

Today was the day. Everyone was pumped, why? Today was the designated day for their operation; Operation invade and capture. Truth be told it had been nearly a month since they had a mission which required every member of the team. They all where good in hand to hand combat but they all also specialized in something.

Marco, the alpha was the head of the operation. He called the shots, decided who did what and when and how. And they all trusted his judgment.

Bella, the beta was their technical expert as well as second in command. When all other methods of torture and interrogation failed, victims and hostages were brought to her and she used specialized devices to monitor subtle changes such as their heartbeat and brain waves while asking questions.

Carl, the gamma was the one they called the knife wielder. He could do things with a blade or dagger that you can only imagine as well as inflict damage only a gun should be able to create. Carl was mysterious, nobody really knew anything about him and they all seemed satisfied with it.

Rina, the delta was their financial personnel. Come on, a mafia is bound to be making loads of cash, right? Well, Rina knew her numbers and worked well with them. She also kept their hands clean- financially anyways. They all knew they needed her.

Jane, the epsilon was basically the humanity in the bunch. I mean, when you have a group of heartless killers all living together there needs to be at least one person who has a knack for bringing them together, right?

Jonny, the zeta was a mostly silent figure. He only specialized in gun point combat. Of course, he wasn't nearly as good as Marco who could shoot anyone from anywhere but he was good enough and served as their gun guy when Marco was occupied.

Poppy, the eta was their personal translator and decoder. Not only did she speak as many languages as possibly needed, she had also learnt how to decode and remove firewalls. Another essential element.

Jessi, the theta specialized in breaking and entering. She too knew how to go through firewalls but only for the specific purpose of going through doors and cracking open safes and vaults.

Stanly, the iota was another silent figure, he was their master illusionist. He specialized in creating diversions and executing them. He could conjure up almost any scenario, or rather any scenario they needed.

And there you have it. The team yet to be beaten. And soon enough Louella, their kappa, will join them. For now, she just needed to get accepted by the others.

Bella was impatient, "What time exactly?", she asked the hundredth time. Only Louella was still answering

"I told you Bella, Marco said at exactly five PM. It's just after four", she said.

"Ugh, I want to go now", she whined making Marco appear.

Louella smiled to herself, she had already noticed how protective Marco was of his sister whom she knew was his only blood relation among every one of them, but it still made her smile every time she saw it at play.

"What is it again, Bells?", he asked putting one large hand on her head. His voice sounded irritated; they all knew better.

"She's grumpy, psycho. She doesn't agree that we should wait till five", Louella explained grinning at Bella's angry scowl.

Marco turned to her, "Did you tell her that he is always usually at home on Wednesdays by this time?", he asked making Louella turn to look at him.

Jeez what was wrong with her? Had her short circuited her sense of common sense? That didn't seem likely seeing as she had constantly tried to avoid any contact with him. Honestly, like as if he was a live wire or something. after a few moments, she realized she hadn't answered his question.

"Ugh… yea I- I did tell her, not too long ago", she said meeting his gaze for half a moment before looking away.

Bella wasn't grouching any longer, she had a mischievous grin on her face for half a second before calling out to the only other person in the living room.

"JANE! I really think Lou is coming down with something", she said in a worried voice, "Just look how flustered she is",

Jane got the gist immediately and came to stand beside her, "Tsk, you might be coming down with something. I'll go get the thermometer, Bella come with me, Marco stay with her", she ordered, then the two of them hurried away.

Leaving her alone. In a too big room. With Marco. Just great.

"You do look flustered." He said, placing one large hand on her forehead. Her already hot face heated up even more.

"I- I think I'm just… no I'm- um- I'm fine. Thanks, I'm great", she mumbled, trying to hold her breath to get her face to cool down.

He wasn't sure he believed her. He could still see the red undertone in her dark skin but he couldn't ask her any more questions because just then the clock struck 4:40 and everyone pilled in for the final address. He blushed and moved away from her, determined not to meet Carl's gaze.

