
What if he becomes a eunuch?

Liu Dong Ming did not say anything, instead, he turned on his heels and left the tent leaving Dowager Empress alone who snorted at his stubbornness before scoffing, " What an idiot." 

On the other hand, there was another man who felt like he was the biggest idiot in the world, he turned to look at Xiao Lin who had her head lowered and did not dare to utter a peep, he continued to look at her before asking in a haunted sort of voice, " So…. You tried to kill the Empress?" 

Xiao Lin dipped her head even lower just as Zhai Tianyu made a violent move to slap her in the face but just as the girl flinched Zhai Tianyu dropped his hand, he did not want to hit a woman and it was not as if he would be able to slap her either, even if he could see these ghosts, there was nothing else that he could do to them other than just watching. 

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