
The Nervous Nellie

"So, you are coming to the office tomorrow, right?" asked Jae-Hwa while stuffing her face with fried vegetables.

"Yes, we have that magazine coming to the office and Mr. Hu said that everyone should be present there," recalled Nivritti.

"Oh, right! That is tomorrow," groaned Young-Chul. "I hate interviews."

"Huh! That is part of your job, isn't it?" asked Jae-Geun.

"It is part of my job but that does not mean that I have to like it," answered Young-Chul.

"Because they will ask questions about your mental health?" Nivritti pointed out.

"Yeah, you have no idea how frustrated I am talking about the same thing over and over again," cringed Young-Chul.

"You have talked about it once, once, during our live," Korain hit Young-Chul at the back of his head.

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