
Chapter Forty-One: The Wife of It All


Yawning groggily, Hudson was already out of bed. Swinging my feet over the edge of the bed, my trembling fingers threw one of his t-shirts over my head. Grappy brushed past me, the quiet rage in his eyes told me that he was still mad at me. Sprinting towards his office, he wasn't there. Gliding down the railing, he wasn't even home. His bike was gone, panic gripping my mind. Cursing to myself, he left without telling me. Rushing back upstairs, my fingers yanked off the t-shirt.

"Where are you going?" His husky voice inquired, a box of donuts in his palm. "I got your favorite hot chocolate and some donuts for everyone. There are another two dozen downstairs. Everyone is already devouring whatever is downstairs." Setting the hot chocolate on my nightstand, he placed the donuts on the bureau. Pinning me to the bed, his lips pressed against mine hungrily. Quiet rage seethed in my eyes, a goofy grin melting it away. Flipping him underneath me, he clutched me close to his chest. His scent felt so nice, my eyes falling on the calendar. Tonight was the full moon, his hands cupping my face. Scarlet burned my cheeks, the corner of his lips curled into a smile.

"Hard to believe it's a full moon already. Does my beautiful wife wish to run with me?" He offered lovingly, rubbing my bump. "It would be like old times." Chuckling lightly to myself, his question stole my heart away. Shrugging my shoulders, his lips brushed against my bump. Cupping his hands, the perfect words sat on the tip on my tongue. My one hope was to get him to snort like he used to when he laughed when we were younger.

"Well at least I didn't lose an egg salad sandwich this time." I joked tenderly, his snorting laughter throwing me off. "Of course. I love you , Hudson." His eyes brightened at my words, his hands digging around his pocket. A leather collar with a clip hung off of his fingers, his fingers wrapping around my dagger. Clicking it on, it all made sense. Examining it closer, the leather would slide in and out to grow with my transformation. The design was genius, the pride in his eyes making it all worth it. His heart was more golden than the sunset, the desire to kiss him rising in my chest.

"I noticed you didn't have a very secure way of keeping it on you when you transformed so I had a special collar made." He explained nervously, clicking it around my neck. "Trust me, this isn't a kink. I promise." Kissing him sweetly, his heart nearly beat out of his broad chest. Such rewards were necessary, my own heart seconds from beating out of my chest.

"It could be if you want." I teased playfully, Hudson rolling out from underneath me. Pressing his lips together, he placed his hands on his hips. Disappointment dimmed my eyes, his sexual shyness making a comeback. An annoyed look flashed in my eyes, my hands cupping my hot chocolate. Taking a sip, shame dimmed my eyes. Why did I just say that? That type of kink really wasn't his vibe, his aura telling the tale of wholesome desires.

"I am not into that." He admitted sheepishly, sucking in his breath. "I can't bring myself to yank you around or anything like that. Slapping is one thing but dominating you like that is unappealing to me. We can play with toys or whips every now and then but not that. You are just too precious to me." Rolling my eyes, his fingers played with the hem of his navy t-shirt. Was he wearing an actual color? What caused the change?

"It's fine. I was only joking. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I chirped cheerfully, not really wanting to push him where he didn't want to go. "You should sit down and have a couple of donuts with me, and then we can get some work done. How does that sound? Tomorrow the new secretary starts her job. We should take her out to lunch to welcome her." Plopping down next to me, he passed me a Boston Creme while munching away on a blueberry crumb cake donut. Shoving the last bite into his mouth, he tossed me a low cut violet sweatshirt dress. Pulling it over my head, he waited patiently for me to come with him. Leaping off the bed, his hand reached for mine. Intertwining my fingers curl around his hand, his free hand held my hot chocolate. Saying nothing as we walked to his office, my feet jumping a couple of feet the moment he slammed the door behind him. James dropped off a huge pile of paperwork, both of us groaning bitterly. His words went in one ear and out the other, Hudson taking it all in. Jame's mate called for him, his anxious look seeking approval to leave. James smoothed out his white dress shirt, his fingers scratching at his dress pants. Taking a deep breath, Hudson motioned for him to leave. Pulling me onto his lap, his head was already buried into his work. Pushing a button on his desk, heavy metal filled the silence. Grabbing my own pile, his free arm wrapped around my bump. This reminded me of the old days where he would lock himself in the office for hours.