"Alright guys listen- "

"And girls!", Bella chimed in.

He rolled his eyes, "Yes and girls. Listen up; this could very well be the night we catch the murderer after nearly two months of operation. I want a clean intrusion and I would rather this didn't come to a fight. Got that?"

They all nodded in agreement and he went on, "Great. Stanly, are we good to go on your end?", he asked

The man nodded swiftly, "Sure. I have everything I need you guys can take your time"

"Excellent, and Jessi?"

"Same here."

"Poppy, how is that new equipment?", he asked

Poppy beamed," It's awesome! Works like a dream, thanks Marco"

He smiled, "of course.", he turned to Louella then and he felt himself relax a little at the warm smile she had on her face while she looked around, he called her attention, "Louella?"

"Yes?", she said turning back to him. He let himself watch her long hair whip around her face.

"You're still tracking him, aren't you?", he asked.

She nodded and pointed at the screen she had opened, "He's just getting on the last bus to his usual place"

He nodded, "Excellent", he mumbled more to himself than anyone else. After a moment pause, he turned back to the others, "Let's go"

They left in a very orderly fashion splitting into two groups. Alpha, Zeta, Eta, Theta and Iota in one car driven by Zeta. And Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon in the other car, driven by Beta.

Louella was connected to both Beta and Alpha through a wireless network system. Her job was to inform the two teams immediately in case of any changes from the Murderer.

And he trusted her completely.

"How is it looking Louella?", he asked switching to the intercom as they arrived at an old looking structure. The others pulled up behind him.

"He seems to be settling down. He propped his phone on a counter. I'm switching to his camera."

They all waited patiently for her to give the go ahead. Once Alpha received the message, they filled out slowly and Iota walked casually to the street.

"What's happening?", Bella asked Marco through the ear piece.

"Iota is making a diversion so the civilians don't see us going in"

"Well hurry up so we can get in."

"Theta hasn't finished unlocking the door!"

"Uh, guys?", Louella called

"What?", they asked as the same time.

"He just walked to the window… I think he saw Iota. Go in like, now!"

They didn't need telling twice, Marco could only afford to wait for half a second to ensure his sister was safely in before he charged quickly but quietly up the stairs. He barged through the house using and trusting Louella's instructions. Until he heard a faint curse come from her.

"What happened?", he asked immediately.

"I think he realized what's going on. He isn't inside that room anymore, and his other devices are gone too"

"What in the devil…"

He was about to say she took the words right out of his mouth when he realized, Bella was talking about something entirely different.

"Beta. What is happening?", he almost shouted. "Louella, track his computer or something"

"Alright", she said

"Um, Alpha, we have company"

He felt his heart would stop when he heard the first round of gun shots. He began to race down when he saw a slightly ajar door, the exact same color as the wall it was in. Hidden room, damn it. He rushed inside quickly and paused for a nanosecond. On instinct he began grabbing a few coded documents and some pixelated pictures. Screw the murderer, that was his sister down there!

And lord have it, he got down stairs and saw his sisters back was turned and a gun aimed at her head. He didn't have time to think before he jumped in between them. The sound of the shot was followed by his hiss of pain. He cursed and pulled out his guns.

"Marco what's going on!", Louella almost screamed. He almost hesitated as he pictured her expression. Eyes wide and shacking in fear. "I didn't recognize them before, but we just came face to face with a rival group."

He heard her curse just before the device was knocked out of his ear and he was locked in battle.

It was a hard battle. The men were moving too quickly for him to ascertain exactly what group this was, he wasn't sure he wanted to at the moment. He reasoned there would be enough time for that later. He had his hands full at the moment trying to make sure no one got badly injured. Like me, actually. He shouted a command.

"Everyone! Get back to the cars right now, I'll meet you there", he yelled

"Are you out of your mind Alpha?! We are not leaving you here!", Bella screamed.

"That's an order, Beta! Get the hell out of here!", he screamed and because his face was such a mask of rage, they all obeyed as quickly as possible.

