
Chapter 69

Coincidentally Eris had walked in on the two and complained with a cute pout, she wanted what Ekko had done to Cana and so Ekko not only styled Cana but also Eris's Hair.

And after he finished the two girls decided they wanted to take a quick afternoon nap, and the place they chose was Ekko's lap.

Around 30 minutes later Rangiku returned home, but she was shocked to see Cana and Eris being able to enjoy sleeping on Ekko's Lap and was jealous that there wasn't any room for her.

Ekko could only apologize and promise to make it up to her another way.


{3 Days later: The day of the fashion show.}

"*Sigh* is this really necessary, why can't I just wear my own clothes. Actually dont you have anything better to do like I dont know follow a

Ruben around." Ekko complained in his room while having clothes put on him.

All Sasha did was roll her eyes while asking Ekko to take off his top.

" Trust me when I say I would rather be anywhere else on this planet than in your presence but Ruben told me to come and style you and everyone attending the show will be wearing clothes to fit the show's theme."

{A Pic of sasha}

Cana, Eris, and Masane were all getting the same treatment, and they were in their rooms changing as we speak.

"Annnnd done, mhh, as expected of me you dont look terrible, too bad that handsome face is attached to such an ugly personality." She quipped with a smirk.

" Awwww!!! so you do find me attractive, and I thought you went the other way." Ekko quipped back to sashes Growing annoyance.

Ekko checked himself out in the mirror and couldn't help but nod in approval, besides her snarky attitude Sasha really did know how to dress a guy.

Though it was missing something, Ekko rummaged through his closet before finding a black snapback.

" Oh no, you are not wearing that. It's not in theme with..." Sasha immediately tried to deny Ekko from wearing the hat.

" The hat goes or I stay." Ekko said as a threat, though it was actually just a bluff. But Sasha didn't know that and in the end, relented to his hat coming along.

" So are we heading out now?" Ekko asked as Sasha packed all the spare clothes in her suitcase.

" The fashion show only officially starts at 5:45 and it's one right now so you have around two hours before a limousine comes to pick you up. My job here is done so I'm leaving."

With a graceful turn, Sasha's hair whipped Ekko in the face but he didn't mind.

" Mhh!! looks like someone's been going to the gym as of late. Your ass has grown from really flat to mildly flat."

Ekko said as Sasha left but all he got in return was a middle finger from the back.

" Hahaha!!!" He always did love teasing Sasha to see her responses. Ekko checked himself out in the mirror one more time before deciding to bide his time watching some tv.

Cerbie the ever-loyal companion decided to accompany his dad on the couch as he flipped through the channels.

Though it was around 30 minutes later that Ekko was treated to a wonderful sight.

As he was watching tv he heard the sound of multiple footsteps coming his way so he knew the girls were finished and ready but, what he saw almost made him blush.

He knew the girls in this world were on a beauty standard way above the ones from his old world, but even then he can never get used to how much more beautiful women are in this world.

Masane, Eris, and Cana had just walked out in their show outfits, and all Ekko could say to describe how beautiful they looked was..." Stunning you girls look absolutely stunning." Ekko said as he stood up and approached them.

Eris looked happy at Ekko's praise and her tail wagged from side to side." Ehe!! Really if you think so Ekko-Nya!!!"

" Mhh, your not looking half bad yourself Kid." Cana complimented as she checked Ekko out.

Of course, since she was on her day off she was also drinking.

Masane smiled, while sneakily checking Ekko out as well." Thank you, I've never worn these types of clothes before so I'm glad I don't look weird or out of place."

"There's nothing to worry about Masane, you look good, there's still a few hours left before the show starts and the limo comes to pick us up so in the meantime just relax and do whatever."

And the girls did just that and before they knew it the time had already come and the limo had arrived to pick them up.

Like a gentleman, Ekko helped all three girls into the car before getting in himself.

All the girls were in a bubbly mood and couldn't wait to see Rangiku walking on the big stage.