"How long did you wait for me to sit on your lap?" I inquired curiously, pushing my glasses back onto my face. "I still can't believe you were faking it that day." Embarrassment burned his cheeks, a sly grin dancing across my lips. Flipping around, my arm curled around his neck. Brushing my lips against the nape of his neck, a gruff groan escaped his lips the moment I bit his neck. Peeling off his t-shirt, my palms rubbed against his muscles. Putting his pen down, the hungry look in his eyes told me that I had won him over. His shaking hands peeled off my dress, a knock interrupted us. Growling under my breath, we both yanked our clothes over our heads. Opening the door cautiously, Raven and Stephan rushed in. Slick sweat drenched his skin, Raven huffing behind him. Something smelled different about her, a new scent mixing with her own.

"My mother isn't well." Raven stuttered brokenly, her body collapsing to her knees. Leaping over the desk, my boots pounded down the hall. Raven and Stephan couldn't keep up, Hudson landing next me gracefully. Skidding into the street, the twilight dusk painted the sky a vibrant violet. Crashing towards their home, horror widened my eyes. Her mother lay dead on the floor, a silver blade through her heart. Ruby blood pooled around her, her pulse no longer echoing in my ears. Tears welled up in my eyes, panic ensuing in my mind. A hunter popped up behind me, my elbow slamming into his face. Claws extended from my fingernails, Raven's broken wail shattered the peace. Sniffing the air, several more hunters surrounded the home. Hudson sprinted in, cuts covered his bare skin. This battle was going to be hard, the evil energy choking me out.

"Raven!" I ordered sharply, examining all of my options. "Your mother is dead, and I take full fault for it! Right now I need you to hide in your closet with Stephan! It is going to get messy." Shaking her head, she refused to move. Taking a deep breath, she needed to listen to me. Whistling loudly, Saphy and Garnet popped up behind me. Saphy's rifle glinted in his hand while Garnet's flames burned the side of my face. Hudson spun his iron blade around, lightning bouncing off of his skin. Ripping off my dagger, ice formed underneath my feet. The dagger extended into my scythe, ice curling up my arm.

"Do I need to repeat myself!" I snapped hotly, Raven shoving Stephan into the nearby closet. "Garnet and Saphy, get the hunter's outside. This one is an especially tough opponent. Are you ready Hudson? Let's show them what you can do." The other two leapt out the window, chaos erupting outside. Raven climbed into the closet, tears soaking her face. Mouthing I love you to me, her words threw me off. A heel slammed into my chest, the mask fell off the hunter's face. A bright pink face glared down at me, inky black eyes glistened with malice. Ugly ruby dots colored the cheeks, white pursed lips haunted me. This was a demon of the highest rank, her power surpassing mine.

"I am Ravyanna and I'm ravenous for your soul. I am his wife so I must seek revenge." She announced pridefully, pulling out a fan. "I am going to let you in on a little secret. All of the hunters are demons now. Let's just say, they were dying to serve him." My heart sank into my stomach, her pink robes fluttering in the icy breeze of my blizzard. My scythe pulsed in my hand, Hudson charged at her. A blast of wind knocked him back, her fan aimed in my direction. Leaping to my feet, she complained the moment I jumped out the window. A cloud of loose dirt blew around me, a crater of ice covering the trees. Her bare feet cracked the ice, the moon beginning to rise. Every cell in my body told me to stop, bones beginning to crack involuntarily. Collapsing into a heap, a flurry of black feathers snowed with my snowflakes. My scythe shrank down, Grappy's gloved hands attaching it to my collar. A bittersweet smile dawned on his face, his blade blocking Ravyanna's air blades. Seeing him protect me once more relaxed my tensing muscles, the transformation going a bit rougher than usual.

