
Help I Accidentally Created the Wehrmacht

A/N: Larping intensifies.


[Server Restart 0:24]

Ruby started to panic, her eyes were mysteriously glowing and now she felt something in her mind calling out to her. Like a pang of hunger and a desire, which turns out to be the maiden's power trying to return to its other half.

She looked desperately at Hanns. "Hanns! What do I do!?"

Hanns was amazed and scared now that Ruby has access to magic, what would happen next? He opened his hud and realized he had no more than a few seconds left to talk.

"I don't have time to explain but I need you guys to listen close to me."

Team WYRBN closed in toward the Leopard I, they all stood silent as they awaited with ready ears.

"Yes, Hanns?"

Hanns pauses.

"I'll be gone for an undisclosed amount of time."

They all react as you would expect. Ruby went straight on top of the tank and started to hug the gun.

"Why?! Did we do something wrong?! Don"t leave us mobile death turtle!"

Weiss rolls her eyes and aggressively rips Ruby away from Hanns and asked calmly. "Ruby, he's not going to die. Where are you going to go?"

Hanns stopped to think, he couldn't just say some god was spiriting him away for a system update. So he had to think quickly about what he wanted to say.

"Somewhere… over yonder."

He turned his turret to the side as if gazing into the sunset, but forgetting that it was in the middle of the night so it just made things confusing.

Weiss quirks her eyebrow "What-"

"Don't die!" Ruby pleads.

"Ruby, I'm not going to-"

[System Restart 0:00]

Just then at that exact moment, the stars aligned because as soon as Hanns finished his response the system restarted happened and he went silent.

"Hanns?" Ruby asked.

Ruby left Weiss' arms and approached Hanns and knocked three times on the steel armor encasing Hanns.

Ruby turns to Weiss in worry. "Weiss! Look at what you did!"

Weiss was perplexed and kind of offended. "What? I didn't even do anything."

"You single handily killed Hanns with your snobbiness!"

"Why you!"

Weiss furiously raised her rapier as Ruby squealed and ran away while Weiss gave chase. Blake and Yang looked at each other and laughed before feeling a tap behind them.

Blake and Yang turned around and saw Neo with a dissatisfied look while pointing at the paralyzed White Fang that still needed to be moved.

"Yeah, we should finish moving them up to the top."

Yang nudged Blake from the side. "What about Ruby and Weiss?"

Blake looked back to see that somehow, Weiss had gotten a hold of Ruby and was starting to take away Crescent Rose.

"Let's just help Neo with moving up the White Fang."


Hanns woke up, not in a tank anymore but in his original body. He relished the feeling of back being a human before looking up from his arms and staring at a couch.

'Somehow this feels cozy knowing that it's been so long since I saw this couch.'

The moderator calls out from his ethereal presence and greets Hanns.

"Hello, friend."

"I guess this is a reunion," Hanns replies.

The moderator chuckles. "Ok let me get straight to the point."

The sudden appearance of a massive blackboard made Hanns jump slightly from his seat but couldn't help but be curious at the sudden object.

"I want to tweak your War thunder system since the game is too outdated for what you can do at this point. I originally thought you'd keep getting stronger but the amount of grinding you have to do is just too much."

The blackboard suddenly fills in with dozens of writing and large illustrations of the different games of Gaijin.

"I can take inspiration from the other games you have on. Since you've been focusing on custom modifying your tank I decided to make a physical garage for you to work on."

Hanns nodded, it was great for him since he didn't need to keep going around erecting a workshop every time he wanted to upgrade.

"There are some boring and unused content too which I understand doesn't make sense for you to do."

The blackboard erases the previous text of everything the moderator said and gets replaced by another set of words.

"Realistic battles will be reworked and missions will be more adaptive to what you want to do instead of forcing you to do stuff."

"I know you like your rewards from doing them but it's not just the same. So I'll be reworking those too."

Hanns only had to resist smiling like the joker. An update was something always to be looked forward to especially when the moderator was teasing adding on some of the mechanics from other Gaijin games.

"Wow, ok."

"I'll just send you the patch notes later when you wake up!"

