
Imprisonment [3]

Whether it is possible to recognize the mood of a person by his steps? Yes, it is. Without a doubt, Corsar was angry. They had seen it before in the throne room. How Corsars mood changed within seconds. Maybe all demons are impulsive like that? Until now, Nemu had thought they would be safe if this Clayman didn't show up but unfortunately, that wasn't the case. The three harpies had again pressed close together in a corner. In which they were already when Nemu and Trewy arrived. They also felt it.

Panting and cursing, Corsar now came into the cell corridor and stopped. "So, he actually left! He will regret this!" He screamed. And another question got answered. Was it in order to leave them alone from now on or was it the demon guards decision? Well, it definitely wasn't an order.

With bloodthirsty eyes he came to a stop before Trewys and Nemus' cell. They both had the same thought, don't provoke him if they want to get out of here unharmed. Whatever happens.

"So..." He started talking by showing his evil looking fangs in something that looked barely like a grin. "You told me Milim is your friend, little slime?" It wasn't a question so Nemu didn't answer.

"What if I don't believe you?" Corsar then asked.

"I wasn't lying." Nemu said slowly. He tried to keep a calm voice. "We are friends."

"A mere slime tells me he is a friend of Milim the Destroyer." Corsar laughed without any joy. "One of my incompetent subordinates told me he had left you alone. After I killed him, I thought about it. I'll ask again. Why should I believe a slime?"

Nemu did not answer. He was confused. What did the demon want from him? He had told him the truth. To repeat it now would not help. Is he going crazy?

"So you don't want to answer anymore?" Corsar hissed through his lips. He grabbed the iron bars with his big demonic hands hardly. Surely letting marks in the metal.

"I don't know what you want to hear from me." Said Nemu honestly.

"What do I want to hear from you? I want you to stop lying to me. Friend of Milim, ridiculous." Corsar let out a sigh. "Well, I guess that doesnt anymore. Milim isn't here, right? And I don't think she would ever care for a little slime." Nemu wasn't so sure either. Milim was an impulsive person and she would probably get angry. But help him? He didn't know her well enough to know that. After all, she was a demon lord who was thousands of years old. And he was someone who she met for a few days. Nemu was sure that Veldora would help him. But he wasn't here, and if Milims name didn't work, Veldoras wouldn't either.

Yep, they probably won't get out of here without a fight. Nemu was sure of it now. Trewy seems to have understood too, as she was already tensing up. But could they really make a difference? They should get help soon, but by then it was probably too late. Besides, they had to protect the harpies. So far, they hadn't gotten any attention, but that could change quickly. And it did.

Corsar now looked at the harpies hiding in a corner of their cell. "Do you think this little slime is from Milim, one of the strongest and oldest demon lords?" He asked without expecting an answer.

They did not react. Until one of the harpies shrugged his shoulders, unsure what the demon wanted them to say.

"You... Do you actually know why you are here? Do you think you will come back home? Clayman only took you hostage so that if your weird Queen of Heaven betrays him, he can blackmail her with you. You'll never go home again. As soon as he doesn't need you anymore, your bodies will be used to summon more demons to burn down this damn forest. I'm tired of it. We've been hiding for months and nothing happens." Is this when the super villain reveals his plans? Corsar has lost all common sense. And Nemu guessed why. He was frustrated, bored, and on edge. Demons were a battle-addicted race. Hiding was not in their nature. He must feel as locked up as they did. Well, maybe not exactly like that. But it probably felt that way to him. And now, after so many months, a slime that was supposed to be a friend of Milim's and also a Dryad suddenly appeared and potentially interrupted his plans.

"And you..." He now looked towards Trewy with burning eyes. " Do you think we are afraid of the dryads? As soon as we have enough demons here, we'll destroy you and your forest."

Trewy clenched her fist and Corsar noticed.

"Hahaha." He let out a roaring laughter. "Are you getting mad now? Do you want to fight me? Me?" He emphasized Me. Obviously, he was convinced of himself.

