
Entry 5: Evolutions?

Another peaceful morning had come in the region of Paldia. Another day of singing birds and calm wind flowing outside

I, Gale Krount, am the owner of the Krount herbs and clinic, which should have been only clinic in this town but not anymore....it seems my new neighbour, Frisa opened a clinic in this town....which is literally 2 houses away from here

So I can only predict 3 things that will happen

1) My business shuts down

2) Her business is not blooming

3) Both of our business shuts down....which shouldn't happen but it's still a possibility.

And so with my heavy heart I woke up and was feeling very tired

This past few days have been very exhausting for me...I found myself a dragon egg which hatched itself into a baby dragon who seems to be sleeping beside me

Hmm you know...I might still be dreaming but....did Tama horns grew bigger?

It seemed like the horns....became alot more sharp

Earlier it seemed his horns were a bit on the blunt side but if my eyes are playing no tricks....it's definitely growing

Is Tama preparing itself to go through evolution

[Evolution is a method where magical beasts gather enough mana inside their body so that they can use it to evolve and grow to a strength even further beyond...if a magical beasts is going through an evolution phase it starts to show some signs to it and when the evolution is successful it's notable appearance changes completely....]

Now you see I probably overthink a lot

But it shouldn't be a stretch to say it's gonna go through an evolution even though it's just few weeks old

Looks like I will have another ride to the royal capital's library to learn more about evolutions.....

* * * * * *

And so I decided that I will venture to royal capital again to research more about dragons and evolutions

So I gave Tama a stack of meat left now and some milk and set off to the library

Outside the clinic I was greeted by my neighbour Frisa with a smile

"Good morning Mr. Gale! Are you heading out somewhere?"

"Good morning Frisa! Yeah I decided to head off to the Paldia library today!" I answered her

She seemed quiet pleased hearing my answer

"Ooh what a coincidence, I seemed to be heading towards the Paldia library too! If you don't mind...mind if I tag along with you?!"

"Uhh, yeah sure." I replied 'yes' Yeah I didn't wanted to reject her wishes...

"Umm...Mr. Gale if you don't mind, why are you heading to the library today?" She asked this question out of curiosity

"Uhhhh" Shoot I can't tell her that I am currently taking care of a dragon!!

"I-uh, I actually wanted to learn more about evolutions you see...who knows what might happen if a magical beast is going through an evolution and I don't know what to do hahahaha!" I replied with a laugh

"Oh I see..good luck then Mr. Gale."

Wow it seems she wasn't interested this time around

"Umm if you don't mind me asking, why are you heading to the Library?"

"Oh, you see...I am still new to business culture so I wanted to know how to run a store because I am not knowledgeable on that topic" She answered it rather embarassed

"Ahh I see, well good luck to you too. I hope we both learn something new today!"

She instantly smiled and said "Yes let's both do our best!!" with huge enthusiasm and so together we set off for the main street....

* * * * * *

We both reached the royal capital, checked ourself in and went towards the library and entered it

"Welcome to the Paldia library, how can I be assist to you?" The attendant asked us

"Umm can you please tell us where the books about evolutions and business study lie here?" I asked the question

"Books for business studies is available on the first row fourth shelf and books for evolutions are available at second floor fourth row second shelf"

And so we both signed our names and went away

"It seems we will be seperated for a while. How about we meet up after 5 hours after our work here is done?" Frisa suggested it to me

"Alright let's meet up after 5 hours."

"Great. Well then see you around Mr. Gale!" and she waved her hand going towards the first row

Well I head towards the second floor too and began searching regarding evolutions

After 5 minutes I found the book I was searching for 'Evolutions of mythical beasts' and 'Types of Evolutions' and began reading

In next four hours I learned a lot and noted it down in my notebook

I learned that horns growing for dragons is NOT an evolution phase but a normal phase to show it's growing properly and learned all lots about dragon evolutions and other magical beasts evolutions which will come in very handy...

I noted down the list to see if Tama is going through a growing phase or an evolution phase and double checked it

"Phew I am done" I was feeling quiet proud of myself.

You know seems I am here...why don't I just buy the book I have commissioned

And so I went downstairs but before I leave I must inform Frisa about it so she doesn't worry much

And so I started looking for her and found her reading enthusiastically while muttering words like "I see" "Wow I never knew this" "Oooh"

"Umm Miss Frisa?" I called out to her

"GAAH" she screamed hearing her name

"Shhhhhhh" the library said it in unison

I was quiet embarassed not going to lie

"Oh Mr. Gale are you done with your studies?"

"Oh yeah it's just that I remembered I had a work here so I am going to check it out just now...do not worry tho we will leave together in the next hour!" I reassured her

"Oh alright Mr. Gale you can go do your work while I will just complete this book and wait for you!" she answered with a smile

"Oh thank you. I will be back soon!"

And so I set off for the shop to buy that book

I entered the store...it's been 5 days actually since I last visited here...yeah I know I have been careless but still "Umm, Mr. Shopkeeper is my book ready?"

"Huh?Who were you again?" Oh right

"Uh it's me...you know who ordered the books about taming dragons?"

The shopkeeper had to think and then remembered "Oh it's you...yeah your order has come. Would you like to see it?"

"With pleasure."

The shopkeeper went back to the store and brought back the book

Yes...it's the same book that's in the library

I thanked him and asked for the cost to which he replied it was 500 Gouls....Luckily I had enough to buy it

500 Gouls for me is pretty costly...I hope when Tama grows up he someday repays me allowing me to fly on his back

And so I head back to the library....it seems Frisa was done too. She saw me and came towards me

"Mr. Gale! Thank you for accompanying me today!" She thanked me

"Oh it's nothing....so about your studies! Are you done?"

"Yes! infact I memorized some key points and wrote down the points I wasn't able to understand!" She said it quiet enthusiastically

"It seems we both are done so do we head back?" I asked it

"Oh alright let's head back then."

And so we went to our homes...said our goodbyes and went back to our homes

Aaah I am exhausted...even then I was able to get 2 things done today. I was feeling proud of myself

And so I went to my room and started studying about taming dragons

Tama was sitting in my room silently staring at a wall

I called to Tama but he wasn't responding to my call...looked at me and went back to stare

Was he angry at me? For not giving him enough attention?

Well looks like starting tomorrow I will give him all the attention he wants

And so I opened my notes back and read the third page....it read about dragons breathing fires...that's the first stage of evolution

If a dragon is staring at anything random and is rather not responding to you....it was a sign that it was about to....breathe fire?!?!?!

Wait what???

"Hey Tama!!!" but it seems I was a bit too late....

In the next second Tama sneezed a bit...but instead a breath of fire came out and burnt down my whole wall.....

Tama looked at me and said "Kyuuu" while I was looking at the burnt wall....I was speechless

Evolution?Huh?Breathing fire?What?

But all I could think of was....my wall was burned




"OH NOOOOO!!!!!!"

Hi everyone it's me again!! So it seems I have been going away from the focus to introduce new characters but worry not..Tama will be in focus again with introduction to more new characters as well..

Thank you for reading this far!!

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