After the moderator said everything, the blackboard disappeared and the white expanse was left for Hanns to look at.

A few awkward moments pass.

"So uhhh what do I do?"

The moderator pauses. "Want to chat?"

Hanns shrugged "Sure, why not. What do you do here?" He asks.

"Watch you?" The moderator says as if it was an obvious answer.

Hanns' face twisted in discomfort. Was the moderator watching almost every single moment of his life as Hanns? "That ain't creepy at all." Hanns sarcastically responds.

"Think of it like a guardian angel."

Hanns from his mind snarked. 'More like an abusive stalker.'

"Oi, I can hear what you think. Anyways, now that you have beaten Cinder. I recall you wanting to go to Atlas if I remember."

"Yes, I need the permanent dust supply."

The moderator humms in interest and excitement. "Interesting."

Hanns was relaxing on the couch as he waited. He felt the cushions being comfortable as he fully lay down on it. It was a long time since he could fully move his body and not be rigid.

"By the way, is time still moving back at Remnant?"

"Yes, ever since you got sent here."

Hanns got up from his lying position. "How long has it been?"


"What?! I thought it has been minutes!"

"Your perception changes when you're in here in the plane of Inbetween."

A loud ding emanated from the area. A screen was shown to Hanns confirming the newly done update.

"Ok, the update is ready. Let me send you the patch notes later. Goodbye, friend."

Hanns stood up and stretched one last time. "Right, goodbye moderator."

Hanns felt himself shiver as once again from before, black tendrils sprouted from behind the couch. Instead of trying to scream or run away, he simply sighed before getting yanked back to the mortal realm.

Hanns was back in his tank form and looked around the area. Loud chatter coming from the street got his attention. He noticed the lack of gas and was worried.

'Crap, I was out too long.'

He raced to where it came from, realizing that it was coming from the landing strip. He approached with caution and was befuddled to see the entire White Fang starting to wake but were being handled by team WYBRN menacingly standing around still in their masks.

Everyone freezes at the sight of Hanns. The towering steel machine heading to an elevated area. Ruby rushed to Hanns in relief.

"Hanns you're back! You scared us!"

"Sorry, I shut down for a while before I could tell you all what was going to happen. What happened here?"

Ruby started to have a serious look. "The gas dissipated and some of them started to have the ability back to move. Torchwick did a great job intimidating them along with the others just standing around."

Hanns growled his engine as hard as he could. Taking all the attention to himself as the entire White Fang look at the intimidating cannon staring down at them.

It looked like they expected Hanns to say something. Like he was going to make a great speech about how they were beaten. But in reality, Hanns didn't know what else to do from his impulsive decision.

'Shit, now what do I do? I haven't talked to a crowd since 10th grade. C'mon Hanns think! Maybe a movie quote would help.'

"Do you fear… death?"

'Crap, too intimidating! I might as well finish it.'

"Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare, all your sins punished?"

Hanns pauses, letting the quote settle in along the minds of the Faunus who were quite literally scared at the thought of a tank shooting them straight on.

One brave soul speaks up and tries to put on a strong look but fails when his voice shakes. "We… we aren't sc-sc-scared of y-you!"

"Do you ever think of what following your path today may have resulted in? The lives of both Humans and Faunus are in ruins. Vale itself destroyed."

"You'll never understand our plight!"

"Oh but I do. You see when I first came to this world I was beset by Atlas and their armies. They forced my hand because I was non-human."

A bunny Faunus says out with a shocked tone. "No way, you were the one that beat the Atleseans so easily?"

"Do you doubt it?"

Murmurs erupted from the members, all reacting to the revelation that the tank in front was an enemy of Atlas.

"Yes… Atlas is one of the kingdoms you despise right? Want to know how I managed to overcome them? It was with the power of German engineering!"

Another Faunus raises his voice. "Why are you telling us this?"

'Oh damn, what should I say?! I didn't expect to get this far.'

"…Because… it's what you lack. I got better, stronger, and more powerful but not because I wanted to fight them. I wanted them to see me and how better I am than them in every aspect."

