
Lets head to the crime investigation department

Zhai Heng did not say anything and stayed silent on the other hand Liu Hui Ying looked at him with a small smile and finally ended her long speech, " And you do not have to blame yourself for what happens to others, as long as you know in your heart that you tried your best. If you save them then it's okay but if you can't then it is okay too, feeling guilty for a few days is fine but make sure that you do not spend your life away in guilt just because you were not paying attention or were not fast enough, all right?"

She turned around to leave after she was done speaking and Zhai Heng who was left behind was completely silent, no one has spoken such words to him, not even his grandmother whom he respected and loved so much. Even she sometimes would ask him to work hard saying that he shouldn't let a repetition of that day happen ever again and pushing him to work harder than ever. 

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