
Chapter Twenty-Four: White Fur and Chocolate Brown Eyes


Her white fur danced in the breeze, her muzzle resting on my lap. Her chocolate eyes gazed warmly up at me, the new baby playing with her fur. The black lace dress made her adorable, Diamond nursing a cup of hot animal blood while Theros rubbed her back. Her wolf was beautiful, her tongue licking the baby's face. The two of them got along like peanut butter and jelly, a giggle twinkling in the still air.

"How about Ruby Evelyn for her name?" Diamond threw out excitedly, the baby now playing with her paw. "I think we should honor you for saving us all." If she could minimize what she just did, she would be doing it right now. A pained look burned in her eyes, Ruby gnawing on her paw. Diamond scooped up Ruby, a sigh of relief pouring from her snout. Her ears flattened, Grappy plopping down next to her. Bloodsworth sat on the other side of her. The two of them played with her fur, jealousy flashing in Theros' eyes. Leaping to her paws, she hopped onto his lap. All three of us growled under our breath, Theros beaming with pride. Petting her head, her white fur was covering his black Italian suit. Seriously, did he always have to win? A car horn honked outside, James poking his head in. Soleil bowed her head in shame, her hands crossing.

"I couldn't keep it open, so I had James drive me here." She stammered oddly, looking for Evie. "I failed you guys." Evie picked up her head, a soft thud echoing in the room as she walked up to her. Bowing her head, Soleil glanced nervously between Evie and me. Before she could ask, my lips parted to speak.

"That is Evie, and she can't really talk at the moment." I explained calmly, Evie rubbing her head in her palms. "She understands and says that you did a great job. Do you want to go home?" James patted the top of her head, her tail wagging. All of us piled into his car, Evie laying across their laps. Sitting in the front, James glanced over at me tiredly. Shooting me an understanding smile, all of the playing with her fur. The car ride was quiet, the radio the only thing breaking the silence. Pulling up to our gate, the door opened slowly. Opening the door, she hopped out as everyone watched her run towards the house. Waiting patiently, her beauty made my breath hitch. The children of the town wanted to see her, an impatient look dimming her eyes as they played with her ears. The mothers tried to pull them back, Evie scrunching up her nose. Raising her paw, the mothers stepped back. Letting the children entertain themselves, she waited until they wandered off. Opening the door, she sprinted in. Running up the stairs, her paw opened the office door. Sniffing around, her nose grazed the floor. Hopping on top of the desk, she reached for the top shelf. Knocking a book off, a black camera crashed to the floor. Crashing to the floor, she pawed at a square in the floor. Lifting it up, my fingers wrapped around the metal ring. Pulling it up, my jaw dropped. A hunter's pale face was illuminated in the light of the computer, my finger's wrapping around his neck. Pinning him against the wall, his slender body trembled underneath my grip around his neck.

"How the hell have you been coming in and out?" I demanded hotly, my wolf telling me to kill him right there. "I need you to show me now, and where your base is. Evie, you need to stay behind." Her head bowed in shame, growls erupted from her snout. Pointing her nose down the hole, jumping into it. Sighing to myself, she was being unbearable right now. Why would I ever expect her to listen to me? Following her, the hunter protested as we walked down a series of concrete tunnels. Panting, something in her eyes told me that a trap lay ahead and that they wanted to be found. Voices echoed down the tunnel, the hunter grinning defiantly. Tossing him into the stagnant water, a confused look dawned on his face.

