
Red Blade

As Leon completely lowered the earth wall, they were greeted with a fantastical scene. There was no longer darkness and shadows that were covering the whole clearing as now Leon's randomly thrown flames were caught on patches of grass, a couple of twigs, and fallen leaves making them light on fire and illuminate the surroundings a bit.

It still wasn't very visible, but it was visible enough for the two of them to fight. The Frost Cobras had halted their assault on Leon and Erin once they noticed random flame projectiles headed their way.

Since they have very bad eyesight and only come out at night time, they can't identify many things using their vision, but one thing that sticks out like a sore thumb in their vision is anything that is lit on fire or emits heat and as a natural defense mechanism, the Frost Cobras instantly seek shelter and try to get far away from the object.

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