
Do not Disturb Me, Sir

A charming girl was carrying a toga that had slipped from her body, ten years ago. She leaned against the wall of the hospital area, which appeared to be at ease. Late in the evening, she had time to enjoy crying alone.

On his way back to his vehicle, the young man who had just left a friend's house paused. Observing muted cries emanating from the critical room's corner. Without hesitating, he approached.

"What are you doing in the evening?"

She gazed upward. His slanted eyes swelled. She was fixated on the attractive man in front of her. Instantaneously, she tightened her grip on her leg.

"Do not disturb me, sir." She murmured, "I don't wish to disturb you," without daring to glance around.

"Is anyone in your household ill? But that is no excuse for a young girl like you to be out at this hour."

Bara did not move whatsoever. He continued to observe intently this woman who appeared to have lost her mother.

"Yes. My father will undergo surgery tomorrow. In any case, it is none of your business," Sandra stated weakly. She does not wish to be perceived by others as a burden. What more did she not previously know?

"I guess. You cry for two different reasons. First, your father's poor health. Second, you lack the funds to pay for the surgery."

Sandra dared to gaze up after hearing a story that seemed appropriate. Their beads collided. They exchanged glances for a few seconds.

"That's correct. However, it is none of your business," Sandra replied.

"What then do you desire? Crying till you can no longer see is not a solution, is it?"

Sandra reflexively nodded. She also considered what actions should be taken. His limited savings had already been depleted to cover his graduation expenses. As she has no other source of money. His rude uncle has also sold his residence.

The woman sighed as she recalled her awful circumstances.

"I'm not simply weeping, sir. This is thinking as well," Sandra avoided. It was likewise impossible to share with a new acquaintance.

Before being brought to the hospital, his father had predicted that he would have many enemies. He instructed his young daughter to always exercise caution.

"I have a proposition for you."

Sandra was curious about the specifics of the man's proposal.

"Tell me, sir."

Bara felt awkward speaking with a woman seated on the floor. Bara followed his steps while holding his hand.

"Following me. We are seated in that chair."

Whether she liked it or not, Sandra agreed. However, Bara's gentle hand simply brushed aside.

They thereafter sat side by side. Then, Bara made a generous offer to Sandra.

"What is your name?" Bara inquired initially. He desired confirmation of something.

"Sandra," responded Sandra quickly.

"Well. I'm Bara, and you can cover your father's medical expenditures until he has fully recovered. Additionally, a bonus that you will never need in your lifetime."

Their eyes of Sandra twinkled in uncertainty. What kind of offer is being made by this man? Sandra's mind immediately concluded that this would not be simple.

"Be my wife for an endless amount of time. When I am ready and you are ready, we will split amicably."

Sandra had no idea that the man seated next to her was a monster-turned-angel.


"Baby, did you sleep well?" Sandra inquired as she handed Skylar a peanut butter bun.

His son has also grown tall and attractive over time. Sky's DNA from Bara is extremely dominant. While he is so skinny, she is occasionally envious.


As usual, Sky's response will be composed. Because Sandra's mood was questionable, she merely smiled weakly in response to Sky's response, which indeed requested an early morning duel.

"How's your digestion? Do you require medical attention?"

Sandra, who had been neglected by Bara, was reprimanded. He recognizes that his partner is experiencing mood swings, so he avoids arguments.

"No need to embellish. I'm fine."

Sandra stated that every woman experiences it once each month.

Just nodded. From contributing to the issue.

"Your period is shorter, Mom," Sky inquired inquisitively. Even his eleven eyebrows rose upwards.


Upon observing Sky's face requesting an explanation, Sandra faltered. Sky currently knows when her period occurs. It never falls behind schedule. Sky had total comprehension. It would be odd if she accelerated two weeks before his time.

"Ah, you shouldn't know, should you? You should complete your breakfast quickly. Your father will be with you."

Sky was instantly diverted by Sandra. It would be unfortunate if Bara discovered she was lying. When the time finally came, Bara's memory was not particularly strong.

"Your mother's period began yesterday night. Sky, is that strange? Papa does not recall the period particularly well. So-"

"Yes, since Papa is not a decent husband as well."

Sky's remarks deeply affected Bara. Even Sandra was stunned and could not believe what she had just heard from Sky.


Sky hurriedly interrupted Sandra's statements as she was going to provide clarification.

"I'm done, papa. Now we're leaving."

Bara changes his tie and jacket placement. Softly kissed Sandra's forehead and followed Sky. Additionally, he requested clarification on what his kid had just said.

"Sky, there's no need to hurry. It is too early for class."

They passed the elevator without speaking. Bara's son embarrasses him. Sky's gaze has a different significance than normal.

Bara inquired, "Do you know anything about your mother Sky?" as they entered the automobile.

"Papa is such a useless spouse," remarked Sky apathetically.

Just now, he inhaled deeply. How difficult it is to speak with his son. Surprisingly, his personality is identical to his prior self.

"Sky, your father wants that you act your age. Don't get too concerned with grownup affairs."

"So, Papa is becoming increasingly apprehensive of me?"

Sky stated this without adjusting his eye position. Still just as frigid looking ahead.

"Sky, what do you know? Papa is simply concerned about you. Exactly that"

Bara is unwilling to simply give up. He must know who texted Sandra the previous evening.

After going to bed, Sandra checked the woman's mobile phone. The history has not been wiped, thankfully. He has also requested that a detective verify the mobile phone number.

"Sky," Bara called gently but with confidence. "If you want to discover the truth, visit your father. There's no need to sound intelligent. You are still youthful. Consider your future."

Sky merely shrugged his shoulders calmly while speaking. Up to this point, he understood where Bara's conversation was headed. The words simply entered and exited his ears. Not deliberate.

The automobile engine stalled in front of the school's entrance. Without so much as a farewell, Sky walked away with her father's frightened look.

"You are a brat."

He tousled his hair in irritation. For him, interacting with a six-year-old youngster was so risky.

Someone has called his number. Bara continued his quest after realizing he was still within the school district. In any case, he answered the phone while he was distant from the school where his son was enrolled.


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