
She is dead

Beggars have nothing to lose. Unlike the villagers who had families and possessions that they cared about, a beggar would be willing to speak the truth for a single meal. Thus whether or not Lin Jinxiao was speaking the truth, it could be easily found out. 

Zhai Tinayu rubbed the space between his brows, this man was really daring. Not only did he dare to smuggle the money that was sent for the village's development but he also usurped the crops that the villagers grew and then started selling them to the other country. 

If he was not wrong, a few weeks before he did receive a letter of plea from Su Tai, he told him that the crop growth this year was not good in his village and he asked him to commission a budget that would help him and the villagers. 

Sure enough, that man was lying through his teeth. 

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