
The Hunts ends... Heavily injured Huan... The Explosion...

Huan was in conflict as he watched Xu Luli and Han Jiang fight with the Black Fang. He wanted to fight with them but the pain was making it hard for him to move let alone fight.

{Argh... Will I just sit in here and watch? Can't I do anything? Is this all I can do?} Countless thoughts were running through his mind.

{No! I won't give up! I have to help them!} 

"I will... help... them." He muttered.  Then he slowly stood up, picked up the sword beside him, and slowly walked toward them. He stopped where it wasn't that far from the fighting.

Then he waited while thinking about how could he help them. Surprisingly he got the answer the next second when Xu Luli's attack made the beast distracted and Han Jiang managed to deal a blow.

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