He was about to retreat as well when he noticed one of them injured and immobile on the floor, a close enough look told him the man was still alive. He jacked him up and used him as a hostage. Few moments later he was in the car with them.

"Drive, NOW!", he yelled. Only when they were safely on the highway he asked where the others where.

"They went ahead. I told them you won't mind", Jonny said.

He nodded, at least one thing was going right. That's when he realized he didn't have his ear piece. He cursed again. Resigning to fate he pulled out the documents, papers and pictures he managed to snag from the secret room before the unplanned battle. He handed them to Poppy.

"What's this?", she asked examining them slowly.

He let out a deep breath, "Seems our effort wasn't totally in vain. I got these out of a secret room I found before joining you guys", he explained resting his head on the head rest. All is good now, even if this mission was a bust the only person with any serious injury is me. And Bella and Louella a mostly safe. His eyes suddenly snapped open. Whoa, were had that come from? He spent the rest of the time trying to convince himself that he didn't care about her safety. Why would he?

"Shit, Alpha!", Jonny suddenly yelled. The car swerved and they all shielded their eyes. With one fiercely uttered- more like shouted- curse he threw open the door and the fighting continued.

She was restless. He had assured her they won't take more than four hours- it had been six. That been said she had, it was nearly an hour after midnight, and they had lost touch almost three hours ago. Her only guess was that his earpiece had been knocked out as well as Bella's.

She stumbled outside, taking a long look at the tall white fortress imagining him walking out with that annoyed and mildly uninterested look on his face. She wasn't imagining her surprise when a scratched but stable black car screeched up the drive way. She jumped back, then as soon as she realized who it was, she ran up to the door.

"Bella! Carl, Jane, Rina! Jeez what kept you guys?", she almost screamed.

Bella stumbled out of the car and hugged Louella tightly, "We were ambushed and then I lost my intercom. And now we don't know where the others are!", she wailed looking close to tears.

Louella glanced over her shoulder at Carl whose expression was grim he signaled for Louella and she came forwards slightly.

"Did you hear anything on Alpha's end, Lou?", he asked

She shook her head, "Not really. The last thing I heard he was saying something about a rival group?",

Carl closed his eyes briefly. The night was silent, the loudest noise was the sound of Bella panicking. Louella had no idea what it was that mad Carl look the way he did, but she did know they had to do something. she liked to think the others would have thought the same.

"We… we have to go get them!", she yelled suddenly making them all look at her slowly.

Bella sniffed and nodded fiercely, "Of course we do! Carl, Jane, Rina lets go get them!",

"Calm down Bella, that's why we came here. Lou, can you track his phone or any of their devices?", Rina asked, putting an arm around Bella.

Louella nodded, "Y-yes, I can. I'll go and do that", she said, mumbling the last part.

"Yes, the rest of us will go back the way we came and tell if we see anything. Bella, get another intercom", Carl said

"What? No! I'm coming with you guys, of course I am", Louella said sharply.

"We need someone to stay with Bella", Rina explained

"So, you want me to sit it out as well?! That's my brother!", Bella shouted

"Bella, you know how he gets if we put you in any danger", Jane said reaching for her hand.

"I don't care! Lou and I are coming like it or not!"

"If she can handle it, I see no issue", Carl said suddenly.


"No", Rina sighed

"Seriously guys. We are coming and that's that", Bella all but screamed

"We are wasting valuable time here! Can we just go?", Louella shouted suddenly.

Carl nodded, "Right, someone go get Lou a gun and the rest get into the damned car"

They all scrambled in, Bella going to the wheel, Carl in the passenger seat and Jane, Rina and Louella in the back seats. Louella pocketed the gun she was handed and put on her system.

"Right, so, where are they?"

"Um… they just turned off the fifth street from the murderer's residence"

"How fast are they going?"

