and switched the light on in my art room, and Max examined the room with his eyes, his mouth remaining shut. He walked towards the paintings unsold, but he wears an expression that I couldn't read. Was he impressed so far or no? Not that I know of.

"So, here's my painting I named 'With every heartbeat.' In that painting, there are two people – a man and a woman, holding hands while they're in front of the lake, under the night sky. I called it that way because I noticed that when you're with someone you love, each minute feels priceless. Therefore, each heartbeat portrays that every second that they're together."

"And you're selling that? It sounds meaningful to you. Aren't you planning to keep it?"

"No, I don't have to. I already sorted the ones that I'll keep and those are the ones hanged on the walls. But that painting is my favorite among those that are available to be sold."

Max nodded in agreement and headed to the next paintings. "Now that makes me think, do all these paintings have stories behind them?"

"Not all of them. I have abstract paintings too but are already sold. I also have this work here called, 'Night street in autumn.' The name says it all."

"They're beautiful. Literally all of them. I'm going to take photos and show them to my boss. I'm certain that he'll let me take all of these and sell it when we get clients. We're going to have an open house two weeks from now. We're going to display your works and hopefully, people will buy it."

My heart stirred at the thought. I'd love to see people roaming around choosing the paintings that they'll buy. What's more, is, I can talk to those who are interested in my works. This is awesome! I can't wait for it.

After around half an hour of Max looking at my paintings, we headed to my house's kitchen and prepared coffee for the two of us. He prefers black, but I prefer adding some cream.

"You know what, I can tell that you have a thing when it comes to art. I've noticed that you reflect and think deeply when you view each painting as if trying to figure out the story behind each artwork. Seems like you got the best job for you."

"I can't be in this position if I don't have a heart for art myself. Paintings are just paintings for other people, something to look at, but for me, paintings become special whenever I think of the artist's inspiration, the reason why he or she painted that, the possible story behind each painting, and so on. That's how I appreciate art. As you can see, I have a broad imagination. Anyways, what are the titles of the 12 paintings again?"

"I'll list them down." I pulled out my phone and opened the notepad app. Let's see …

- With every heartbeat

- Night street in autumn

- Queen of High Society

- Lady under the rain

- The Last Dance

- Song of Silence

- Flowers in spring

- Four seasons of love

- Mirrored Fate

- Unwavering faith

- Raindrops in summer

- House by the river

"Drama is also something that I noticed in your works, and some of them capture the emotions. Like for example, the 'Night street in autumn.' It's a simple evening with a man walking along with it, but I feel some sadness in it. I don't know why. The 'Queen of High Society' looked so real as if it's a portrait of some European royalty who existed. 'Unwavering faith' is a man who's earnestly praying, as if he's in his life's darkest moment, making him have the reason to run back to God. Another intriguing one was the 'Mirrored Fate,' because it's a painting of a woman seeing how she'll die in the mirror's reflection. Bottom line is, you like painting people and natural landscapes."

"Yes, I like those."

Max sipped the last of his coffee, shook hands with me, giving me an approving smile and satisfaction was reflected in his eyes. The moment he stepped out of the house, I replied to dad's email about me resigning and informing him about Megan who's interested to apply in our restaurant.

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