
Chapter 44

New York City…

Avery's pov;

After that magical 'bibidi babidi boo' shit , I am back in my room at the apartment.

I sigh, why because I actually wanted to stay in Alba for a while longer . Weird because i usually don't feel like that but today really was fun , mostly because I could carry out the revenge for Ethera and just piss off those high court ladies .

I still recall their faces when they saw me arrive with the king clinging on his arm , they had jealousy written all over their faces and they kept trying to steal his attention but the man literally acted as though they weren't there and he was unfazed by them , I liked that.

The king and I actually click , personality wise . He is serious when he needs to be but also playful and charismatic when the situation needs that.

I also saw another side of him . The flirty side which I don't think he shows that much , from Ethera's point of view he is a warm but serious person while what I saw was confidence and playfulness radiating off of him , it was almost tense even at some point.

But then she spends more time with him so I guess her view of him is more objective and real , I wouldn't know anyways , right?

Right! Plus it's her right to want to be in that moment, it is her life . Why am I overthinking this? It happens all the time doesn't it? So why am I bothered by it now?

Anyways back to my life we go , I have things in my life to deal with don't I? Eric for example.

Yes Eric , let's focus on that . Removing the slight awkwardness that is occurring would be nice , I don't want to overthink the future , if something has to happen between us it will happen but in it's own time and naturally but most importantly not now.

I am pretty sure I am not relationship ready yet.

Health wise I have been okay except for this weird chest pain I've been feeling recently and what is strange is that Ethera seems to experience something similar as well from what Heizel told me . It is like an elastic band that keeps stretching and it feels like there is boiling hot water being poured in my veins , it hurts like a shit ton .

I thought maybe it was because I was working and studying too much and it triggered something like stress but I have been trying to rest a lot and drink water to relax and it is not going away.

Maybe I should go see a doctor.

I walk out of my room to go check if Sheila is at home so that she may come with me to the hospital , I have never been a fan of hospitals and so moral support from my best friend would be great.

"Sheila?" I call out as I walk into the kitchen and take a banana on the way and sit on one of the stools.

"Yes" she yells back from her room.

"Can you come with to the hospital?" I ask , well yell back. Her room ain't that far but we are doing the yelling thing anyways cause it is fun.

"Why?" She asks , still from her room.

But before I even answer she storms out of her room and runs towards my direction and turns my stool around , she looks at me all over and checks my temperature and all . Weird.

"What?" I ask chuckling , she is acting funnily weird . Who storms out or rather practically jumps on her door like that? I guess Sheila does.

"Are you okay? Why do you need to go to the hospital?" She asks but suddenly gasps.

"Are you pregnant??" She asks with her eyes wide open and a petrified look on her face.

I try not to laugh but it slips and I just burst into laughter ,

"Pregnant? Me ? From who? The air?" I laugh again , how more ridiculous can this get . Sheila really has a talent of overthinking things. But pregnancy? Wow that is a stretch.

"This is not funny Avery! Did you and Eric not use protection ? Did you take a test at least? Why am I the only one freaking out?" Okay she is loosing her breathe and panicking for no reason,

"Sheila I am not pregnant !" I exclaim and sit her down on the couch.

She looks at me and says "You are not?" I shake my head no.

"Then why are you suddenly going to the hospital?"

"Remember how I tend to have sudden chest pains that hurt like crazy?" She nods

"Well I think I should get it checked just incase it is serious. After all prevention is better than cure , right?"

"Yeah you are right. I hope it is not anything grave" I hum and sigh hoping that it is really nothing serious.

"But just to be sure maybe take a pregnancy test too" she says and tries not to laugh but fails , I take a pillow from the couch and ran after her and we both start running around the apartment like little silly kids playing pillow fight.

"Oh come on Avery , I know what you two be doing when you remain alone" she continues to laugh as she dodges my every pillow attack.

Let's just say this went on for a good half an hour. Yes we are childish , what about it? I couldn't have us any other way.

An hour and a half later we arrive at the hospital in town. I didn't book any appointment just because I wasn't sure which doctor I should be seeing , my condition is quite vague right now so I prefer asking the nurses and getting more information on where to go and who to see.

The nurses quickly ask me to fill in a form about my blood type , allergies and other stuff related to my health status.

Then they took some blood , sugar and salt tests and we got them back saying everything was normal , the nurse attending to me was asking how I was feeling and I explained just that, extreme chest pain. She recommended I see a cardiologist because it might be a heart issue .

I was lucky because there was a doctor in cardiology available right now so I can just go in now.

I enter the doctor's office with Sheila there with me , the doctor takes my forms and looks through the test results and does a couple of check ups himself. He checks my throat , my breathing muscles and my eyesight.

"Well from what I see you are completely okay miss Avery, physically your body is healthy and mentally you are sane" well duh! Do I look crazy to him?

"Describe to me exactly what you feel like when you have those chest pains" he says.

"I feel tightness around my chest and it sometimes feels like there is a stretch in muscle happening except it is like my veins are stretching and are about to explode. Basically"

"This is indeed strange , all the test you did came out okay . Maybe we should try scanning. I will ask a nurse to get you to the scanning room where we will asses your boob and under boob area because I have a feeling you might have a problem there. Come back when the results are out" he says and he calls for a nurse to escort me.

I am currently under a massive scanning machine that I am slid under , the nurse is on the other side with a doctor who is helping with the analysis.

When I am done I am placed in a room where I can wait for my results , I am told to lie down and try to relax to avoid relapsing.

"Sheila? Do you think I have cancer?" I ask nervously.

"No no, don't even think of that. You did all the tests before and they were good so you are okay . Let's just wait for the doctor to give us the good news" she hugs me and does her best to comfort me . This is why I wanted her to come with me , if I was alone I would have freaked out a long time ago.

A few minutes of cuddling on the bed later , the nurse and doctor enter the room.

"We have the results" the doctor announced but he has a weird look on his face , almost confused .

Oh no.

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