"I am giving you all one chance to get away before we kill you." I warned coldly, Evie waited patiently. "Call off your trap, or you will all die." Cocking his brow, he lifted up his armor. A series of red bombs beeped on his vest, panic gripping my mind. The timer counted down to ten seconds, all of the other hunters coming out with bombs strapped to their chests. Splashing her paw in the water, green vines burst from the concrete. Wonder brightened my eyes, a solid wall of vines protecting us. Knocking me into the water, silver nails shot through the tiny holes. Strained whines tumbled from her lips, the nails sinking into her skin. Crunching noises echoed in the empty tunnel, the vines decaying to a pile of black ash. Collapsing onto the ground, her breathing grew labored, vomit flying up my throat. Blood and guts covered the rubble, a single gloved hand reaching out. Tossing her over my shoulder, my eyes looked at the steel holding up our home. Tears welled up in my eyes, her heart rate slowing down. Slamming her down on the bed, Grappy rushed in with a silver antidote in his palm. Her brown eyes rolled back, the two of us feverishly picking out nails. Running his hand through his hair, he jabbed the needle into her hind leg. My wolf howled with joy, her heartbeat pounding back to normal speed. Gentle snores told us that she was okay, my death glare sending him out. Hovering his hand over her womb, the sound of a steady heart rate helped me relax a little more.

"Do you want to scan the area for other hunters? Seal the door so no one can break back in here." I barked bitterly, biting my tongue. This was all so stupid, James rushing in with Latia. Both of them fussed over her, Grappy melting the steel to shut that operation down forever. Frustration rose inside of me, my fists clenching. My brow furrowed, Latia noticing my irritation. Smoothing out her black sweater dress, she tried to get James attention. A flurry of black leathers danced in front of me, Grappy was already out of the window.

"Maybe we should leave you two alone." She stammered nervously, James messing with his navy business suit, his brother running into the room. Desmond shoved me aside, a growl rumbling in my throat. Taking a deep breath, this was getting old with all of these people caring so much about her. She used to be mine, and just mine.

"When does she turn back?" He inquired tiredly, running his hand through his hair. "I just want her to be okay. Anybody else would have killed me right away. She means so much to me, and she gave my mother the funeral she deserved. Hell, she even gave total strangers the best funerals. Can she not do anything wrong?" Dirt covered his black band t-shirt, his hands rubbing on his jeans. His anxiety was through the roof, tears streaming down his cheek. What do I do in this situation? She would know what to do, myself always the second fiddle in the social issues. Could I hug him, but that would be weird.

"In a day or so." I mumbled nervously, his eyes not meeting mine. "Thank you for caring for her.. She has always felt so alone her whole life. It is nice to see that she has gained so many friends. Did you know the whole village would avoid her like the plague. When she was sitting alone the first day of school, I chose to be her friend. She refused to let me in at first, her stubborn streak preventing it for weeks. Day by day, I chipped at it until she chose to never leave my side. She is amazing that way. Once she picks you, you are her friend for your whole life." Smiling to himself, his blue eyes glittered happily.

"I see." He uttered simply, wiping his tears away. "She is amazing isn't she. I guess I should get going." The bed creaked as he stood up to leave, him flashing me a crooked grin. Shutting the door behind him, cuddling in her arms. Her fur brushed against my bare skin, my shaking fingers setting an alarm for an hour before she would turn back. Sleep evaded me, the images of earlier running through my head. This was torture waiting for her to wake up, the first rays of the next day blinding me. Hopping out of bed, I slid on a new outfit and ran downstairs. Latia was sipping a cup of hot ginger tea, looking a little green around the gills. Grayson must still be sleeping, her bags telling me that she hadn't slept well for a couple of days.

"What do you want!" She snapped tiredly, resting her head on the counter. "You have to make your own breakfast today." Cold sweat dripped off of my brow, cooking was not my strong suit. Everyone else was still asleep, but would certainly wake up if I set off the fire alarm. Grappy popped up next to me, his gloved hands already cutting up some bacon. Smiling warmly at me, his energy calmed the place down.

"How about I make it and you take the credit?" He chirped cheerfully, twisting his long hair into a man bun. "You deserve to impress her." Touched by his help, my hands crossed. Clearing my throat, the next question could barely make it out of my lips. Why couldn't I say it?

