
Burn Baby Burn!

The squad began jumping one by one into the pool of water below, diving into the vast pool nearly 40 meters below them.

While Arthur looked as each one jumped off the hole in the wall, Asuka was the last to jump, so Arthur decided to have the previous conversation.

"Are you afraid of water my dear cat?"

Arthur mocked Asuka for not being able to jump in the water.

"Shut you, idiot. I am not wearing any sleeves and proper things to prevent me from getting cold and if it rains then I am done for."

"Come on, We have better immune systems than that, we are immune to most poisons too, A cold is not something we can just get by jumping around in the water."

"Hope so... Anyway, How are you getting on the top, we have alerted the walls guys by that punch?"

"That's my problem to deal with but you know me very well, I will complete my job any way possible."

"That's the reason I think you are a scary bastard."

"Goodbye, Love."


Saying this, Asuka jumped right through the hole in the wall. She made her way down in the air, making herself in a streamlined position to jump into the part where the water was already in waves.

"My houses could be at fire too??!"

"We need to run back!!!"

"My baby is alone in the house!!!"

Asuka had successfully created chaos all around people instantly became worried about themselves and no one even questioned Asuka about her identity.

"Look at that!! Black smoke is rising, Run back and inform everybody, Save your houses!!"

The entire crowd was in a panic

"I knew it was cold, my arms."

Asuka dipped into the water, and the first thought that came to her mind was about the cold, but she did not surface at that moment. Instead, she swam under the cold water and reached the corner of the large pool.

She remembered that part being surrounded by no people nearby, so it was the safest place to land.


She came up the water taking a deep breath,

"Keep quiet."

Jinx asked Asuka to quit so as not to provoke any attention.


Asuka sneezed at that very moment,

"Come on, Asuka. You are better than that. Catching a cold so early."

"It's not my fault, I am bad with colds, just give me something to clean up."

Jinx passed a towel to Asuka, and she wiped herself off; the team wore regular clothes with no sleeves and uncut loose pants to camouflage with the crowd.

"The fact that we are about to commit Arson in the former capital gives me shivers."

"Near, stay away from Arthur. He is becoming too much of a bad influence. Remember we stick to our codes here and we will win this city and complete this mission."

"It doesn't matter, get the oil and flint ignitor in your hands. Run, walk, jump, do anything just serve your purpose and..."


"... Don't die. Now, move your ass."

Hearing Jinx's response, the squad separated, going their way into the crowd.

The assassins were in their zone, walking with complete freedom undetected in the crowd with only their order in their minds.

Near, was not the type to silently walk in public,

"It's one for the show!!"

He instantly claimed a building, dropped cotton filled, and used his lighter to burn the cotton, and it quickly spread to the house, most made out of wood.

"Let's go."

He quickly ran from building to building, igniting fires in the abandoned section of the city. Bringing hell with his running excitement.

While Jinx had other plans,

"so, this is the principal hospital of the city. Might be a shame if somebody were to light it on fire."

Jinx moved to the back alley of the hospital, where he dropped the old bottle and lit the back of the hospital on fire. At the same time, the people gathered at the defence of the back gate, distracted from the actual situation.

Rage, Albert, Kite and Asuka also began burning the houses of the cut one by one. The flame lit on the places, and chaos was coming very soon. Asuka and Kite came together to have some fun.

"Say, should I go or will you?"

"I am going this pleasure is mine, You go start your work at some other place."

"Okay, don't make it too obvious."

Asuka moved and saw the smoke of the house burning was now visible to people, so she wanted to tell them the truth and began the struggle.

She ran towards the group standing near the gate looking rugged, and in a weak voice, she said,

"The houses are on fire!!! Help me!!!!"

'What the houses are on fire?!!! Who did that?!!!"

"I don't know, I saw the smoke and got suspicious, I went back and saw the houses were on fire. The fire is spreading to other houses too, Please help me!! I'll lose my everything."

Asuka successfully provoked the people's minds; they were worried about themselves and even forgot about the identity of the person in front of them.

"The smoke is rising in the centre of the wing tell everybody to run and protect their home."

The people ran, pushing Asuka to the side, trying to protect their houses from the fire, while Asuka had her face down with a sinister smile.

Jinx was walking with the running crowd watching people around him run around, bringing water buckets. The fire's heat was now everywhere, and so was the smell of burning wood.

The other assassins were still running around, igniting fire with their hands, burning more buildings, and filling their twisted minds, which brought them happiness.

"Help the hospital is on fire, we need more support. Many people have died, we need more doctors and more men helping them."

"Can't you see, we are barely doing anything to protect our own houses? Only God can save us with some rain now!"

Jinx saw the conversation and smiled with the pleasure it brought to his heart.

"Despair, show me more of it. Despair for me."

The city was covered in bright firelight, and animals such as cats and dogs ran in fear. The town was about to fall very soon, and Arthur sitting on the top of the walls enjoying watching everything unfold.

"Burn Baby burn! This is truly fun!"


This chapter could have been much more crazy but since my family plans to read this shit. I am holding back a bit.

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