"Nearly a hundred miles an hour"

"They must be in a chase or something", Carl mused, "Can you get satellite view on them?", he asked

Louella nodded, "yea, they are in a chase. Some group in navy blue…hang on there is something on the car", she zooms in squinting trying to read the label she couldn't clearly see, "It says…kind- no king… kings, crow? No crown. Oh yes, Kings Crown.

The car nearly swerved of the road, "What?", Bella almost screamed staring at Carl.

"Ah yes, this all makes sense now. So, they attacked tonight because they had information that we would be here. Looks like I'm no longer the only blood traitor", Carl said laughing humorlessly.

"What do you mean? Who is a blood traitor?" Louella asked.

Carl turned back to look at her with a bitter smile, "Its me. I wasn't always a member of the Black Cross."

"The Black Cross?", Louella asked

"That's the name of our mafia. But I wasn't always one of us. So, in the whole hierarchy of mafias in this continent- from top to bottom- the Black Cross is number one and we are proud of it. The number two is Kings Crown and then others like the Whippers and Danger. I used to be long to the Crowns, they are a crazy dedicated group. But the organization is completely totalitarian. With only one leader, one guy calling all the shots and it gets suffocating, you know?

"It's not like us where we have ten people who make up the leader board, the big boss who lives separately and, in the shadows, and then a bunch of lower ranked members- subordinates- no, its not like here. The boss there is ruthless and will do anything for cash. The only reason I'm here is because I was sold to our boss. But the members of the Crown don't know that and they bear a grudge against me. It isn't the first time they have attacked us on a mission",

It was the most anyone of them had heard Carl say at a go and they all felt the importance of his little speech. Even Bella, who already knew took something new from it.

"That clears up that. But, how did they know the time, date and location?", Louella asked quietly

"Like I said, it looks like I'm not the only blood traitor"

It wasn't long after that they arrived at the battle scene. It seemed the chase was over and now the fire had begun. They where occupying a whole street and they all knew it had to be over soon, the only problem was they didn't know who was going to walk away.

Louella scanned the battle and finally her gaze rested on Alpha. He was clutching his side and firing shots at each of the opposing men in turn, each met its mark but he was sinking lower and lower to the ground. Without thinking she rushed to his side, firing of three shots on her way.

"Alpha!", she screamed as she reached his side.

He turned away from the battle a moment, "What? Lou? No, you shouldn't be he- ", the rest of his sentence was drowned out by a hiss of pain.

"Your going to listen to me now, your hurt", she said sharply placing her arm around his waist and attempting to support half of his weight herself.

"Lou you'll only get hurt again. I'm fine you guys should head to the cars", he said sounding somewhat incredulous. She turned to glare at him reloading her gun. She was trying to control her anger; he was injured after all.

Was it just him, or did she seem unnecessarily… feminine? No, that wasn't the word… her face was filled with fury and she had the gun stretched out only averting her gaze slightly for a few moments to fire some bullets, her hair was scattered and coming undone from the braid she had over shoulder, a few strands encasing her face and her other hand on her waist. Angry woman, but ah he had it now. He knew how she looks. Louella struck him in that moment as sexy. He almost smiled, the throbbing in his lower rib helped him contain it.

"I'm talking to you. Follow m- ", the rest of her sentence was cut of when she screamed her out stretched arm falling. She had been shot in the arm. She cursed for a moment and then raised it again, emptying her carriage.

"Now your hurt," he started

"Don't. you were hurt first and now I say shut up and do as I say", she snapped placing the arm back around his waist and yanking him forward. He let her have his way and he thought she knew. He was strong enough- even injured- to impose his will on her.

"Carl! I got him, open the car lets go!", he wondered what she meant when he noticed they were indeed the only two not hurrying towards the cars. Louella yanked open the door of one and pushed him in, coming after him. She sighed in relief.

"Wow Lou. Your really handy with a gun", Carl said also breathless.

"Comes with the job", she mumbled turning her face into the seat.

