
Chapter Fifty-Six: A Tedious Alliance


Watching everyone eat but Evie eat her small plate of food alarmed me, her fork pushing her noodles around. Pushing her plate away, her fingers drummed the surface of the table. Flynn fussed in his playpen, a long sigh pouring from her lips. Pausing at the window, terror rounded her eyes. Playing with her dagger, my bare feet pounded over to the window. Demons paced back and forth, waiting for her to come out. Master Nuit waved up at her, a blemished silver dagger spinning in his palm. Sparks danced in the air as he ran it up the tree, her fingers gripped the window sill. Sinking to the floor, Flynn began to wail. Scooping him up, his tiny fingers reached for her swollen breasts. Moving the material over, he sucked until he was full. The gears in her head were turning, Death rising to his feet. This was a sick game of cat and mouse, Evie falling for every trap.

"Absolutely not!" He barked suddenly, all of us jumping back. "You are not going down there by myself." Finishing up feeding him, she laid him down gently before leaping out the window. Circling each other, their daggers spun in their palms. Neither one had the power left to expand their weapons, both of them coming to a silent agreement. Cupping my ears, the next words stunned me.

"Do you mind fighting on my side?" She offered sincerely, rubbing her forehead. "Why are you trying to kill me anyways?" Jumping out the window, the chilly evening air lashed at my cheeks. Landing gracefully next to her, he took a step back. Stepping in front of her, the demons trembled behind him.

"There is a ten million dollar reward over your head because the king of Hell wants you dead." He explained briskly, her eyebrow twitching with irritation. "I personally like you but I need to fund my own piece of Hell. Don't take any offense to it. If you can offer me a better deal, then I will join your side." Rolling my eyes, the bastard was only out for himself.

"I will help you become the king of Hell." She promised seriously, shock stiffening his body. "I don't know what else I could offer you. I do happen to be one of the most powerful werewolves. What do you say?" Scoffing in disbelief, he shook his head in protest. Clearing his throat, he yanked her closer by her collar. Low growls rumbled in their throats, the tension brewed between them. Waiting with bated breath, my mind wondered if a deal would be reached.

"How can you manage that, Miss Traumatized?" He taunted cruelly, her hand gripping his arm. "How do you suggest that I do that?" His bone groaned underneath her grasp, a fire burned her in her eyes. Slamming him into the tree, her claws dug into his neck. My inner wolf barked at me to rip his throat out, her inner wolf telling him to simmer down.

"Your first step would be to create a mole to spread your message and break it down from the inside. Once your coup begins, you need to stay on top of your allies. Hell, you can borrow a couple of my friends. Do you know who my father is?" She informed him briskly, her temper flaring. "Fuck you with that. Who do you think ran the clan at home? I lead the hunts against the rogues. Boy, did some of them team up. I have led teams since I was twelve. Screw you. Hundreds of werewolves are dead because of me and me alone. It was my job to protect the town. Sometimes I infiltrated them and got to know them. They were nice people who didn't deserve their fate but I was ordered by the alpha. If you know anything, you have to listen to the alpha or you die." Her words shattered my heart, her confession breaking him. Dropping his body to the ground, tears stained her cheeks. Wiping the blood off of his neck, he struggled to his feet. Surprise rounded her eyes the moment he stuck out his hand. Stepping back with a cautious look, her hands crossed.

"While you were his assistant he was making you hunt down the rogues?" I questioned furiously, interrupting the conversation. "Why did you do all of that?" Bowing her head in shame, her lips moved without words coming out. Moving up her sleeve, a faded slave symbol stood out in her pale skin. Snatching her arm, my finger traced my father's mark.

"When did he do this to you!" I roared thunderously, yanking her closer to me as my expression softened. "Please tell me." Hiding her eyes with her bangs, her lips pressed into a thin line. Lifting up her chin with my finger, the ghost of his abuse haunted her hollow eyes. Struggling to keep it together, her quaking fingers wrapped around my arm.

"He did it when I was six as a punishment for using magic." She choked out, her grip strengthening. "I didn't have a choice. My parents were all for it and I couldn't fight back. Sorry, I never told you. He commanded me to never date you, so I never could. He didn't stop me from telling you that I loved you. From the moment I saw you in school, I knew that I wanted to marry you. When he found out about my love for you around prom night he chose to throw me around. At that point I didn't care. I would have died if I had dated you." Every cell in my body wanted to dig up my father and tear him into pieces, that rotten bastard stealing her right to love me the way she desired. Master Nuit cleared his throat, his hand hovering in her face.