"I am back from my vacation." He promised jovially, happy to be protecting me once more. "Change into the good wolf you are and hide. I will fight for you. I have back up anyway. So please let me protect you, Evie." Complying with his pleas, it was the least I could do. White fur poked out of my skin, the sound of my muscles snapping into my wolf form. Shaking my body, the ice melted away. Hudson smashed into me, his larger paw pinning me down. A silver dagger quivered in his shoulder, my fangs wrapped around the worn wooden hilt. His blood painted my fur, the wound sealing shut with a small crack of lightning. Grappy rolled to our feet, cuts and bruises covered his skin. Unable to move, his hand reached out for me. Knocking Hudson off of me, Ravyanna scoffed in disbelief as I stepped in front of him. Her hunger for revenge clouded her thoughts, her maniacal grin only infuriating my inner wolf.

"I refuse to let you hurt my friend." I barked venomously, snarls snapping from my snout. "I will k-" A midnight blue wolf burst from the chaos, the mismatched eyes telling me that it was Raven. The silver tip of her tail twitched irritably, a dark cloud swirled over her. A shadow loomed behind her, the creature waiting for her orders. Howling into the sky, the ground shook violently. Stephan hid behind a rock, a black iron chain shined in the light. Wicked laughter rumbled in Ravyanna's throat, her cruel words pissing me off.

"It seems a pup came to play with me." She mused cruelly, shifting her attention. "I will kill you first. Consider yourself a snack." Stepping forward to help her, Saphy and Garnet told me to hang back. They were right, this was her battle. That foul demon killed her mother, the punishment soon to be dealt. Her shadow creature swallowed all of the air attacks, Raven charging at her. Terror rounded my eyes, a blade heading straight for her neck. Sprinting towards her, my body smashed into hers. Sharp jolts of pain wracked my body, deep cuts painting my fur scarlet. Tortured whines escaped my lips, a shrill beep ringing in my ear the moment I crashed to the dirt. Choking on my blood, Raven leapt over me. Howls shattered the still night, shadow wolves circling the demon. Hudson dragged me back by Grappy, the two of us laying down. Shame dimmed Grappy's eyes, my paw held his hand.

"You did your best." I groaned tiredly, my blood pooling around us. "I missed you. I am sorry I blew up at you. Raven is going to finish him. She has the shadows of our ancestors behind her." Struggling to sit up, Grappy hovered his hands over my wounds. A bright light blinded me, the cuts sealing shut. Still unable to move, the boys stood in front of me. A shadow leapt across the moon, the wolves devouring the demon. Fear paralyzed me, chunks of the demon flew into the air. A blood soaked Raven kept clawing at her remains, Stephan crept out from behind his rock, Raven's eyes were an inky black. Circling us, malice darkened her expression. Slamming into her, she pinned him to the ground. My heart rate sped up, my chest aching.

"Raven, come back to me!" He pleaded, her claws tearing up his face. "I know you are in there somewhere. Wake up!" Her expression softened, her tongue licking at wounds. Glancing around guilt dimmed her eyes, his hand ruffling her fur.

"I love you, Raven." He proclaimed tenderly, wiping the blood off with his sleeve. "You are such a beautiful wolf. I am so happy to have met you." Motioning for us to leave, Hudson and I ran deeper into the woods. Grappy ordered Garnet and Saphy to go home, the two of them grumbling the whole way home. Chasing after Hudson, a white lightning mark lined his back. Turning around, the freedom on his face melted my heart. Leaping towards me, he spun me underneath him. His handsomeness stole my breath away, his snout kissed mine. Our eyes never left each other, a throat clearing snapped us from our trance. Grappy waved at us, a phone in his other hand. Bloodsworth's voice was on the other side of the phone, both eyes never leaving us. Choosing to ignore him, Hudson licked my face. The branches creaked, Bloodsworth popping up next to him. Smiling warmly at each other, Hudson ran further into the woods. Bounding after him, he sat at the edge of a cliff. Our tails wrapped together, his head resting on my shoulders. The fact he was twice my size comforted me, the serenity of his scent wafting up my nose relaxing my muscles. Laying down, he laid down across my shoulders. Smiling warmly to myself, this reminded me of our childhood. We would do this all the time, our families always yelling at us the next day for showing up in the morning. Exhaustion weighed on my eyelids, sweet slumber stealing me away.

