
Chapter 39: Roxy

“Do you mind? I have to get cleaned up, and I heard someone say something about breakfast.” He’d heard it too since the staff member had announced it just a few seconds ago. He eased back and away from me, barely giving me enough room to pass. “I’ll wait here for you.”

“You don’t have to; I’m sure I’ll find it. Didn’t she say we were eating outside?”

When he didn’t answer, I looked back at him, ready to get annoyed. “What? You don’t trust me to be on my own in this big old fancy house?” There was a look that crossed his face very fleetingly, but not fast enough for me to miss it. He looked almost…pained. What the hell is wrong with him?

“It’s not that. I don’t want you facing all of them alone…look, it doesn’t matter, just go get dressed and I’ll be right here to walk up with you.” I wanted to say something snippy back to him like I didn’t need him, but that look gave me pause. He seemed genuinely worried about me facing a roomful of strangers on my own.

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