"You can't go back on a demon's deal. A mark will appear on your skin which will only disappear the moment we complete our agreement." He hissed grumpily, his mask hiding a blush. "I will always welcome you in Hell the moment I steal the throne." Cupping his hand, one firm shake sealed the deal. An onyx snake curled up my arm, an inky wolf popping up on his neck. An awkward silence hung between us, her triumphant smile melting my heart. Bowing in his direction, his muscles relaxing. Flicking her in the forehead, he peeled off his mask. Onyx eyes glittered from underneath a fluff of scarlet hair, short fangs hung over his black lips. He was quite the character, my eyes falling onto her faded slave mark. Only evil werewolves used that type of my bond, my old man certainly fitting the bill.

"I should attempt to make you my friend." He mused playfully, leaning forward. "I look forward to seeing you around." Pulling his phone from his pocket, his slender fingers snatched hers. Plugging in his number, I watched with eager eyes as she typed in her number. Passing his phone back, her fingers gripped his tie. His face was inches from her, a devious grin twitched on her lips.

"I was a witch before this and there is one way out of the contract without my needs being met. Don't you dare double cross me, you asshole." She threatened with a cocked brow, cupping his face. "I can kill you just as easily as you can kill me. Behave and we will have a tedious friendship. Once you become king, you must honor your side." Ice crept up her arms, the sparkling surface devouring his cheeks. His heart skipped a beat, a spark of adventure lighting his eyes.

"I don't think my wife would like you freezing my face." He retorted sarcastically, silver flames melting the ice. "I like you as a wild little sister. My pet, you forget that I am the son of the original king of Hell. Let's play nicely or you will see my nasty side." Pulling her close to my waist, the pissing contest had to end. Spinning on his heels to leave, his head cocked back.

"I will leave a few of my men around to protect you, Princess of Death. I find something rather amusing." He teased lightly, spinning his blade over his shoulder. "You will be Queen of the Reapers the day you actually die. Death will step down eventually, passing the scythe to your precious little hands. I have a mole to create." Snapping his fingers, he was gone. An exhausted Evie collapsed into my arms, pure wonder brightened my eyes at the way she negotiated everyone out of danger. Snores echoed in my ear, an annoyed Death leaned out the window. Scooping her into my arms, my eye kept falling on the faded mark on her arm. Guilt ate at me, dread bubbled in my gut. Letting me in, I dropped Evie into Death's arm.

"Take her and Flynn home. I can't have her here. I have to wrap up the weekend and I should be home by dinner." I whispered softly not to wake her, knowing that sleep constantly evaded her. "Grappy, don't leave her side. Puck, you are more than welcome to stay." Shooting me a quick thumbs up, he chose to stay behind for his son. Setting Flynn into Grappy's arms, they were gone in seconds. Sitting down onto the bed, I shot a text message to Latia to break into his secret room. Puck tapped a deck of cards on the table, inviting me over. Taking a deep sigh, the stress was mounting on me. Playing cards until their heads hit the table, my alarm was an hour from going off. One more day until I could go home, my phone was dinging. Tears welled up in my eyes, several videos of a teenager Evie cutting down innocent werewolves played on my phone. The mark burned bright while tears flooded endlessly from her eyes. Another message dinged, panic swelling inside of my chest. A depressed Evie laid next to our son, my heart shattering for her. Packing up my bag, I shook Puck and Daryll's shoulders.

"We need to go home. Today would have been pointless anyway." I urged through a wall of tears, the two of them jerking awake. Packing up as fast humanly possible, we were all waiting outside of our cars. Nothing needed to be said, Evie was the priority in this situation. Daryll settled into his father's car, the loneliness beginning to haunt me. Crashing into the driver's seat, relief washed over me the moment the engine roared to life. The ride back never seemed to end, my anxiety growing by the second. Screeching to a halt, my feet pounded in. An exhausted Evie sat at the table, a groggy yawn flooding from her lips. A sleeping Flynn slumbered in a baby sling, a pile of black envelopes towered next to her. Picking up one, they were all from Master Nuit. Another envelope fluttered in, her fingers catching it. Dropping it on the pile, an irked expression twisted her face. Jumping back at the sight of me, a million apologies bounced off the walls. Unable to get the image of her hunting the rogues out of my mind, the moment she stood up that all changed. A navy lace teddy hugged her body, the matching robe slid off of her shoulders. Resting on the table, she opened the first letter. A snarl twitched on her lips at the unorganized paper fluttering out, each envelope leaving her with the same manners of paper. The words were in Latin, a groan escaping her lips.

"I will go to bed later. I have to translate these so Theros can help me with the deal I just made." She whined adorably, twisting her hair into a ponytail. Plopping down next to her, a small smile twitched on her lips. Swiping the pad from her, a curious glint twinkled in her eyes. Pulling her onto my lap, the paper fluttered in her trembling hands. Kissing the nape of her neck, her body melted into my arms.

