
Table tennis

The moment Kiran let go of his hand, Gideon quickly sprinted away from them like if he was being hunted.

"Thanks Kiran" said Abigail as she look at her arm which Gideon hold some seconds ago.

"It's nothing, you don't have to thank me" replied Kiran.

"I don't know you were so strong, I probably think the training you were attending was just for fun. You have to teach me how to fight" said Abigail as they continue walking towards their car.

"I would have love to, but have you forgotten I don't stay close to you" said Kiran as he open the door for her to go inside.

"Not to lie but I kind of forgot about that" replied Abigail as she enter with Kiran following behind.

Telling the driver their next destination, he drove them there without wasting time.

Reaching their destination, they both got out of the car and walk straight towards the tennis courts. Kiran pass his card over to the cashier as he pay for the both of them.

"Would you be able to play in that?" asked Kiran seeing as she was wearing a gown.

"I'll manage" replied Abigail as she pick her bath before walking to her side of the table.

Picking his bat and a ball, he walked over to his side of the table and serve the ball gently so as to make it easy for her to catch which she did by returning it with much force, causing Kiran to be daze as he couldn't react quick to catch it.

This time around, Kiran didn't hold back as he serve the ball with force. Before Abigail could return the ball, it has already pass her bat, giving Kiran a point.

After playing three complete rounds, they both decided to stop as they could see the night sky would soon be upon them.

The first round was ten to eight, with Abigail taking the lead, the second round was 10 to three with Kiran taking the lead, while the final round was 10 to nine with Abigail taking the lead.

Kiran seeing as she was frustrated the second round, he decided to let her win the last round so she won't be upset.

"I can't believe I won" said Abigail as she was trying to catch her breathe.

"You were amazing, come in let's start going before it gets too late" said Kiran as they started walking out of the table tennis courts.

Walking back to their car, they both got in before driving back home. After reaching her mansion, they both got down from the car.

"I would be taking my leave now" said Kiran as he was about walking back to the car so he can go home.

"It isn't that late, can't you stay for a little longer before leaving?" asked Abigail as she hold her hand.

"I would have love to, but my house isn't that close, my mom and I would be going back home, so I have to go now for us to make it in time" replied Kiran.

"Okay then, take care" said Abigail as she tiptoe and kiss his cheek.

"Extend my greetings to your mom, tell her I'm really sorry for not meeting her before leaving" said Kiran.

"Extend mine to yours also, I might try visiting you guys" said Abigail before Kiran enter inside the car.

Kiran didn't have to tell the driver as he seems to know what to do, this wasn't the first time he has drive him before, so putting the place in mind, he drove towards his grandma mansion.

Getting out of the car and walking pass his grandma's mansion gate, he could see his mom fuming as she look at him.

"I told you to go meet your girlfriend but didn't tell you to stay over, just look at the time, mister" said Jenny as she glare at him.

"I know Mom, I just lost track of time, not my intention to stay this late" replied Kiran as he walked into the mansion.

"We would be going right now, so quickly say your goodbye to your grandma before we leave, your dad probably have gotten home already" said Jenny.

"Why are you yelling at him, or have you forgotten how you much you anger me just to be with your boyfriend at that time" said Patricia as she approached them.

"This is different" said Jenny as she shook her head.

"It's surprising how your boyfriend of that time is still your husband of now, definitely thought you would leave him when you both grow up" said Margaret.

"Mom stop that" replied Jenny as she use her hand to close her face.

"Grandma I would love to hear the story of my Dad and Mom, but I have to go now, I would make sure to visit because of this story, goodnight grandma" said Kiran as she hug him.

"Goodnight dear, when you visit again, I will make sure to tell you everything about the story" replied Patricia as she hug him also.

"Mom, don't you do such" said Jenny.

"Now look at who is being shy, weren't you having fun when you were teasing my grandson?" asked her mom as she started laughing.

After saying their goodbyes, they quickly enter the car and drove off. Jenny couldn't stop herself from giving Kiran an earful throughout the journey.

On getting home, they could see that Hendrick was already home and have prepared the dinner. He probably should have been angry, but he wasn't as he happily set the table for all of them to eat.

"So Kiran, how was your visit with Abigail?" asked Hendrick the moment they finish eating.

"It was good, we just stroll around and did some gaming" replied Kiran as he stood up to go to his room. "Goodnight mom and dad, I'm off to bed".

"Good night dear" replied the both of them as they wave him off.

Reaching his bed, he opened his phone and check on some apps before falling asleep.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it.

This is the name of the novel, PATHWAY OF DEATH. Please do support me ♥️

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