
The Die Hard

Before the explosion had caused chaos around the area, Yuuka had climbed up on the tower. They had collected all the bullets that they could. Yuuka had 21 shots in the rifle.

"This isn't enough."

Twenty-one bullets were nowhere near required to wipe out the hundreds of soldiers standing in port. Still, he needed to make the best use of them to have any hope of supporting his fellow soldiers.

While Busy with his activities, Yuuka had entirely ignored the state of the battle between the Asphodel and the Lynx's soldiers. Assuming it to be a standstill, he made all the preparation he needed.

"Now, I need to just use this."

Yuuka held a prism in his hand, always in a pocket beside his pistol. The prism was also very special and had a specific purpose. He climbed the watchtower up its peak.

"This place is excellent. I can see the whole port from here."

Seemingly Luck was in Yuuka's favour; had he been on the other side of the port, the visibility he would've had was far worse. He pulled out his binoculars and looked at the far corner of the port.

"What is going on?!"

As he went for a look, the Lynx soldiers were pushing their cannons to the outer edges of the port. Yuuka was stunned by such aggression in attacks, but he did realise that his enemy was Milize. She was the most aggressive attacker he ever knew.

"I need to warn them."

Yuuka brought out his prism and moved it outside. The prism's speciality can focus a minimum amount of light into a single ray of sunshine.

The ray was easily visible even at considerable distances.

It was taught to higher-ranked soldiers by Yuuka about how they should receive and understand his order through the light. He hoped Maya would see them, learn about his position, and get the warning.

But there was no response, as Yuuka tired tiny twinkles of light at the ships, there was no response, neither did start a counter offence. Yuuka himself could not keep shining up the prism; it would give away his position if enemy soldiers were to see him.

"Come on, see it."

But that moment never came. The never-ending troubles of Asphodel troops continued. As the lighting dropped on Asphodel's fortress, Yuuka's heart cried in pain.

But this time, he wasn't going to get too emotional. He needed to be objective and take care of his surrounding, it then he saw an opportunity.

"The barrels are flowing away."

To the pressure of wind and water at the water's sides, barrels had begun to flow to the port's outer edges, near the cannon's location, which was targeting his ships.

"I need to give them a signal and take advantage of this."

Yuuka carefully observed the position of the barrels rolling around while waiting for the Asphodel ships to get a proper hold of themselves. Yuuka began signalling his boats with the prism as the barrels reached the perfect position.

And this time, after signalling for a while, he finally got a message.

"The sails are open. It got to them; now I only need make a little time for-!!"

- Yuuka immediately ducked as Milize stood on the port, directly looking towards his watchtower. He was too careless and forgot that she was here.

"If I had signalled them for a minute more, she would've caught me, but now it doesn't matter. It is do or die now."

Yuuka put his right eye on the gun's scope to maximise the distance, and he took a rough estimate of the deflection of the bullet due to the wind resistance.

As he heard the wind turn down and the noise of the burning ships crack down covered him, Yuuka took his first of the 21 shots.


The bullet left his gun, and within a second, the shot went through one of the barrels, took one of them, and led to a chain of multiple explosions that Lit up the whole port.


"Huh...? she saw me?

Yuuka was surprised when he heard someone calling him out; he knew it could be only one person.

"I need to kill Milize first; she is big trouble." Yuuka quickly got the second bullet and went into position.

He saw two people arguing in the distance; one of them was likely Milize.

"Visibility is low, and I need to kill Milize. I can't waste a bullet on someone else; as the area was lit up again, Yuuka got a look at the faces of the two.

"It's the twins. It's OK if this hits any of the two of them."

Yuuka aimed at one of them and nearly pulled the trigger, but the wind began to blow once again,


Yuuka gritted his teeth as he saw the bullet missing the two of them, he needed to reload and fire the next shot quickly, but the gun wasn't in the best condition.

"Come on."

Yuuka filled the shell and aimed to get to the position, but he did not even look at Milize's earlier position; he knew she would have escaped. The wind was calm once again,

"there it is."

Yuuka fired a shot right through a soldier, pricing his head; it went through the other soldier standing in line with him.

"These bullets are pretty good."


One more to go.

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