"Let me work for you for once, Evie. You read it out loud and I will transcribe it all for you." I offered lovingly, her real smile illuminating her face. "I love you more than the moon." The hours passed tediously, a pile of random papers laid by my side. Moving her hand to my hard cock, her palm rubbed against it sensually. Checking to see if the house was empty, her slender hand dragged me upstairs with the papers underneath her arm. Throwing me onto the bed, Flynn was sleeping in his playpen before I knew it. Unbuttoning my pants with her teeth, her trembling hands ripped off my pants. Taking me all in, waves of euphoria crashed over me with each long suck. Squirming underneath her, her sweet lips focused on my head. Grabbing her head, my hand moved her head up and down. Licking my sweet spot, her name burst from my lips. Sitting up, the robe fluttered to the floor. My heart skipped a beat at her swollen breasts bouncing out of their cage, scarlet coloring my cheeks. It was hard to believe she was dead not that long ago, her nimble fingers undoing my buttons sensually.

"I have wanted you all day, Hudsy!" She growled hungrily in my ear, my inner wolf wagging his tail. Biting my chest, her love bite sent chills up my spine. Licking the blood off of my wounds, a tiny howl exploded from my lips. Pulling her up to my face, a wicked grin danced across my lips. Sitting down on my face, short gasps escaped her lips with every suck on her swollen clit. Grinding her hips, my fingers curled around her hips. The sweet taste of strawberry pleased my taste buds, her hips grinding faster.

"Could you fuck me?" She pleaded coyly, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. "I kind of need you inside of me." Flipping her onto her knees, her ass wagged in her face. Using the opportunity to take my clothes off, the suit landed with a soft thud on the floor. Lining myself up, a scream burst from her lips the moment I jammed myself in. Her slender fingers gripped the sheets with every wild buck, her toes curling. Her screams bounced off the walls, my hand slid to her small bump. Pride swelled in my eyes, chills running up my spine. Flipping me underneath her, she sank onto my thick girth. Bouncing up and down, her warm walls hugged every inch of me. Watching her breasts bounce up and down, her hands guided them up to her breasts. Her hips ground faster with each rough squeeze, the dance growing more erratic. Rolling her underneath me, my breath hitched at the way the midday sunlight illuminated her dainty features. Looking at her, one wouldn't think she was crazy strong but her delicate features told a different tale. Smiling softly to myself, I had truthfully been blessed to get a second chance with her. Tears welled up in my eyes, the fat drops of water crashing onto her face. Tracing her cheek, seeing her around still didn't feel real. Why did having sex with her cause this reaction? My heart ached for her to touch my face back, her hands cupping my face.

"I am not going anywhere this time." She promised through a wall of her own tears, her thumbs wiping away my tears. "I have four million reasons to live this time. I missed you while I was in her realm. She sensed my loneliness and sent me away." Hearing those words only made me weep harder, her arms pulling me into one of her warmest hugs. Taking a deep whiff of her scent, my inner wolf shook off a bit of the fear residing in me. Waking up in Hell must have frightened her as well. Feeling her skin against mine caused goosebumps to pop up, her lips brushing against the nape of my neck. My cock stiffened, my inner wolf telling me to take her. Kissing every inch of her skin, I paused for a moment on her womb. None of this felt real, I kept repeating to myself. Tracing my fingers along her legs, her heels rested on my shoulder. Shoving me in, every thrust of my hips sent her nerves into a frenzy. My name bounced off the walls, her expression telling that her orgasm was seconds away. Lowering her legs to my waist, no protests escaped her lips the moment I clutched her close to my chest. Kissing her hungrily, our hips danced to the same rhythm. Tracing my fangs along her neck, a short gasp echoed in my ear the moment I marked her as mine for the millionth time. Moving faster, one scream bounced off the walls as my hot seed filled her up. Refusing to let her go, her head rested on my shoulder.

"I felt so lost without you." I admitted sheepishly, kissing the top of her head. "My heart died that day. You better not die on me ever again." Gazing up at me with wet eyes, my heart fluttered. Pressing her lips onto mine passionately, I didn't need words. Flynn began to wail, Evie flying off of me while tying on her robe. Scooping up our son, a tender blush rose to my cheek at the touching moment. Twinkling his stomach, his giggles twinkled like bells. Gazing upon her, her messy hair hung just right. Motherhood suited her, her hand reaching for mine. Tugging on my pants, my fingers curled around hers. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, my chin rested on the top of her head. Breathing a sigh of relief, my family was all I ever needed. Please Moon Goddess, permit us good fortune. Lord knows, she deserves it.

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