Jerking awake, the morning sun bathed us. Scarlet burned my cheeks, Hudson embraced me lovingly. Not letting go, his hand rested on my bare bump. Resting his forehead on mine, my breath was stolen from me. Moments like this were so raw, the purity of it all just begging to be stolen away by reality.

"I love you, Evie." He groaned gruffly, rubbing my thigh. "There is nothing like post full moon sex. I am going to play with you now." Laying me on the back, his head was in between my legs. Claws extended from my fingernails, his tongue flicking my swollen clit. My claws dug into the ground, his fingers sliding in. Dancing his fingertips on my g-spot, his lips wrapped around my clit. Sucking to the same rhythm as his fingers, my toes curled.

"This feels so good." I moaned lustfully, wanting more of his gentle touch. My nerves craved more with every graze of his fingers on my soft skin. Sinking further into my desires, he flashed me a devilish grin. Crawling on top of me, his fangs brushed my skin. Pinning him to the ground, surprise rounded his eyes. Wrapping my sweet lips around his thick girth, he cried out my name the moment I took him all in. Picking up speed, his hand grabbed the top of my head. Moving it back and forth, gruff groans escaped his lips.

"I am going t-" He began, his hot seed sliding down my throat. Crawling on top of him, my palms rubbed his stiff cock. I guess someone was ready for round two, a crooked grin dancing across my lips. Positioning myself around his left leg, his hand cupped my ass. Grinding my hips to my own rhythm, my name shattered the peacefulness of the early morning with each cry from his lips. Pulling me back, he flipped me over. Cupping my bump, a howl exploded from my lips the moment he jammed himself in. His hands slid up to my breasts, every rough squeeze accompanied with a wild buck of his strong hips. Short gasps flooded from my lips, my nerves screaming for more. Resting on his haunches, he took me with him. His hands slid down to my hips, his strong arms lifting me up and down. His name poured from my lips, my claws scratching at my thighs. This all felt so great, my inner wolf pleading for it to never end. Flipping him over me, his eyes lit up with adventure. My hair tickled his face, his hand cupping my face. Cupping his hand, my head snuggled into his palm.

"I am so lucky to have you." He whispered sweetly, his loving gaze never leaving mine. I loved this wolf with all of my heart, and he knew it. Sinking onto him, my breasts bounced up and down with every sway of my hips. Rubbing my bump, his eyes lit up with pride. A couple of kicks fluttered underneath his palms, a tender blush rising to his cheeks. Sitting up, he clutched me close to my chest. Wrapping my legs around his waist, our hips moved to the same song. Goosebumps popped up on my skin, his fangs sinking into the nape of my neck. His hot seed filled me up, my body melting into his arms. Refusing to let me go, my inner wolf seemed pleased with herself. A branch cracked, the two of us scrambling to put some clothes on. Tugging on my lilac sweater and black leggings, Hudson was already dressed in one of his black t-shirts and ripped jeans. Grappy stepped out of the shadows with a disheveled Raven on his elbow. Her face was puffy with tears, her body smashing into mine. Embracing her with vigor, her tears soaked my shoulders. The soft wool of her ivory sweater tickled my cheek, her pink cotton skirt brushing against the small band of skin exposed around my waist. Rocking her back and forth, her tortured wails caused all of the birds to flutter into the sky. Grappy dusted off his navy dress shirt and gray pants, his head shaking. He sensed the stupidity of the murder, my hand rubbing her back.

"You can live with us." I promised with a worn smile, Hudson offering her a tissue. "You don't have to go through this alone. We both lost our parents at a young age as well. Poor Hudson here had to become the Alpha the very next day. We didn't have a chance to grieve too much but I will give you all the time you need." Her wet eyes gazed brokenly at me, the corner of her lips quivering. Jumping to my feet, my hand hovered in front of her. Accepting it cautiously, her arms curled around my waist. Ruffling the top of her head, Hudson wore the same worried expression. What the hell were we going to do?

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