
Entry 1: A strange stone

It was a day just like any other....I woke up at morning at 6:00 am and was greeted by birds in the early morning.

I had a good feeling today was going to be a special day. This is the region of Paldia...a magical world where we humans with magic and magical beasts live comfortably. It's a time of peace and I am Gale Krount...a 24 year-old man who was handsome and had orange hair for its head had a wonderful morning like something interesting might happen today.....and so I declared

"Today I, Gale Krount, will make the best use of this day today" just outside my window

It's the year 849 DC and I can already see all those travelling horses and people opening up their stores

"Well...time to open my store too"

I run a clinic of treating magical beasts while also selling medicinal herbs and treatments to my patients...

This world is a peaceful and magical

We are dependent on using magic for our daily lives

I have no troubles with my shop and also I am well respected commoner here

And so I woke up, got ready, ate my breakfast and went down to open the clinic...

* * * * * *

It was 10:00 am in the morning and then someone entered my store-

"Hello there Gale, Good morning!!"

"Oh, good morning Aunt Lina"

The woman who just greeted me was my neighbour who went by the name Lina Evans

She was in her 50s and was really sweet. She had a round face and was really sweet

"I'm sorry to disturb you in early of the morning but it seems we ran out of our Freecon herbs. Can you give us some?"

Aunt Lina requested it....and of course how could I refuse my customer

I went back to the clinic to find the herbs only to find out I hadn't restocked them...

looks like I need to go to the forest to collect it again

"I'm sorry Aunt Lina..it seems I have ran out of them as well..Can you please wait for 30 minutes while I go to the Eclypse forest and collect them"? I was rather angry and irritated at my clumsiness of how did I not restocked my herbs

"Oh dear, you don't have to trouble yourself...how do you think we both should go and collect it?" she suggested it while smiling

"N-No Aunt Lina you don't have to trouble yourself"- I said it rather hurriedly- "It will take me 20 minutes to restock them without any trouble...besides I can take care of myself"

Aunt Lina thought for a while and said "Okay dear, I will be waiting at my house!"

And so I got ready with a basket and set off to the Eclypse forest just at the outskirts of this town.

I lived at a commoner town called Hiburg town...it was just a few kilometres away from the royal capital where all the nobles and the current king lived!

Us commoners had it easy because we were almost never in trouble whenever something happened in royal capital due to us living outskirts of the capital and our business always boomed whenever there was a festival...

Even so I set off to Eclypse to find the Freecon herbs which are located at deep inside the forest...

* * * * * *

I entered the forest and started searching for the herbs.

It isn't too hard to find it once you get used to it.

I always come here once every two weeks to collect herbs so I know this forest inside out.

Now as soon as I reached the place where Freecon trees are present...I went there to collect it

You have to be careful when to collect it tho

If the leaves are brown in colour then it's ready to be collected or else you have to wait.

So I quickly sourced around the trees and collected quiet a bit of herbs.

As I was about to finish collecting the herbs...something caught my eye...

It was in a cave not so very deep

Curious I went to check it out but once I reached there what I found was quite shocking

A big black stone that is

It was the most prettiest stone I have seen

As no one was here I collected the stone with the herbs...it would be a waste if something this pretty got lost somewhere....and so I head back

I went back to my clinic, kept the stone on the table...for some reason it was a bit warm...hmm

Well I put it on hold to worry about it later and went to Aunt Lina's house to deliver the herbs....

She thanked and payed me and asked me to eat with her family too

I politely refused saying I had patients coming up soon

But just as I returned I noticed something weird with this stone

It was shaking...very violently

Then I realised it wasn't some stone...it was an egg...of a magical beast...and I stole it

Worried I waited for the egg to hatch and when it hatches I will release it where I found it....

The egg started cracking and I was nervous which beast it was....

The eggshell cracked and a paw came out. Then the rest of the shell cracked and what came out from it was not something my eyes would believe....

It was a dragon, a black dragon that is and it was the cutest thing I have seen

It looked at me with its big eyes and cried for first time....

Not knowing what to do I picked it up like a baby and started calming him down....

the dragon quieted down and I decided then I had to leave it

And so I went back where I picked the egg and put the dragon there

"Goodbye little dragon...your mother will take care of you.." and so I walked away from there

* * * * * *

When I reached home I calmed down until I heard a voice from behind


It was the little dragon that just hatched

Haaaaahhhh....I was surprised...why did it followed me

I started walking away from it but it followed me too

I stopped it stopped...I walked it walked whole saying "Kyuuu" the whole time

Oh god...looks like the dragon thinks I am it's mother

It's already evening as it is and I can't leave it outside as it is now

I was in a predicament

If I leave the dragon it will still follow me or it would be eaten by a wild beast...or if I let it stay I would be in trouble as I don't know how to raise it

so for starters I gave it some milk

Now what will I do with it now I will do it tomorrow

I made a bed for it...put it to sleep beside my bed so it doesn't run away anywhere and went to sleep myself....

"It seems the coming days are gonna be some long days" I muttered to myself looking at the sleepy baby dragon and sighed.....

Next chapter