When a teenage boy is transported to the world of Naruto, he is set on an adventure like no other. He is now Gaara of the Desert and will change the story of Naruto to its very core. He will fight many enemy’s, unlocked powerful Jutsu and make allies. Almost everything will be changed from the main plot line, this world will know destruction like never before.
This fan fic has already been written and posted up to the current chapter in the novel and male fantasy leading section. The reason I have decided to copy it is because I want to change this one to be anime and fan fic unlike the other one so more people may see it. I'm not plagiarizing, I am the original author. I understand this may be odd but I just want my fan fic to be in the proper section that it deserves instead of the male fantasy leading section.
I also want to apologize for the first 10-15 chapters, my portrayal of Gaara is mediocre at best in them. I know this sounds weird to put this before the writing but I do want to warn you that my writing at the beginning wasn't put together very well. In the future, I am considering rewritting this and making it a better story that makes more sense.