"Teach me how to cook breakfast." I stammered nervously, hating to ask for help from him. Latia spitting out her tea, cruel laughter erupting from her lips. Flipping her off, Grappy cocking his brow. Smiling over in my direction, he passed me a bowl of egg yolks and milk. A weird tool with wires and a black handle spun in his palm, his tongue sticking out. Why was Latia acting so weird over in her chair? Whatever, her opinion didn't matter.

"Whisk the eggs up and I will teach you how to fry them. We will work up to cracking eggs and cutting up things the next time." He commanded briskly, my fingers wrapping around the whisk. My weak attempt pissed him off, his hand cupping mine. Spinning my wrists, scarlet burned my cheek. Letting it go, I guess I went a little too hard. Half off the eggs splattered all over me, the two of them laughing their asses off. Shame dimmed my eyes, my wolf's pride aching. Cracking a couple of more eggs into it, pride swelled as I got the hang of it.

"What's next?" I inquired excitedly, feeling like a pup again. Cooking could be fun, the memories of my mother cooking depressing me for a hot minute. Tossing a couple of pieces of bacon into a hot pan, he pointed to the oiled pan next to it. Maybe Evie and I could start cooking together, the image of her yelling at me nixing the idea.

"Pour them in, and keep scraping the bottom so you don't burn the eggs." He informed me serenely, his kind smile showing me what she saw in him. His soul really was kind and gentle, just like hers. Pouring the eggs in, a sizzle came to life. Scraping the bottom so much as to not burn any of them, the liquid became fluffy eggs. Sprinkling some cheese in, he passed me a plate.

"Put them on the plate." He told me simply, his ears perking up as he set down a plate of bacon on the counter. "You just made eggs." A proud grin lit up my face, my breath hitching. Evie walked down the stairs, her black blouse hugging her ample chest Running her hands over her black pencil leather skirt, she flipped her long hair over her shoulder. Running up to me, she leapt into my arms. Kissing me feverishly, a rose blush rose to my cheeks. Why was she so bubbly? Her eyes fell to the platter of scrambled eggs, a sly grin dancing across her painted lips.

"Did the great Hudson cook for me?" She teased lightly, scooping up a bite of eggs. "These are delicious. Great job, Alpha." Just for a moment, a touch of sadness flashed in her eyes. Clutching her close to my chest, she smelled so nice. The floral scent sending my wolf into a frenzy, she grabbed her car keys. Turning her back, she looked back at me. Flashing me her real smile, she tossed me her keys. My heart fluttered, my ears almost not hearing her next words.

"Can you drive?" She inquired tiredly, rubbing her sore muscles. "I am still a bit weak from being a wolf for a couple of days, and I would love to see Ruby as a human. Theros is my friend after all, and I want to wish them an official congratulations. Grab some eggs and bacon, I will eat on the way." Grappy passed me a tupperware container of eggs and bacon, she hopped on my back. Pride swelled in my heart, she actually liked my eggs. The little children waved at her, their mothers running up to her.

"Thank you for letting them pet you the other day." A tired blonde woman gushed happily, crossing her hands politely. "You made their day, and you are a beautiful wolf. Say thank you children." Tears of joy streamed down her cheek, the children screaming out the words thank you. Hopping off of my back, she high-fived them all.

"Maybe if you behave, I will play with you another time." She sang jovially, getting down to their levels. "How about in a couple of weeks? You have to promise me that you will be good little pups. So do your homework, and be kind. I am watching." All of them giggled, patting all of their little heads. Spinning her around, my lips pressed against hers sensually. All of them gagged, their mothers chuckling to themselves. This feeling felt amazing, my heart skipping a beat. Placing her on my back, we walked to her car. Today was going to be a good day, I could just feel it.

"Did you have to become the new Santa Claus?" I joked lightly, her lips brushing against the nape of my neck. "Stop it, Evie. People are watching." Her laughter twinkled in my ear, my breath hitching.

"I am Mrs. Clause, then." She retorted happily, kissing my hand. She truthfully owned my heart, forever holding my key.

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