Again, he wondered what she did for a living, "Bella are you okay? Is anyone else injured?", he asked quickly

Jane shock her head, "No, just you and Lou. And the guy we took hostage. Its nearly dawn lets head back"

He couldn't agree more as Carl was nodding of and the two girls where already sleeping. He stared at Louella for a moment, before his eyes caught Jane's. she was smiling slightly.

"You must really like her, don't you Marco?", she whispered

He let himself touch her cheek before her responded, "Yes. I really do"

"So why not let yourself be?"

"She looks… her eyes, are like my mothers. It frightens me"

"But she isn't like that is she?"

"No, she's not. She's wonderful, but it's hard"

"Take it as slow as you can. I have a feeling she would wait for you"

He so badly wanted to believe this feeling.

Finally, they arrived home and he limped towards the IC unit, with Louella on his back. He set her on her a bed and laid down on the next, not opening his eyes as the nurses and doctors worked their magic.

Louella woke up with her arm throbbing. The first face she saw when she woke up was his. Sitting on the edge of the bed with a small smile on his face.

"Good morning", he greeted

"Yes morning. How is your front?", she asked swinging her legs over the edge too.

"Great, and your arm?" he asked slowly

She nodded and smiled, "What a night that was huh?"

He actually laughed, "Yea. It didn't go how I wanted it too. But I'm sort of glad it didn't".

They were quiet for a while. Each reading something else in the silence. Then, Louella spoke up.

"So… I don't want to offend you… but the other day I asked Bella about how you guys got here… I mean no offence I'm just, curious", she said quickly.

He smiled easily, "And what did she say?"

"She said to ask you"

He nodded. To her it seemed like he was deep in thought, "My biological mother was your typical city slut. She had a different group of men around her every night. She had had to accidents, five years apart resulting in two kids. She didn't have enough money to abort so she mothered them as best she could", he paused suddenly looking amused, "She was horrible at it. By the time I was a year old I knew how to feed myself and then the new baby came along. Bella. We have different fathers; we are almost certain of that fact. I loved her immediately." And she saw the love shine in his eyes, it warmed her heart.

"Well, I had to take care of her and I went hungry most nights, just to feed the baby. Every other night, she would be entertaining guests and one or all of them would beat me up when they got drunk. They weren't heartless enough to beat a baby so Bella wasn't hurt at all.

"And then one day, she killed herself", he said

Louella's eyes widened, "She killed herself? When she had two kids? That's horrible"

"It was, but what could I do? I was only about six and Bella was just one. I carried her from the house a day after she did herself in and was just wondering around the streets. Eventually, I became really good at sneaking in and out of places with little souvenirs. I hated the life of a thief, but I knew my sister needed me.

"Then one day, Mr. Rodriguez found me… he is the leader of this mafia, he took me in and trained me. Harshly at first but then I got better at what he was teaching me and he made me the leader here. I had all I wanted, my sister was safe and more than I bargained for- I was safe", he ended, smiling

Her eyes had gathered with tears and she was sniffing to keep them in. it was such a touching story, but nothing could have prepared her for what she heard next.

"You look like her", he said suddenly.

"What?", she said shocked. He laughed

"What I mean is, your expression- and your eyes. Her face was always like that, beautiful, but controlled- happy when she wanted and otherwise. But her eyes always gave her away. They were deep and mysterious. Not as beautiful as yours- yours are cognac colored and are always searching- but still. You remind me of her, in the good ways"

Her eyes weren't searching any longer. She could barely even think. Marco had just called her beautiful twice. In one breath. Whoa. But, she realized, she looked like his mother. Is that why he didn't like her at first, and didn't that mean that if he did like her now that his feelings were influenced by even stronger feelings? Just great.

They didn't spend much longer in the IC unit, the returned to the den in about a day and things fell into their usual pattern. Except of course, for the up coming date which was frankly all that some people could think of…

Hi guys, thanks for all the views so far. Unfortunatly, because of school, i wont be posting a new chapter for about a week. Thanks, for understanding. Bye!

Elsie_Oborocreators' thoughts
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