Though before they officially left Ekko stopped by Granny Chio's stall so she could take care of Cerbie while he was gone. She of course happily agreed to take care of cerbie for a few hours.

So with nothing more left to do, the quartet set off for Japan's biggest fashion show of the year. And just like them, many others were doing the same thing, including talent scouts, celebs and so many more.


{Omotesando Hills: Tokyo-Shibuya}

"Who is that, I've never seen them before, are they models too."

" Are those...cat ears, they look so cute."

" Should I approach the brunette, she's so sexy."

Multiple people whispered as they saw Ekko's group walking around the venue. There was still a bit of time before the show began and people had to take their seats so they were either mingling, eating, or drinking.

There were not only celebrities from all around the world at this event but also government officials, streamers, and other people with high status.

Ekko's group just kept to themselves but any guy that even tried to approach the girls would receive a single glare from Ekko and give up on the spot.

It wasn't that they didn't want to get to know the girls it was just that Ekko was that intimidating.

Eris and masane had no clue but Cana had noticed and couldn't help but laugh on the inside at how protective he was.

"Hey girls I'll be back in a minute, I just need to take a quick toilet break." Ekko said as he had drank 12 cups of wine already.

So Ekko momentarily separated from the group and went to the bathroom to relieve himself. After he was done he washed his hands and then dried them thoroughly before heading outside.

Though just as he left someone who was walking by had tripped accidentally and almost fell forward if not for Ekko's Quick reaction.

Ekko grabbed a hold of her waist while keeping her up." Wow there, that was a close one." Ekko said as he helped the girl balance herself.

" Thank you, I'm not used to shoes like these, dammit why did I even agree to come to this stupid...oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say...."

" It's alright, you don't strike me as the type of girl to come to events like these."

" Huh!! So then what type of girl do I strike you as." The girl asked a bit offended

"Mhhh, the type of girl who likes a good night's Ride, or chilling in the arcade and sometimes just relaxing at home maybe watching an old sci-fi movie while eating some pizza."

" Tha...Lucky guess." The girl said in shock before noticing Ekko hadn't let go of her waist.

" Umm so are you going to let go of me anytime soon or are we just going to look into each other's eyes like starborn lovers." The girl asked as Ekko hadn't let go of her waist from the moment he caught her.

" Huh, oh sorry about that, I dident even notice." Ekko said as he let go of the girl's athletic waist.

Just from a single touch, Ekko knew this girl was stronger than your average person, he could even tell she was a martial artist by the way she held herself and her awkward but firm stance.

{Boo, boop}

{ Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome, I hope you are all having a wonderful evening.

The show will begin momentarily so could you all slowly make your way to the grand catwalk, there are staff all around the vicinity if you don't know where to sit or go...Thank you and I hope you all enjoy the show.}

" Looks like that's my queue to leave, you should be more careful now miss..."

" Akali, you can just call me Akali."

" Alright then, I'll be seeing you around Miss Akali, the names Ekko by the way Ekko Makena afia...but my friends call me Ekko."

"I guess I'll be seeing you around then Ekko." Akali said holding out her hand for a fist bump.

Not one to let someone hang he gave her his fist and bumped hers back.

Once Ekko was gone Akali couldn't help but pump herself up." And Eve said I couldn't flirt to save my life. Though that Ekko guy was hot, I wonder if I should ask for his number if I see him again."


Meanwhile, Ekko, Masane, Cana, and Eris had already taken their seats and were waiting for the show to begin.

Ekko sat right at the end of the runway on the first row so he would be up close to the models and have one of the best views.

{The show will begin in one minute...}The announcer said through the speakers.

Ekko's heart pumped in excitement, as he couldn't wait to see Rangiku come out...

And once 60 seconds had passed, the lights slowly dimmed and Funky electro music started to play in the background.

The whispers all around the hall started to dimmer.

The show had finally Begun...

I've decided to add Sasha as a character, whether she will become a reacuring character still up for debate. Word count: 1685 words.

TotherWindow1creators' thoughts
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