
Chapter 14

New York City …

I'm about to go to bed when amulet shines meaning that I am going to get catapulted or more like transported magically to Alba , adventure time I guess.

Transition to Alba kingdom…

It happens in a flash and suddenly I am in Ethera's room and for once her friend Heizel is here which is weird because she doesn't know what's going on as far as I know.

"Um you must be Avery?" She asks as she eyes me in a way i don't really feel at ease with , let's just say she looks skeptical. Am I that scary? I mean I have the appearance of Ethera so it's not that.

But how does she kn-

"Uh yes I am she . But wait how do you know I am not Ethera?"

"She told me everything already and I am now part of the oath you both made , I will help you disguise and make sure no one suspects you. Of course I have to warn you , if you have any ill intentions I will know of it and you shall be disposed of rather quickly" ohh spooky , Heizel is really giving me mom vibes 'oh that's how she normally acts, don't worry about her , she will warm up to you eventually' I hear Ethera tell me 'I hope so.'

"Okay girl you really have nothing to worry about I am just here to observe and learn a few things for my school work plus I would love to help Ethera with her societal duties she's so adamant to do" I am glad Heizel knows about this, we have a partner to help us incase of need now. This feels like the three musketeers, 'what is the three musketeers Avery?' 'Uh never mind that Ethera, i don't think it exists yet, I'll let you read about it though'

What a fun ride this is gonna be.

"Alright then , Ethera and the whole family have a wedding to attend in a few hours so we need to get you ready"

"Who is getting married?"

"Who else? The Prince Tobias , well actually king Tobias because today is also his coronation day. The people are invited to the event and of course the whole village is going , all the ladies will show up to attract the king's attention, you must do the same" oh so he is becoming king today, congratulations to him , plus also getting married and if I remember well it will be with the Persian Duke's daughter Thelma . Don't play with me I don't slack off when It comes to research .

"Oh yeah absolutely I don't mind wearing a long ass with gloves and all , *sigh at least there will be free food" Heizel looks at me in disbelief but smiles nonetheless, she really should smile more she is gorgeous, all the women hear are gorgeous like their skin smooth , what went wrong in the passing of those genes to us , not fair *pout.

After Heizel basically lathering oil upon oil on my face for a natural glow look as per the beauty standards of this era , we leave the cottage house with Ethera's parents as we make our way to the place of ceremony with the help of a horse and carriage.

If I tell you the palace is exactly what I see in princess movies trust me it is exactly that. Wow this place is beautiful, the gardens , the tiles even the guards look expensive.

We as well as other commoners of the kingdom are waiting outside of the church as the bride and groom come out of there looking well very royal , what can I say. A lovely couple , that Tobias really is a fine specimen, the lass is a king now so I guess I will owe him more respect.

We all bow and the crowds cheer for their new king and queen.

The king chats with some of the villagers and then reaches outside . Ethera's parents greet him and say a few words then he turns to me ,

"Oh miss Ethera , fancy to see you here. Even though i didn't think you liked this kind of ceremony from what I remember" he has a grin on his face while saying that, who told him I didn't? Just because I kind of made fun of him last time during debutante class doesn't mean he can make a permanent opinion of me, oh shoot now that's the image he has of Ethera *facepalm.

"As I told you last time your majesty it was a misunderstanding, congratulations on your coronation and wedding to her highness Thelma , you make a lovely couple" I say as kindly as I can to try making up for my past rudeness.

"I shall see you again then miss Ethera" I look at him confused , "The debutante ball ? I am to be there as the king of the kingdom and so I will be an important guest, I hope you pass miss Ethera . Good luck" he smiles lightly then excuses himself as he goes to see other important guests.

I hope I pass too, I am playing Ethera's future in society with this.

At night after the wedding…

Tobias pov:

This is it , I am now king of Alba , insane. In the next weeks I will be updated of all the pending affairs my father left me so I will be very busy. Me and Thelma are expected to go for a few days away from the castle for our honeymoon where everyone awaits to hear the news of her pregnancy, i don't quite like that there is pressure put on her like that and even me , we shall have an heir when the time for it comes. We both know it is our duty but a child is a responsibility and a blessing that shouldn't be rushed into.

That lady Ethera is quite an interesting character, she seems to have an opinion on everything even though she tries to tone it down to fit in the society.

It's really rare to find ladies like that nowadays, especially with this debutante season where they literally teach them to not be themselves and just focus on fitting into the societal standards, that's tough. I will think about this tradition a bit more , maybe I can remove it or at least make some changes into it , the girls should be taught how to act in society but it shouldn't tamper with their individualism.

Thelma enters the room a few minutes later with a different dress , more light which is more fitting for sleeping.

She bows at me "My king" and looks up at me with a tender look.

"Thelma you don't need to bow to me , you are my equal as of now, rise" I hold her up and we sit on the king size bed as we talk about the day events and I ask her how she feels about her new role.

We chat a bit more until we fall asleep embracing each other.

Meanwhile I'm the cave of the castle…

Helton(the advisor) pov:

Tobias is now king . Time to start the plan . First step is to eliminate the previous king and queen because they might be obstacles in the long run , the old man has lived enough I think *evil laugh , look how kind I am , I even let him witness his son ascending the throne , that should be enough right? *maniac laugh.

I gather around the magical pit with the red ruby in my right hand. I start chanting an ancestral black Magic spell .

" shamlamla haggls malls kabxllsjsbvk nah shamlamla x4"

The ruby activates and smoke comes out of the pit and a shadowy figure goes up to where the previous king and queen Marcus and Helena are sleeping to suffocate them to their death.

King Tobias your turn will come soon enough , young boy.

Your parents will be missed i guess *evil laugh.

Next chapter