

"So this is what happens when you die? Actually, I always thought it would be like falling asleep and never waking up again. A white room; this is unimaginative and pretty cliché."

"It's not too different from those novels you used to read," answered a man who appeared to be in his 50s with Middle Eastern skin tone, thick gray hair, a well-groomed beard and mustache, and pale blue eyes. He was wearing a white tailored suit. His appearance suggested wisdom and his presence emitted a gentle aura.

"So that would make you God?" he asked, without seeming the least bit disturbed by the being before him.

"You could say that, but there are no words to describe what I feel."

Ufff, that… dammit I don't know what to say. I guess I should show a better attitude and behavior first. He told himself, thinking that he had never expected to talk to God or any supernatural being for that matter. He was an atheist to the core, after all.

"No, thank you. Visits like these are not something I get often. It's nice to have someone visit me. Events like these are refreshing from time to time; I wish there were more occasions like this."

"The truth is that even I don't understand how I can be so calm in a situation like this," he answered more for himself than for God. "I guess I was expecting worse or maybe nothing. You're not here to send me to hell, are you?"

"No, don't worry; that's not the reason why I am here."

It's a relief to know; I don't feel like I'll be tortured for eternity.

Do you understand the reasons that led me to do the things I did? Do you regret it?

"Some things, I think so. Others I wonder if I could have done better, but I don't think I regret it. Sometimes I think it hurts how it all ended, other times I'm not so sure," he answered honestly, yet with a hint of uncertainty. It wasn't because he was lying, which would be pointless since it was God standing before him. The reason for his hesitation was that he wasn't quite sure how he felt about everything that had happened in his life.

"At least you are honest with yourself. Never lie to yourself; others can lie to you, but never lie to yourself. If you're wondering, you're not a monster. You're just what you had to be. And that is all."

"I don't know what to say, thanks." Well, that was unexpected. In a way, it was a relief to hear those words. He didn't know if it was because they came from God or because it was something he needed to hear, but either way, the words were welcome.

Those who do not go to hell have only purgatory or paradise. Paradise is reserved only for those who are worthy of this gift.

"That means I'm going to be in purgatory," he said in a voice that made it clear there was no doubt; this was the only possible destination for him if the path to hell was indeed closed.

Exactly. What do you think is paradise and purgatory?

Paradise is where you will be happy and have a lot of beautiful angels who pamper you; there, you can meet your loved ones…if you have any. The last was said in a whisper. "I don't know anything about purgatory, but it always seemed like bad news to me."

"I see. You know what? You're wrong. Paradise is nothing more than the dimension where you are God. Where you can do and undo as you please. The angels help me and they are my servants, not part of a harem. They won't spoil you or anyone else. You can also communicate with others if you want, as long as they haven't been reincarnated."

God's answer didn't seem absurd to him; a world where he was a god sounded like paradise. However, the last thing God mentioned caught his attention.

"Reincarnation, why would they do something like that?" He wondered who in their right mind would do something like that.

Eventually, almost everyone chooses reincarnation. Only a few can bear the weight of eternity.

"Okay," he said, unsure how to respond to this kind of revelation. "But since we're not talking about purgatory, it's my next stop after all."

"Purgatory is not much different from the novels you read. You reincarnate or transmigrate into another world, and it's up to you whether that world becomes your paradise or not. Simple, isn't it?"

"Are you serious? Is Purgatory really like that?" He asked in disbelief.

"I don't see why it should make it more complicated."

You said it was like the novels I used to read, which meant I got to choose the world, my appearance, and whether there would be any systems or traps or wishes? He seemed a little more animated now with the road ahead of him.

"That kind of thing varies from person to person. The only constant is that you have the opportunity to grow as much as you try. Even God seemed pleased to see that our spirits had improved."

"I kind of understand what it's all about now," he said. "What are my options?" There was no longer any need to dwell on the past.

"The world will be chosen randomly, but it will be from those known to you. Hentai worlds don't count." God quickly answered him before he could have any ideas.

"What? But if they're your favorites, you're being extremely cruel to me." He now seemed completely defeated.

"What are you talking about? I'm a god, I don't do things like that. Dirty work is done by my henchmen, Satan and his demons." God said as he looked at him like he was looking at a fool.

"I'm beginning to lose faith in you."

You never had any.


