
1 Chess and checkmate (prologue)

"Checkmate." The words left my lips as a smile crawled onto my face. My opponent looked distraught with his loss. He never stood a chance in the first place though, I've been playing chess since I was five years old. I stood up and shook his hand. "Man Alex you really are great at chess." interjected one of the onlookers who was watching the game. While normally I would brush off the praise and act humble, it wouldn't hurt to brag once in a while, right? "Of course, my chess skills far outweigh any of my other abilities, in fact I would bet my life in a chess match!" I bragged with an arrogant smirk while pushing up my glasses. I stood up and excused myself from the room before I was ostracized for being arrogant. I walked through the empty halls of my high school with a smile waving at everyone I saw. When I got to my locker I saw one of my friends, Jonathan Taylor talking to a group of people about the recent football game. Jonathan was always a sociable person unlike me, who keeps to myself mostly. I opened my locker and pulled its contents out into my bag. I picked it up and started my walk home. When I got home I opened the door and saw my sister on the couch watching a tv show. It seems she didn't notice me coming in, the perfect chance to scare her! I crept up behind her before yelling "BOO!" as loud as I could. She jumped up and punched me in the face.

I fell to the ground, my glasses broken, almost as bad as my nose which hurt like hell. "Come on sis, did no one ever teach you about self restraint?" I asked sarcastically. Not saying anything she stuck her tongue out at me and sat on the couch. I hmph'd and walked up stairs to my room. My sister is always so childish, which is both a good and a bad thing. She gets herself into trouble at school and I have to bail her out every time. I guess that's what family is for though. Anyways, time to get ready for bed. I hopped into my bed and promptly fell asleep.

...........next morning........

I woke up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I opened the door and took off my pajamas and got into the shower. I turn the water on and am blasted with a dump of cold water. I shiver and turn up the heat. The shower warms up and I start running my finger through my black hair. I wish high school would be over already so I could get a job and go to college. I needed to get enough money to pay for my sister's college. I already have a full expense scholarship due to my high scores in everything except p.e. Good thing there are only three days left of school. Then I can focus on getting a job and going to school for another 4 years. I finished washing up and turned off the water before continuing to get ready for school and saying good bye to my sister.

..........................During history class................

"....and that's how the vikings were able to take complete control of Europe, any questions?" everyone shook their heads as the bell rang for the passing period. I stood up and headed to my next class. History was one of my best subjects, other than math. I find it interesting about how the human race has evolved over time. From horse drawn carriages, to automobiles. From hoes, to farming plows. From swords and crossbows, to muskets and bayonets. Not to mention all of the other advancements in history as well. I'm knocked out of my thoughts when someone crashes into me. I fall to the ground. I sigh and stand up and continue walking hearing a muffled apology from a voice I recognized behind me behind me.

People can be such letdowns some times right?

......................After school.............

Two more days until school is out. I like school, but it gets repetitive after a while. That is why I study topics outside of my classes that I find interesting. Like instinct. Human instinct has always been a fascinating subject for me. People always have some sort of instinct no matter what it is. There are basic instincts, like eating or moving. Then there are more... . difficult instincts. Like fear or anger. All instincts at their purest form empower people to do what other people who don't have as strong an instinct to do things others cannot. Those who have feared most of their life, will never take risks. they will likely be more cautious when making moves. While those who have never been afraid, have the courage or perhaps just plain foolishness, to take risks that have mostly no payoff. Instinct is why there are gamblers and risk takers, whether it be fear or some other instinct that has been honed over the persons life, Instinct is ultimately what decides what will happen in your life. Maybe, that is why when I got home I could immediately tell something was off. My sister didn't seem to be home, and the lights were off. Maybe INSTINCT is the reason I dodged the fist flying towards my face. Maybe INSTINCT was the reason I knew I was about to die. I was staring at a man with a gun inches to my head. I did what any sane person would do and got on my knees with my hands above my head.

He seemed surprised that I gave up so easily and said "Give me all the money and valuables in this house or I will shoot." I sighed stood up and went to the cupboard which held a safe. I typed in the code and took its contents out of it. Then I spun around and shot the robber three times in the chest with the contents of the safe. In my hands was a pistol. I watched as the robber screamed and fell to the floor. I walked over to him slowly and said "Next time, make sure you know what your doing before attempting to rob a house." I aimed my pistol at his head before feeling immense pain from my chest.

I looked down and saw 2 bullet wounds in my heart I spun around and saw a second robber. My eyes closed and I said my final words. "Checkmate."


My eyes opened and I shot up with a start. I looked around and blinked. Wasn't I supposed to be dead. for miles all I could see were trees. "Well shit, hopefully my survival instincts kick in soon, otherwise I'm fucked."


Nice short opening chapter. See you guys next week! Also expect a long chapter!

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