Nemu and Trewy knew better. Even thousands of demons with Corsars strength could not destroy the forest. Not even Tempest. Now that Veldora was back, the number no longer mattered. Even Corsar, was nothing more than a puppet. He was probably controlled and manipulated by that Clayman. With lies he was kept here so that Clayman could exploit him. Maybe Corsar knew? And now he felt like he could let out some steam on the prisoners. To take his revenge on Clayman. But still... The statement about the forest made Trewy angry. She was young, but she was a Dryad. And there is nothing more important for a Dryad than to protect the forest. And even if he was just a puppet. At that moment he was very dangerous for them. So besides having the urge to spit him in the face, Trewy hold back and just ignored it as good as she could.

"Hmm... You're boring, little Dryad." Corsar shrugged after letting out a bored sigh. He would have probably liked it if Trewy attacked him. "So, tell me. What should I do to you?"

'Guide?' Nemu asked his trustworthy companion. Maybe he can save him the third time today.

[… Mention Clayman.] This time, Guide paused before answering. The last time he didn't even wait for a second. So, if Guide wasn't sure, it might just not work.

'What if it doesn't work?'

[Run.] Guide didn't pause this time.

Run? Not fight? Another worry of Nemu got confirmed. They can't win against him, even if the other demons arent around. Where are they even? Did he already know the outcome from the beginning so he told them to leave him alone?

Another painful lesson for Nemu. After the past few weeks, he was sure that it was possible to talk everything out. When he arrived in Tempest there were so many races who lived happily together. Even the races he was very afraid of before. Like the wolves. Even them were now peacefully living in Tempest. After that, they met Kumo and her web. Spiders were supposed to be mindless monsters, that should be avoided if possible. But unexpectedly, they were talking to each other for a long time and she was nice. Not only her, her entire web. As an Arachne she was the leader of her web, but all of the spiders were intelligent and Nemu was sure that they wouldn't have attacked them even if Kumo wasn't there.

Nemu saw that Trewy looked at him and nodded almost invisibly. Corsar did not even realize it. She had the same thoughts.

However, one last try. "I think we should wait for Clayman." Maybe, just maybe, he will come back to his senses.

And there was this awareness in his eyes when he heard the name. He was struggling, overthinking his actions and might even think of the consequences. Trewy and Nemu looked at him. His facial expressions were twitching.

In the monster world many races had a specific trait. The strongest rules. But even for this trait, there were more extreme cases. And demons are on their heels. They not only rule over the weaker ones, they decide about life and death. A stronger demon kills a weaker demon for no reason? No problem. That is the hierarchy in the demon world. And for them, it is common sense, a natural order that has not been questioned in 10000 years. For demons, however, it leads to a problem. Lack of loyalty.

Demons are a proud race. And like any proud creature, they hate to be pushed around. In Tempest, everyone stands by Rimuru because they are loyal and almost worship him. In most human lands there is a king who is passed down through the bloodline. But, if the king is cruel, people would openly rebel. Demons would never do that. They stick to the order. But even then, only when the king is there. When he is not there. The feigned loyalty dies. Aggression builds up and hatred is stirred up. This hatred burned deep within Corsar. He hated Clayman. Deep inside he always knew that he was just being played with.

And now, this slime is using him. Corsar knew what would have been the right thing to do. Just leave and wait for Clayman. But he didn't want that anymore.

Corsar sighed. With murderous and raging eyes he looked towards Nemu. Salvia was running from the edges of his mouth. "No, little slime." He said with a shaking voice in anticipation to kill them all. Not only Nemu and Trewy, the harpies would also die. They couldn't let that happen. "Maybe you are really friends with Milim and she will blame Clayman for all of this." He laughed again while spitting his salvia over the floor.

"Let's do this." Trewy signed. She was also nervous. They were never in a life and death battle.

"We can't win, we have to run." Nemu said. He knew that dryads were strong. An adult dryad wouldn't have any problems with a demon like Corsar. However, young Dryads weren't that strong, also Trewy was never in a fight before. She trained a little with her sisters, but that was more like playing.

"I know." She agreed. Her heart was bumping. "And we have to protect the harpies."

"Oh, you want to fight back? Now thats funny." Corsar laughed maniacally.

In that second. There was something like a seed that rose in the cell lock. Wood grew and leaves formed. Bam! A metallic sound was heard as the lock of the cell exploded. A resounding noise broke through the dungeon.

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