"Hahahaha. We better continue. You can choose your new appearance and you will receive the powers of three characters. Of these two will also be random and the third one you can choose, but I warn you that there will be limitations. No supreme beings like Saitama or something similar."

"You're killing me. You don't make it easy for me, but I can work with it." Despite the world and the random powers he receives, there is still hope.

"Which world are you going to?"

"Now that you mention it, shouldn't I know everything?"

"So, where's the fun in that?"

"That is an excellent observation."

A gold card appeared out of nowhere and began to spin rapidly; when it finally stopped, a name was visible on the card: Marvel.

"Damn, a world where criminals with superpowers are just around the corner. I hope I get some useful powers." He now seemed a little worried. "If I don't get anything useful and what you want isn't possible, I'll make sure to keep as low a profile as possible." He thought.

Then three smaller golden cards appeared below the card that indicated the world he would soon be going to. These had a question mark. The one on the left slowly began to glow and a person's face was shown.

Uchiha Itachi, are you sure it's random and not some ironic twist of fate? I refuse to accept that I'm like him. That guy was a psychopath.

"It's completely random. Why would I lie? And I don't think you're like him."

"Good. He's not a bad character, though I don't like the fact that my best powers are dependent on my eyes and he could potentially become blind in the future."

"Don't worry, it's not over yet," said the middle card as it began to glow and then showed the image of an old man.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, wonderful. That reminds me of something; how do I learn kido and ninjutsu?

"I told you not to worry so much; everything will be fine. Have a little faith."

I'm going to a world where some idiot wants to wipe out half the population of the universe, so I have reason to worry.

"Just a few minutes ago, you were calm and didn't seem like you would lose your composure. Now that you are worried about the purple potato, if it bothers you so much, just get rid of the idiot."

"Did you just tell me to take someone out?" The MC was a bit surprised that God would suggest eliminating someone.

"No, you must be wrong, why would I say something like that? Thanos is also one of my sons, as is everyone in creation. An ugly one, but... the thing is, I didn't say anything. It's time for you to choose a character the one you want to get their powers. Don't delay, I remember something important I have to do." God replied, trying to change the subject blatantly.

Yes, of course. Okay, I already had something in mind, but it remains to be seen if it is possible. The character I chose is Shiki Tohno.

I can see what your intentions are, but I suppose I can allow it. I warn you that you will not receive all the powers from the moment you arrive at Marvel; you will be reincarnated and your powers will awaken at the age of four. From that moment they will develop gradually, how fast depending on how hard you put into your classes. Now you just need to choose a backstory that cannot be related to any major character, where in the timeline you want to get to, and your appearance.

"Classes? What are you talking about?" She hadn't even noticed this thing about the classes involving his powers for a moment.

In due time, patience will be rewarded.

Ah, I almost completely ignored it. Could you tell me what this Marvel Universe will be like? Will there be mutants, aliens, vampires, Atlanteans?

"You will have to discover that by yourself."

And here I thought we were compadres. Okay, this will be my backstory, appearance, and starting location.

First, I would like to be an orphan. I don't want to have to deal with a family again. The foster home I am going to have to be in New York, sponsored by Stark Industries, and Aunt May will do community work whenever she can. I'd like to have Peter Parker's age, and if possible, I'd like us to be at Midtown High by the time the events of Iron Man happen. Since I won't be able to have a harem, I could at least be devilishly handsome, but without any dainty looks or stupidity. Handsome, but enough macho man. Well-endowed, tall, black hair and eyes. Apart from being attractive, I don't want any features that stand out too much. Finally, is it possible that the Song of Ice and Fire saga does not exist in this world? And may I call myself Aegon Targaryen?

"You don't have the option to change the timeline, but I think I can help with some things. I don't know what the name of this world is, but it seems fine. Regarding the harem thing, I guess I'll give you a hand. If you can get the woman to fall in love with you, then it's up to you."

"That's why you're my favorite god. Thank you!"

"I am the only god that exists; the others are merely failures."

After thinking for a few seconds, he decided to see if it was possible to ask for something. "There is something else I'd like to ask you, if possible."

"She spoke softly to her friend. "I'm going home now

I wish there was no way to take away my powers, block them, copy them, or clone me.

"It's no small thing, but who cares? Done. You can go now; who knows, maybe I'll visit you one day when I take a vacation."

After God said this, the next thing I knew I was in the arms of a charming, brown-haired woman with some gray hair mixed in and honey-colored eyes.

Next chapter