'Right, where am I going with this? Let's just deflect this to Blake. Sorry about this.'

"You remember her?" Hanns pointed his gun toward Blake near the side. She points to herself questioningly and comes up to the stage and reveals herself.

One of the members screams out. "Traitor!"

Hanns interuppts him. "No, no, no. More like she is the real White Fang. Wasn't she part of the plan to stop Cinder? What was her plan again? Right, to bomb the walls to Vale and its citizens."

"Tell me, Would that really help your cause? Leave both Humans and Faunus to the mercy of mankind's worst enemy, the grimm?"

"You are leaderless and broken."

"But you still have a chance to change all that and follow Blake's path. Not through protests or terrorism but something else. Progress."

Large amounts of questions erupted from the crowd before Torchwick shot a flare into the sky to silence them. Hanns was shocked to see even Torchwick listening in.

'Damn, I'm winging this so hard right now.'

"What did Cinder and Adam give you? Nothing but failure. And for all that time, you kept up with your spirit only to lose because of the wrong leadership."

"In contrast to Blake, she broke off and turned to her allies and me."

Hanns pointed gestures to the team present around the perimeter.

"How did it go then? We succeeded in saving Vale, we succeeded against you, the White Fang, and we won against the grimm itself."

A few in the crowd were now truly engrossed in what Hanns had to say. "So what you're saying is that we should follow what she did and start returning to the old fang?"

Hanns aggressively revved his engine. "No, we make a new fang, one that shows equality through your civilization's prosperity. For you see, Blake is the daughter of the chieftain of Menagerie."

Loud gossip flooded the ambient noise of the city of Mountain Glenn. Blake snapped her neck to Hanns and approached him with her head down. "Where are you going with this Hanns?"

Hanns at this point was bullshitting his way through so he decided to let Blake take the stand this time. "Tell them, Blake, what you realized when I first met you."

'I'm pulling nonsense out at this point."

Blake thinks deeply about what Hanns said. 'What did he say back then? That I should be with friends? No way, is he trying to make me convince the White Fang to join us? That's... He's trying to reform the fang!'

She turns to Hanns with a glimmer in her eyes.

'Ok, why is she smiling and flickering her ears like that?'

Blake takes up the front and screamed at the top of her lungs, calling for the Faunusesl full engagement.

"Brothers and sisters of the White Fang! Can you not see? We need to work together for each other and not focus on dragging down others but lifting ourselves up to their level!"

She aggressively sways her hands to gesture to Hanns who was suddenly surprised at Blake being so passionate about all this.

"Our leader Hanns wants us to join him in making Faunuses prosperous. Isn't that right!?"

"Yes- wait no I wanted to make you return to normalcy-"

His response was blocked out by the loud agreements of the crowd, along with Blake continuing to cheer them on. The White Fang started to change their mood.

"I see! It makes sense! We just have to progress more. Instead of fear, we create envy from humans!"

"Yeah, you're right! We tried to fight but we lost everything but she, Blake Belladonna, she has gained everything right?"

"You're right!"

"So Blake is forming a new white fang?"

"But she's a traitor..."

"No, she's the most legitimate heir to a new white fang."

"So this.. means we're a new White Fang?"

Everyone in team WYBRN suddenly feels something reaching into their minds, like a prophecy being told. Blake steps up with an idea that arrived inside her mind.

"We don't need to align ourselves with the white fang! We will become a new army. One that shows the world how much we can do with what we have, while we fight against the world in a united struggle!"

"So tell me, do you want to renew your cause or will you keep yourselves down while we bring in a new and better age?!"

The crowd went silent before slowly one by one, each of the members stand firmly as they announce their decisions.

"I will serve!"

"I do too!"

"Me three!"

"Me... Actually I don't know how to count so... Me tenth!"

Hanns started to see a pattern and silently worried about what was going on.

'Oh no, why are they doing this.'

Blake screams out as a final passionate proclamation. "Today at this moment, we will create a new army to follow Hanns and his vision to save our people! We will form, the Wehrmacht!"

'...You know what. I can live with this.'

[System Updated!]

[Patch Notes Available]

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