
Chapter 25

2 days later

Today was the day, a day would actually be a big day for any female in the world, but well for me it was probably the beginning of a never ending nightmare. I was still lying on the bed and looking outside on the balcony, they had informed me last night that the ceremony would start at eight in the evening, which seemed rather strange to me because weddings are supposed to take place during the day. Maybe Maynard wanted it to be under moonlight, but there wasn't even going to be a full moon tonight, if he wanted it to take place at night it would probably be under a fool moon but today there was no fool moon. Maybe he had other reasons, but I just couldn't figure those reasons out. I turned to the other side of the bed and well just as I expected it was empty, Maynard hadn't come back yet he had left two days ago after he got that call from who knows who. And he didn't call me even once to tell me when he was coming back or where he was. When I asked his parents last night they told me that I would see him at the wedding venue. I wanted to know where he had gone to but they refused to tell me. It was only 7am, I still had thirteen hours left until I have to stand in front of that man stare at his beautiful somewhat dangerous eyes and say the words I do, and I would have to let him kiss me. I have never imagined that I would get to say I do at the age of sixteen. Growing up I have always dreamed of having a lively wedding on a sunny day, where I would be the most beautiful and happiest girl at the venue and my daddy would walk me down the Isle with a smile on his face, but well I guess not all dreams are meant to come true some dreams will just remain as dreams and I won't have the chance to make the happen. I sighed seating up from the bed, I just hoped that everything would go smoothly. I heard a light nock on the door and I knew that it would probably be butler X. "Come in." I said. The door opened slowly and it was not butler X but it was Maynard's father. He was wearing as suit as usual. He walked into the room, he had a faint smile on his face. "May I?" He said pointing at the couch and I nodded my head in response. He sat down, he had a worried look on his face. He sighed. "How are you doing Emma?" he said, I could tell from his voice that something was not right. "I am okay... I guess." I said. I wasn't sure if 'okay' was how you would say I was feeling right now, I actually didn't know how I was feeling at the moment, happy? Sad? Angry?, I just didn't know how I was feeling. "I know that you might not be okay right now. We had a change of plans. The wedding will not take place anymore... Instead you will just go to the Home affairs and sign and get the marriage license." He said. "Why?" I asked him. "Something came up that needs Maynard's attention and he will leave for another country in 6 hours and he won't be coming back soon, so you should freshen up and get dressed we will be waiting for you in the car okay." He said. What exactly could have happened that needed his attention, but anyway it didn't matter because I would at least get to spend some time without him."Okay." I said and he got up and he left the room. I felt like dancing around right now because I wouldn't see that asshole's face after getting our marriage license, I just hope that he will be gone for ten years so that we will get a divorce after that because it will be the end of our contract marriage.

After taking a shower I decided to wear a pink Criss Cross Tie Back Floral Embroidery Mesh Cami Dress, white Open Toe Ankle Strap Sandals, White Gold Round Diamond Heart Pendant Necklace. I straightened my hair and then I tied it into a tight ponytail. I looked in the mirror and I was loving what I was seeing at this moment, I looked really beautiful and I loved my freckles even more just by looking at myself in the mirror right now. I took a deep breath, I seriously don't know why I decided to dress up today, maybe it was because it was supposed to be my wedding day. I wondered if I would ever get the chance to wear that wedding dress. But who cares.

I walked out of the room and I went outside to where the black SUV was parked, Maynard's parents were already inside waiting for me. His mom was wearing an Asymmetrical Neck Slit Sleeve Bodycon red Dress with black heels. This woman looked gorgeous in anything, I got inside the car and I sat down at the back. "Wow Emma you look stunning." She said. "Thank you mom, you look great too." I said. "Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it a lot. You know this lazy husband of mine doesn't compliment me much anymore, oh that breaks my hear." She said in a dramatic way. "What do you mean? Didn't I just compliment you two minutes ago?" He asked. Oh here we go again. "No it was not enough." She said. "How is me giving you compliments everyday not enough." He said. This is how the two of the always were, they would over small things but the love they had for each other was deep and it looked like it was a never ending love. That's what I had always wished for but I guess my wish was never going to come true. They continued bickering like little kids, sometimes I wondered how mature this two were. "Guys can we go now, we shouldn't be late." I said. "OH sorry dear." She said and Maynard's dad drove off.

"So Emma are you nervous?" Maynard's dad asked. "Yeah I... think." I said. Was I even nervous, I didn't know if I was nervous or not. "It's okay to be nervous, even I was nervous on our wedding day, I thought I was going to faint at the altar you know but it went well." She said. "So where do you wish to go for your honeymoon?" She asked me. "Well... France." I said. I loved France and I always wanted to go France ever since I was a kid. That is why I took French lessons so that I would be able to communicate with the people from France if I ever have the chance to go to France, but now I wasn't sure if I was ever going to go there. "Wow, really. That's great because that is where we went for our honeymoon." She said. Wow, what a coincidence. "Wow... Uhm can I ask a question?" I asked them and they both nodded their heads. "Is there anything I have to be worried of about Maynard before we get married?"I asked and they both looked at each other and they kept quiet for a minute. I wondered if I had asked a wrong question or something."Well yes there..." He said but before he could finish Maynard's mom cut him off. "No no no dear there is nothing that you should be worried about and if there is anything that we don't know maybe Maynard will tell you himself." She said with a smile on her face. But I could tell that she was hiding something, if she wasn't then why would she stop Maynard's dad from saying what he wanted to say. I just hoped that it was nothing serious. "Right dear?" She said looking at Maynard's dad and he nodded his head slowly. What on earth was she trying to hide from me. "Anyway, Maynard said that you guys will have a proper wedding when he gets back from where he will be going off to. But it will still be a private one, the last thing that we want is the paparazzi crashing your wedding and then publishing some news about you guys then next day. Trust me honey there is no one crueler that the paparazzi. "She said and that gave me chills. I have seen some shocking news about celebrities online about how they find it hard to live peacefully because of the paparazzi and I don't think that that is the kind of life that I want for myself. "Alright we are here." He said. So soon, I thought that maybe it was going to be a never ending car ride because I didn't want to do this at all. But well I guess the time as come. I opened the car door and I took a deep breath, I saw the door that led inside and I knew that as soon as I entered that door my fate would be sealed and I would become Maynard's prisoner right after I sign the papers and we get our marriage license. Thinking about it made my body tremble. 'okay here goes my freedom' I said to myself and then I stepped out of the car to finally say goodbye to my freedom.

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