Steven looked at the text underneath the pictures.
*I don't mind you trying to imitate me, spread malicious rumors, or take my friends and boyfriend away. What I mind is you biting the hand that fed you. My grandfather taught you everything you know today and despite your mother's terrible behavior he never turned his back on you. The only reason you're at the Academy is because of him yet you dare lie by saying that we both mistreated you when my grandfather is the sole reason you're not a beggar on the street today. If you dare mention my grandfather again I'll sue you for slander.*
Louis felt horrified after watching and reading all of it. He took his tray and stammered:
"I-I have to go."
Louis ran before Steven could stop him and almost tripped face-first on the cutlery. A-Xuan got up from Charles's lap grabbing him before he hurt himself.
Watching his boyfriend almost get hurt like that Steven was terrified, he got up to check on him.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: