
Chapter 38 Family Holiday in White Bridge City 1

The Ayden family is getting ready for their trip to White Bridge City later this month.

For the entire month that they will be there, Evan and Akshara have planned every occasion.

Ayden is scheduling his job for the upcoming three months in order to spend quality time with his family.

In order to spend more time with their family, Liam and Bella have been working overtime and undergoing operations.

Elle, a medical student, will participate in health fairs in outlying communities, so she won't be joining the family trip.

She is following in her parents' footsteps.

Being business majors, Evan and Aksahra can relax during their break.

She hasn't yet spoken about the trip to Leo with the family.

She is unsure of how to persuade him.

She is aware that it will be exceedingly difficult.

Leo and Akshara were eating lunch one day after their presentation.

Akshara reasoned that now would be the ideal time to inform him of this.

I want to say something, she declares.

Okay, he responds.

"I'll tell you just after you swear not to become angry," she offers.

His eyes are filled with inquiries as he observes her.

Okay, Hmmmm, she responds.

In a month, my family and I will be on vacation.

For how long, he asks.

"About a month" she responds.

"Where?" he asks as he turns to face her.

"White Bridge City," she utters.

"Quite far, huh," he remarks.

Okay, but I should be with you on your next family vacation.

Darling, how am I going to manage living alone for so long?

You don't give a damn about me.

"Okay, then look for someone who will care about you," she adds, turning to face him.

Should I punish you, he asks as he turns to face her.

They both go for a long ride after lunch.

He leaves Akshara at her house in the evening and goes back to his house.

He observed his mother perusing some old photographs in the library at home.

She hides the album when Leo walks into the room.

Leo was aware that he should wait as his mother was unwilling to share the pictures.

Her mother calls him as he is ready to go without saying anything.

He approaches her and stands in behind of her.

She requests that he bring a chair and take a seat next to her.

He complies with his mother's instructions.

Do you want to see your father, she asks?

He remained silent.

He is unsure of whether or not he wants it.

She presents a picture that appears to be from a significant occasion.

"This picture was taken on the day of our engagement," she says.

It still seems like yesterday as I recall it.

We were both terrified and conflicted.

We were afraid of what was ahead of us rather than joyful.

Leo asks his mother to elaborate on everything.

She recollects everything for a time before beginning to talk.

"As I've already said, your father and I did not have a smooth marriage.

For this marriage, we made a lot of sacrifices.

He gave up his only love in life and his only chance at survival.

My best friend, whose joy she gave me with tears in her eyes, was sacrificed.

I couldn't understand many of the topics they were trying to explain.

She suffered many losses as opposed to us.

Her greatest friend—her one and only true love—she lost both relations on the same day.

I never made an effort to figure out why she drifted away so abruptly.

She was genuinely so unlucky that for a very long time, she was unable to have anything or anyone in her life.

Her father came from an aristocratic family, but her mother was an orphan.

They were a wealthy and influential family.

After her father wed her mother, they sever their relationship with him.

Despite the fact that she had no relatives, she was content.

Her wealthy parents passed away while she was a little child.

Once more, she was abandoned and had nothing except money.

Because both of her paternal grandparents were unable to recover from the accident, they were unable to establish a friendly relationship with her.

She claimed that she enrolled in this university in order to relieve the load on her grandparents.

She once believed that dying is preferable to being a burden.

When she first arrived here, she didn't talk much.

She was afterwards introduced to me and his best friend by your father.

Once they discovered they were neighbors, they grew close.

She split up with your father after the second year of college and stopped talking to him.

Even her guardian aunt Beatrice and Brother Liam were unaware of her location.

What happened after that, Leo questioned?

Approximately seven years later, your father saw her in the hospital, the Skylar says.

At that time, you were sick, so your father and I took you to the hospital.

That day is still fresh in my mind.

Your father was buying medicine for you while I was holding you.

She didn't even turn to face him when he called her after seeing her.

Later, I approached him and noticed that she was strolling alongside her secretary and security.

She appeared entirely unlike herself.

Despite how frail she appeared, she had charisma.

I handed you over to your father, asked him to hold you, then approached the woman.

She didn't turn around or look when I called.

I continued to walk after her.

She went to see a neurologist.

I looked up the doctor's name.

About ten minutes later, she left the room.

She didn't see me as I concealed from her.

I visited the doctor and inquired about what had happened to her.

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