
Ch. 3 - A Bunny and a Fox (18+) {Pt. 1}

We had just left the professor's place, though not empty handed. 20 Pokéballs, six Heal Potions, two Paralysis Potions, a Pokédex, a Poképhone, and an Unlimited Use Incubator in a bag later, we were walking through a giant forest, the next town not for another forty miles.

Three hours later, the sun was setting, and so I decided to make camp. Luckily, we were in a clearing, meaning it was easy to tell where a possible enemy was hiding. Unfortunately, that doesn't count for small things.

Suddenly, the bushes rustled, and as Clem stood protectively in front of me, ready to defend me from harm if necessary, a brown fox with light brown accents covering her body in certain places appeared.

"Oh my gosh, an Eevee!!! It's so fuckin cute!", I might have fanned out a bit, but the little Eevee tilted her head with a cute smile, staring at me, and only me. Suddenly, her posture changed, as she got in a battle ready stance, now finally looking at Clem.

"Vee, Evoy!", she exclaimed, her head moving back towards me, and in my hand, a Pokéball. She then looked back at Clem, before standing up on two paws, trying to mimic Clem, in order to seemingly have a fair fight.

"Scor-bun Bun-Bunny!", Clem growled out, though smirked as well. I could figure out that Eevee might want to join me in my journey. Instantly, I brought up my Pokédex, which suddenly changed, showing stats. Her stats to be precise. My eyes widened, when I saw Max IVs in everything, this Eevee was perfect.

"Alright, if she wants a fight, let's give her one, Clem! Ember, then follow up with Quick Attack!", I yelled, excited for the first battle of my life. Eevee dodged the Ember, and went to counter Quick Attack with her own, but both were slightly injured. I smirked. at least I know one of her moves.

"Now, scratch, followed by another Ember.", I said, calming myself down inside. As the two engaged once more, I marveled at the way their bodies moved, almost in sync.

Clem scratched hard down at Eevee, who followed up with a Bite in a counterattack. Next came Clem's Ember, which struck true, but so did Eevee's Charm, making Clem wobble a bit.

"Vee, Evoy vee voy!", Eevee exclaimed with a bright smile, dodging a kick from Clem, before dusting the ground for a Sand Attack.

"Bun, Scorbunny Bun!", Clem replied in tandem, a smile of her own, blocking her face from the sand and dirt. She then positioned herself in another, more strengthened pose. I took that as her cue that she was ready to release her most powerful move so far.

"Clem, use High Jump Kick!", I said, my grin as bright as theirs. Scorbunny yelled out, as she flipped in the air, somersaulting almost, till she was brought down by gravity, a strange wave of energy covering her paw. It struck true, and Eevee cried out, but grinned, knowing what was coming next, as she had seen others done the same.

I dug through my bag, grabbing a Pokéball, clicking the button to enlarge it, before curve-balling it onto Eevee, who closed her eyes in acceptance, as she was beaten.

The ball bounced to the ground, before it began rolling. Once. Twice. Thrice. And then, stars. I jumped into the air with a grin so wide, I'm sure my face would have split, as Scorbunny joined alongside me.

Suddenly, a prompt came up on my Pokédex, as it sensed I had caught an Eevee. It asked me, would I like to name this Eevee? I selected yes, and input a name that I know would fit her well.

Then, as I sent her out, she immediately turned, and pounced onto me, making me grunt with a chuckle, before yelping.

"Scor-Bun Bunny Scor-ny~!", teased Clem, who had pulled my cock out of my trousers, wanting her prize for doing a job well done. Moaning as her mouth stretched wide over my length, I tried to keep Phoebe's attention away from my lower self, and it's visitor. However, Phoebe grinned, and licked my lips.

"Vee voooy Vay~!", she crooned, before using her tail, letting it travel up my chest, then to my arm, finally managing to pull it down. And my hand felt slick. I know that this is what I wanted, but already?! They're either really horny for me, or this is common, and I hoped it was the former.

However, I had no time to worry, as Clem shoved my down to the floor, making me grunt in a bit of pain. The pain was washed away however, when a second mouth found its way to my cock. Drooling, I couldn't believe how pleasurable this was getting, but it must've been the fault of this young body not used to such a thing! But then again, I was a virgin in my last life...

No more. I'm not going to be pushed around anymore, I'm going to take what I want, when I very well please. Either that, or I'm just getting drunk off of the pleasure, either way it didn't matter anymore! I had a new virgin pussy to fuck. And she was obviously excited for it.


Niko grasped Phoebe's light brown voluptuous ass, as his eight inch thick dick was still in her little mouth. She sucked with purpose, moaning little vee's every few seconds. Clem was happily sucking Niko's balls as this happened.

Suddenly, Niko's tongue delved into Phoebe's tight little snatch, and as he began eating her out, she moaned around his dick, before attempting to take him deeper, having only gotten halfway at this point.

'Shlick shlick shlick', came the sounds as she bobbed her head up and down, thoughts of her, and her eventual offspring being fucked into brainless sluts for her Master overfilling her mind, tears beginning to fill the corners of her eyes from not being able to breathe quite well, but she managed.

Niko slurped, and tongue fucked her even more so than before, wanting her juices desperately. Phoebe moaned loudly, as she squirted hard, sucking more ferociously, with almost all eight inches of thick dick down her throat. But she had to pull up, failing to milk him of his cum, but she was painted white, as Clem successfully got him to cum thanks to her technique getting better.

"Alright, Phoebe, I'll be gentle...", he stated, still with enough sense not to be rough the first go. Phoebe smiled, lifting her legs up, and presenting her pussy to her Master, using her paws to spread herself, while Clem began to make out with Phoebe.

"Vee~...", Phoebe responded after the kiss, waiting for him. And as Niko smiled, he gently grabbed her thighs, positioning his cock at her pussy, before sliding his engorged tip inside of her, grunting. He hadn't broken the walls, yet, though, so he continued forward, moaning softly with his new Pokemon.

Niko turned, pressing his lips against Clem's then, and as they did, Clem gently pulled him forward, further into Phoebe, when Phoebe cried out a bit. Niko stopped, leaning down to kiss her to try and heal her emotionally, but she was so happy that it didn't seem to matter.

"Vee... Voy!", Phoebe then yelled a few seconds after, clearly stating for him to go faster, and harder, to which he did.


(Yo, Author again! Now before any of you ask, this is legal in this Pokémon world, since Ten Year Olds are considered old enough to travel the world by themselves, that means they are adults in this version.

Second partner already! I'll slow down a bit for the chapter after the next one, but Anywho, yes, there will be breeding daughters if he has any with his Pokémon)

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